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Objectively the best city

>Do AQ40 for the battle pets
>Red battle tank drops, neat
>Clean raid
>No pets drop
>Teleport out
>Try to use my new mount
>"You cant use that here"

Is this a bug? I've seen plenty of people use these outside.



dumb anime poster red one is from cash shop

Anyone watch the live PvP dev bullshit?

They are getting rid of arena master.

They are adding a CoD Prestige system where every 50 lvls you get some bullshit.

What do you guys think?

Also, how easy is it to get arena master in 1 month?

WTB moose carry for 100,000


>millions upon millions of characters in the world
>less than 250 houses in the game
>they're all owned by commoner NPCs
explain this RPG fags


garrisons suck

Read the mount description, you mongo.

try FF14, more players than WoW and yet only the top 1% own in game homes, the rest of them have to rent out shitty rooms in apartments.

>Half the thread already filtered.

based op


Why are rocket boots allowed in arena?

Moira best faction leader.

How do I ignore all instance chat messages?

Go to chat settings and disable the appropriate channels.

Uncheck "Instance" checkmarks in your chatbox settings?


Best advice for a complete beginner?

I keep getting disconnected wtf man i just wanna play

>hellfire normal
>715+ everywhere
how are you supposed to be able to raid if you're new

>Could have easily had 2 new races this xpac
>Saberon for horde
>Arakkoa for alliance
>We got shitty garrisons instead.
Before you can play them you have to have at 1 character get to level 100 and do a quest line to have them join your faction

to fuck off with retarded questions

bind your abilities and stop clicking them

focus on having enjoyable experiences, not on accumulating gear

You've got issues and you need counseling.

lay off the fucking porn, saberons are not even intelligent

Ah I didn't see the menu option until I started looking for it now after you guys mentioned it. Thanks fellas.

They aren't dummy

stop asking /wowg/ and start playing

questing for muh comfy first time experience and dungeon for easy leveling + nice gear

Reminder that tauren are the master race.

>tfw healing big strong tauren master and then he pets your head

Oh, you're right, it's just blazing speed, I thought the whole time they were using rocket boots

Turn your UI scale down

Use Raid Style party frames

Use keybinds

Play on Illidan (Horde) or Sargeras (Alliance)

what's so great about illidan horde

Felful pls.

when subs tank half again in legion it'll be the only server that isn't merged with another

Who was the best Warlord and why is it Blackhand?

PvP Q&A confirmed Legion PvP is kill.

Kargath was my favorite, really wish they didn't kill him off so early

Any easy way to see which raid bosses I haven't looted yet other than going through these exclamation marks in the raid finder?

there are addons that do that, instance something is one, daily something is another, there are two more. Just search around they are fairly popular

Is it possible to buy a 2200 rating in 5s? What would something like that cost?

Social -> raid info
Mouse over the instance locks.

Thank you.

Why were Blackhand and Kargaths orcs white?

I'll summon Jalopy, our residential 2900 master, to quote you.

What's your battletag?

Jslop here

I'd charge you out the fucking ass at least like $500 because nobody does fucking 5s and I have a bunch of 3s pilots to do currently anyway. Just buy from BlazingBoost if you really want it, they'll form a group of 5 people when enough people buy it.

If you buy, say Jalopy sent you so I can try to argue a referral fee. If you wanna buy 3s though drop skype and I'll hook u up senpai

Who are the cutest healsluts?

I didn't know Jalopy posted on /wowg/.

I didn't even know he still played.


Can confirm

Who else still plays? I thought everyone quit.

Has Avarice killed himself yet?


me and my bf

Who are you referring to as "else" and maybe I can tell you

I think that dude quit

>still no playable ogres
>still no playable virmens
>still no playable gorens

>claims to be my bf

>won't queue without a duelist furry who can only play the easiest healer in the game
>won't do ds/fl when I ask
>won't keep a positive ratio on

I fucking miss when Jaslopy and Pozy posted

Raid style party frames.
Enable all your action bars.
Use keybinds aside from 1-9 and F1-F12. For example: R, F, T, G, etc.

