Planetside 2 general - /ps2g/

RIP Planetside 1 edition
Press F to pay respects

>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some user made

Previously on a miraculous not ded early thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

courtesy sage
>inb4 etc


Anyone ever use conc nades?

Was TR also underpowered in PS1?


all the time
best HA grenade
probably best overall grenade after EMP get nerfed

Theres an indicator if you hit someone right?

idk i still think AV nades are entirely underrated
noting better than getting behind some shitter viper lighting and unloading bandolier AV nades up his ass, then finishing off with a deci

I stopped using them when they were nerfed. Which was way back.

>i-i swear it's good, you just have to s-spam four of them

I still use them as they give me a MAX kill every blue moon

Has Daybreak ever unbanned someones account?

yeah i got banned for being too good in january and unbanned a week later, traseros posts here and gets banned/unbanned all the time

>i got banned for being too good

Yeah sure. I'm pretty fucking good and I never got banned.

yes, just cry on reddit

then you clearly are a fucking shitter

It's the last day of Planetside 1, folks.
Anyone got any stories they wanna tell?

I was playing unreal tournament and jedi outcast at the time.


he better be bringing his hand up or down because its not in the proper position for rendering a salute fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEE SHITBAG SPECIALISTS GO PICK UP CIGARETTE BUTTS FOR THE NEXT 6 HOURS

post ur memelabs so we can make fun of each other

no we had buzzcut

>there isn't a single good online game out there right now

save me

legion comes out soon!

I occasionally hop on the secret world fo dat atmosphere

>not playing overwatch

>playing memewatch


Yanks salute like utter faggots anyway, he fucked up at fucking up.

so are you poorfags or just shitters?

>unironically playing a 6v6 arcade game and posting here


nigger please, I've blown several hundo on ps2 and its free2win

>playing a slow game
>giving blizzard money

wow you weren't lying!

any yuropoors want to team up to shit on memerald's harasser drivers

>no tank mines

why even make a mario kart battle royale if you're not going to allow banana peels


The fuck did you expect.

I dunno. Hopefully their gay event gets trashed by liberators and galaxies.

Yes, for several reasons that were later fixed.

The dual cycler MAX did less damage per shot than the infantrys dual cycler. This coupled with the pitiful AI damage compared to the quasar and especially scat max made the pounder the favored MAX indoors. Initially the pounder was intended for AI and raped, they switched the two but screwed up the DCs AI damage.

The Prowler for the longest time required three people just to match the DPS of the Vanguard. Later they set the cannon to be slightly behind the Vanguards cannon but out DPS when the chaingun was manned.

The NC and notably the VS had an easier time running over people with BFRs. The wide leg gap allowed people to easily avoid being run over by TR BFRs.

I would assume the plan is to enter the shitter derby and immediately head for the nearest tower to spawn a valk and shit ten pizzas into the homozone?

Did VS end up being shit?
I seem to recall people complaining about how they were the NS faction.



VS has had jumping MAX units since launch. This removed one of the largest threats to tanks and infantry, aircraft. Imagine a lock on turret that is tiny, hits hard, and can get on top of trees and their branches.

The Magrider was the only vehicle capable of crossing water for the longest time. Not until BFRs were released did cannon shells and rockets explode on contact with water. Imagine missing by a hair and doing no damage against a vehicle that can move in any direction with ease. It was also very effective against aircraft.

The Lasher wasn't the up close heavy weight of the JH nor did it offer the medium range kill zone of the MCG but in large groups it stopped assaults cold. Coordinated and skilled users could still make a name for themselves such as the Delta Triad.

You find a perfect firing position.

Translation: "we don't have a single programmer in our team anymore"

why are you even using vanguard HE

>Imagine missing by a hair and doing no damage against a vehicle that can move in any direction with ease

Because it's fun.

but outside of directive hunting, you're probably better off with a lightning.

Essentially, the VS were the top tier defensive empire. Air was required to take out turrets and defensive AMSes, the StarFire easily put an end to any aircraft. Magriders were capable of sniping from the bottom of hills and the tops of them making it difficult to win ground battles unless you had a decent amount of cover. If those failed then the Lasher was quite reliable at holding chokepoints like the backdoor. They struggled to defend Tech Plants as there wasn't much room before finding the CC.

