Hey Veeky Forums, first time posting here, definitely probably doing something wrong but be nice aha. I'm in need of some advice. I'm 19 and consider my current life to be in perils. Currently in an university degree that I know nothing about; contemplating quitting soon however I'm surviving on government funds as a student. I have no real "experience" in any forms of retail store as a teenager. Will however be going for an interview to become a fundraiser. I have a fair amount of money (around 9k) and would appreciate any form of advice regarding careers/invest with money. I feel like I've made very poor choices in the last 2-3 years for not properly considering my future, however I lack the creativity as nothing really interests me. Once again I'd really appreciate any advice, more details can be given just ask. Thanks guys
Ideas to help a man of poor choices back on track
Change jobs. Theres thousands of jobs out there.
Thousands of jobs out there but I have no idea what to approach
I was in a similar situation without the money. Then I dropped out, got an office job with protection.
I hated that too, so I quit and went to another an another university which seemed a good idea.
It wasn't. I did this "searching for my path" for a few years because I have a fantastic, supportive family.
It took me 7 years to realize that I have to decide what I want to do with my life and no one else can tell me what is the right path for me.
(Redpill: also no one cares)
Sit down and write a list of how do you want to live your weekdays 5-10 years later
Research what do you need to do to achieve that lifestyle and make a step by step plan to get there
All you need is having goals and don't say bullshit lines like "nothing really interests me"
That's not true, you just don't know enough of those things, so you give up easily.
Try out one new thing every week and you will see what do you enjoy, you will be surprised.
Also don't be afraid to change paths, you are extremely young.
If you are 40 and still don't know who you are, then go to some newage two weeks retreat meditation program and start again.
I've sat down and thought about my future in the past few months. I don't know where to start searching, my family are supportive too, however I don't want to be a burden to them for any longer so I guess you could say I'm in a rush. I've been trying to set myself goals, but with my current qualifications it's hard to pin point down goals
(E.g. >Want a supermarket job to start saving
>No experience because I couldn't get a job due to travelling issues during highschool
>Stores would much rather hire a young person without experience than a much older person with higher pay rate AND no experience)
I've tried to do so many things over the past few months but I'm limited so much. I appreciate your advice, it's a lot clear than what I had in mind so thank you
Fucked up green text, I'm a newfag, pls no abuse.
You're only 19, you have plenty of time to figure it out. Like an above poster said, take some time and sit down, write down what's important to you. It may be travelling, the respect of your peers, good pay, etc. Then start looking at what careers fit your values. Honestly OP, the fact that you're taking this seriously shows you are far ahead of many people your age. You'll figure it out, don't worry. Just take a deep breath.
I understand about what's important to me as a person for my future. However I feel like that's all going to be very empty once again because of my own qualifications; I don't have much to show. I'm a very realistic/pessimistic person but also at the same time not a very bright person either hence I'm stuck in a cycle of not knowing what to do. Not to mention the pressure of knowing the people around me already know what they're doing/wanting to do further displaces me because I feel like the fault is in myself for not thinking hard enough.
Sounds like you are focusing too much on what you don't have and not enough on what you've accomplished. You're young, in school, and have a big chunk of money saved. You obviously care about the future. You sound like someone I would like to hire if I could. Honestly, nobody gives a shit about your experience for minimum wage jobs. Just tell them look, I know I don't have experience, but I'm a hard worker and willing to put in the effort to learn. People like initiative, and it seems like you have it.
Little personal anecdote- I recently switched careers from Finance to IT. I don't have any experience in IT aside from my own studying and reading. I literally went on Craigslist and posted along the lines of "hello, I want a job in this field but I don't have any experience. I'm willing to learn and work for dirt, thanks." Within days I had my first job. Don't worry, you'll get there. Nobody at 19 has any actual experience.
If you are willing to work in a supermarket or in a retail job then look around on local job listings and apply to every job
Even if you think they won't prefer you
If you can work like that and you won't burn out soon, then it's awesome, you will have a steady income and all the time to find out what you want to do.
Though I'd seriously consider to continue your studies even if it's bullshit to you.