If you want to level for fun and lore, quest. If you want to level fast, queue for dungeons, particularly as a tank or healer.

Whoever designed the BM hunter needs to be shot. There is no greater snoozefest than BM hunter.

>go from raiding in Duality to benching at 715 ilvl

the downfall of a man is hard to watch

approximately how much gold would it take to level a proffesion, say tailoring, 1-700 or whatever is the max lvl these days?

also is it worth?

>mfw I see a fem pander in slut mog

I'm not even a furry but dayum dat ass don't lie

Anthony Giola

M8 I literally haven't (seriously) raided since I quit Duality after BRF progression.


He's at military boot camp right now or something. Will be back in a month or two. Met him at Blizzcon, he's a cool guy.

Depends on the proffesion.
Tailoring for example requires doing some daily pick-ups around panradia, while alchemy could be leveled in a couple of minutes. I leveled tailoring from 0-550 for about 10k if I remember correctly.

Beta testers are there any comfy zones in Legion, i kinda miss MoP comfiness...

>since i quit

anyway jasloper what brings you back to /wowg/? Looking for your boyfriend spitty?

>benched on Blackhand

Yea no shit warriors were trash on that fight and we had like 4 rogues no shit I wasn't getting anywhere near that.

Fun fact though, the 1 night I was in on progression I died less than Killars.

Nah I have spits on skype if I wanna talk to him, Pozy told me someone was talking about a pvp pilot so I had to come fast.

You can level all your professions mostly free in Warlords if you put in the time. Which probably wouldn't be much. The only expenses would be the garrison buildings. I got alch from 1 to 700 in a few weeks of just making things like flasks and pots.

With the barn for fur (as well as killing and skinning) and a maxed herb garden on 1-2 toons, you would probably have it done before the pre-patch.

do you usually cum fast for pozy?

Shattered Hand were comprised of Orc slaves and prisoners who rebelled against the Gorian Empire after escaping their prison (which was beneath the arena in Highmaul).

Blackrock Orcs were implied to have been enslaved and held in the caverns that made up what would become the Blackrock Foundry (which in the main timeline is Gruul's Lair) before taking control and smashing the Gorian Empire's holdings in Gorgrond.

sounds good.

im probably going with tailoring. what's a good second prof for a mage?

Most of the zones are. Highmountain is like Grizzly Hills 2.0.


Nah Pozy is p much too busy orbiting Incestral to be with me

>turboshitter doing any pilots


don't hang out with someone named vriska

How did you manage to avoid the ban wave?

Hard to believe since you're such a fat fuck

>Incestral hates Jalopy and gets mad I talk to him
>Jalopy hates Incestral and gets mad I talk to him
>I just want to be friends with both and I miss Vjera

Should i roll a human warrior or paladin?

If not those classes, rogue or mage or what else?

>fat kid who flirted and tried to have sex with KORAGON but got shutdown

why do you even show your face around here again?

>not Fenris Wolfbrother

more cushion for the pushin

who are you quoting

Does anyone have that photo of jalopy where he sits on sofa in boots without legs touching floor?

Should we just be friends at this point?

Clearly it's tearing Pozy apart



>could be playing turbo with me right fucking now

w/e kid

Literal disinfo never say that again last time I talked to Koragon he was yelling at me to apologize to Pozy for something I said

Cmon man I was sitting in the L bend of the coach it's the deepest part and I'm only like 5'9"

ye w/e kid just tell Pozy to q w/my top healers

Emerald Dream wants a word with you.

Jalopy how do I find friends who can carry me to glad while I play a meme spec?



Welcome to end of expansion raiding where youre expected to have better gear than what the boss actually drops

>ye w/e kid just tell Pozy to q w/my top healers
Nevermind, I'm holding Pozy hostage again because you're gay xd