Offensively they struggled. Their AI max was lack luster and at best could dodge a deci by jumping. Many soldiers would run in with the pulsar equipped as the Lasher was a death sentence in the open.

Imagine caring

twitch tv/therobanddanshow
lul this guy's face

How should I prep my T32?

the 150HE can instagib entire clumps of packed infantry. and two shots anything without flak armor on a near miss. I'll give you that its complete garbage against anything besides infantry, but if you're sieging a base full of mudfoots, 150 HE with a Mjollnir top gunner is pretty damned good.

1x, flash suppressor, grip, SPA
ha ha prep the bull ur so funny user

back to cripplechan with ya

Lightning HE can do the same but reloads faster.

but it doesn't have vanguard shield of a secondary.

Why did op open up a new thread?
Just accept our fate already

Hey we actually reached bump limit on the last thread
We're not dead yet apparently

I only pull the HE vanguard about once a week anyway, 90% of my tanks pulls are AP lightnings, the other 9% are AP vanguards.

aliveside 2

>12v12 battle
>6 prowlers

jesus christ tr

>12v12 battle
>6 reavers with airhammers

jesus christ nc

>12v12 battle
>8 MAX suits

jesus christ vs


The moral of our story is that every faction is cancer and I hate you all

You don't need more than one engy and two medics, you missed the last MAX.

the last guy is an infiltrator for the motion detector

>Everyone is a Magrider, Scythe or crab MAX
>Also a few Libs, Bulldog Gals, and repair bus trains supporting the rest
>No infantry except a few laggy shotgun shitters

m8 the shot shitters are just bailing from the scythes

>20 banshees
i still have nightmares

>use tomcats to shoot down a skynight
>they bail out before they explode by gently landing and start running
>mfw swap to banshee with thermals

>Use tomcats to shoot down a skyknight.
>He bailassaalts and starts floating to the ground
>Switch to thermal Airhammer

Everything is better in the NC.

>enemy pulls tomcats
>i'm running flares and with a buddy anyways

I still have an airhammer.

yeah but the airhammer is garbage because it doesn't make a brrrt noise

the shooting combat of overwatch is faster than anything in planetside2, don't be deceived by poor people who can't afford it

>No second heroic boost
Why even make an "xd meme image" if you aren't going all the way.
>Several hundo
I've spent several thousando, goml

>I hate you all
oh gosh, I hate you too planetman! :3c

does this mean we're enemies now~~?


I guess I could shoop a boost into the other slot, but.. it.. idk ;_;

man the PS1 HA weapons are all fucking crazy

>Not running dual heroic boosts and membership at all times
It's like you don't even want to repeatedly hit the 50k cert cap and struggle to find things to waste them on.

>Attacking a base
>24-48 or 48-96 with us having slight overpop
>Point not flipping after several minutes
>Abandon farm mode and run to the point yourself, alone
>Encounter no enemies
>Flip the point
>Still no sign of enemies (or friendlies)
>1.5 minutes later some enemies start appearing
>Fend them off with my LMG
>Eventually get overwhelmed by shitters

Why is the average PS2 player so fucking useless?

I learned long ago to pretend friendlies aren't even there. ps2 is actually a single player game

But they still run in front of you and block your bullets. Or place mines in the middle of allies so one EMP will kill everyone.

i've already certed literally anything not meme-tier (rangers, valk, those dozen different gun optics, etc)
at this point, i'd get no benefit from running boosts, and having them would be exclusively to support the game which, as we all know, is for fucking retards
t. not the guy you were replying to

friendlies = marines from halo

yes, exactly, you need 3X zoom for your zepher and zepher PX, and reload 5 rangers for your sunderer, ANT and MBT

NivX is a literal god

watch this gameplay

it's ridiculous

i culd 1v1 him ez no stress

wtf r those colors

He's color-blind apparently so he has digital vibrance cranked up and a chevron overlay

is he the guy who has really shit packet loss

Probably to compensate for Lightboost/ULMB.

No that was arkizer

The fuck are his sensitivity settings? the ways hes constantly flicking around is giving me epilepsy

2cm hip 8cm ads

I do not recommend trying out his settings, otherwise you'll end up having the same problem he has.

How is the good goyim general tonight?