If I'd just hold on my first university and finish it then I'd have a degree (or two) now.
I know that bullshit uni degrees are practically memes now, but it adds a few more line to your CV and you might meet a few people who could help you later in your life.
Honestly if you want a job so badly, self employment might be your best bet. $9k is a lot of money. Buy a used F150 and a lawnmower, and work for yourself. Buy a hotdog cart. Plenty of options.
Ok, don't be mad but you sound depressed. I know, because I had hardcore depression and it started like this.
>Wake up/go to sleep every day at the same time
>Exercise meme.. no, seriously. just 15 minutes of elevated heart rate a day will make you happier.
>Go the fuxk out -> go to a park everyday, forest is better, but just be in the green when the sun is shining (vitamin D)
>Eat fruits and vegetables. Don't be a vegan hippy just don't eat only processed food all week
Follow these steps or meet you at the shrink for all kinds of addictive dopamine pills
The thing is, there's not much that I've accomplished to be focused on. Also I'm from Australia, employment here is a tad weird. Even with minimal waged jobs they expect experience. As an example would be Woolworth, applied there several times, tried to get friends to put in good words for me, at the end of the day I've yet to even get an interview with them. I do consider myself to be a hard worker and I'm definitely willing to learn because doing that would place me in a better position than I'm in right now but I will definitely try asking around again for sure.
Local jobs are hard for me, I live in a rural area and practically every store is either ran by families or old workers from the years are still functioning. I've definitely considered staying in my degree. It's a Bachelor for regional town planning, I know shit all about it because my main focus in highschool was business and I did that from grade 8 - 12. My current degree has a course in which data and statistics are in; once again I know shit all and I'm failing terribly, it's the thought of failing and having to continue that makes me want to stop. Not to mention like you said uni degrees are practically memes and they don't guarantee a job, it merely means you have the qualifications to get a job IF I pass.
Considered using the money for self-employment but just stating what I said again, I live in a rural area and like lawnmower services are around a lot lol, most people do it themselves anyways like my parents.
Wouldn't say I'm depressed but I'm definitely not in a happy place for sure. Things are gradually rolling down hill for sure.
Have you ever considered moving? Sounds like there aren't many opportunities for you there. I live in New Jersey and there are a dozen jobs for any moron with a pulse.
Standby for another "can't do that either" excuse from OP
I've considered moving out of my current residential area, I've been applying outside of my region for jobs, if I get one I'm instantly going to relocate.
Call it an excuse if you want, but what's the point in me moving around if I can't get a stable income? Isn't that just a waste of what I currently already have?
Good, you need to get your ass to a city or at least somewhere with jobs. Please don't tell me you've just been applying online to these jobs.
No, I've been travelling around and asking in stores as well as trying to pull strings from uni friend's connections etc etc.
How are you not even getting a min wage job with all this effort? Doesn't sound right to me man.
>walk into restaurant
>walk out with a job
It shouldn't be that hard to get an entry level job. Do you wash yourself? Wear deodorant? Shave?
Yes I wash myself, wear deodorant and shave as a basic person, I'm still a functioning human that can perform basic tasks. Also minimal wage jobs are just hard to obtain after 18. Like I said, with a store, between an 16 year old without experience or a 19 year old without experience. They'd pick the 16 year old purely because their wage is a whole lot more cheaper than a 19 year old, not to mention both lack experience.
Honestly from the point of view of your boss, 16 and 19 are pretty much the same thing. I don't think this is a valid excuse at all.
Pay-wise differs a lot. Minimal wage between a 16 year old and someone above 18 differs a lot. Hence why younger people get jobs easier.
Why would it differ? I've worked menial jobs where 16 year olds were being paid the same at 40 year olds.
I'm in Australia, pay is very different to where you are from.
Ah I see. Maybe you should stop looking for minimum wage jobs then.
I've also tried that, non-minimum wage jobs require a qualification. See my struggles?
So get qualified... do volunteer work, unpaid internship, read books, study for a cert like in IT... you need to make changes. Sounds like you already know what you need to do.
I feel like my best option is to probably drop university and change for a cert, probably something in hospitality