League of legends lolg

Mordekaiser is the most based and fun top laner edition.


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how can i permanently not be first pick

Morde is the best champ to shit on shitters

i still dont know how mordekaiser works

>soraka and Janna about to become turbo cancer
>protect the ADC comps everywhere
>you will never facetank the ADC and kill him in one single hit no matter how much healing they have
Q restored to it's rightful glory when?

What the fuck is this general's obsession with such a shit champion.


Xth for chocolate versions of waifus.


Don't you mean best?

every ded game gets flooded with brazilians , you can figure out the rest

He's Numero Uno.
You HAVE to take Stormraider's. It's the only thing keeping you at all relevant.

>Guinsoos on Morde

I got cancer from this picture

updated list Woonanon25
Cybah Dynasty
Helvetica Bold
Egyptian Penguin

Why is this allowed?

Take your filthy negresses and go.

>mfw playing against invisible champions
who thought this was a good idea
introduce an annoying mechanic from dota with none of the counters to it that dota has

>those abs
>that face
i don't mind chocolate versions but this one is kinda gross

that's Ivoryreaper with a capital I, sorry for my mistake

I agree this is far too strong and tight

needs to be nerfed

I love Lissandra!
She's very soft plush
and a total QT!
He's numero uno HUEHUEHUE

Best girl.
Best box.
Best wife.

isn't Jinx white trash?

Well you see user, Thigh Gap has less to do with actual fitness than you'd first assume, and more to do with lower body bone structure. Hence you see it on thicc girls and it might be absent on skellingtons.


>tilt out of G5 into S1
What am I doing with my life.

My apologies. Here's something more your style.

the re-worked guinsoos was so strong and gold efficient that everyone was buying it

I want Pool Party Darius

You're trash. Hop into the compactor already.

Pool Party Monster Skins when?

These fagets in camp select that hover a champ for the full thirty seconds then pick a different one at 0
just why. Fuck off I want to start the game faster.

>Almost 3k damage


But she's user

Trundle is the best husband! And he's also mine forever

>tfw this girl will never cosplay Ziggs

>About a year ago from today League was in it's golden age from a balance perspective
>We will never have another 5.13 ever again

Feels fucking bad man

I know that feel amigo

Xth for Vayne choking on the porcelain rod until she passes out.

I hope you losers take ignite instead of tp to show your dominance.

tp is useless for morde unless your in an awful matchup.

good thing all the invisible champions are gutted to hell huh

I take Ghost

I want Pool Party Trynd inside me.

Taliyah isn't even a bad design visually, her biggest problem is that she's boring. There's no edge to her character, she's played 100% straight with no real gimmick to keep her interesting. Her backstory, dialogue, and interactions are all really dry. That said there are worst character designs than her in this game.

So they can just gut the shit out of all of them and call them balanced.

Post em

Stop avatarfagging


I'm playing ranked now, so i don't have time to argue with you
and the general hates us too i think

>Morde autists
fug :-DDD

What kind of retarded balance decision is that
Why do they not just add something so they could make much more interesting invisible champion designs
riot should really off themselves

>Fnatic still garbage even with YellowStar back
>Meanwhile TSM has yet to drop a series

Doublelift was the problem :^).

I want pool party Garen

How to get an S on Shaco? Even when I'm like 20/0 I get an S- at most. Once I I was like 14/5 and got an A.

Pool Party Juggernaut set when?

>Not wanting Pool Party Kat

farm more efficiently
most shacos have a lot of kills but dont have high cs so if you do you're guaranteed an S

xth for future funk

That'd be so awesome

I want porn.

From the new American movie.



xth for Cute Vi

Chill Day Edition


What is your favorite faction in league?

I like the Shadow Isles and Bildgewater.

>pool party fiora

Noxus and Piltover

So how long until Riot touches this up and removes the thigh gap or makes her waist less narrow? No doubt the tumblrinas and SJWs are complaining "muh unrealistic standards" and "muh fat shaming".


REMOVE LOTUS remove lotus
you are worst ionian. you are the ionian idiot you are the ionian smell. return to zaun. to our zaunit cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,Ionia we will never forgeve you. weeb rascal FUck but fuck asshole gook stink ionia sqhipere shqipare..ionian genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead ionian..ahahahahah IONIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget rune war 2 .demacia we kill the king ,….hahahahaha idiot weeb ionian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE LOTUS FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. noxus+zaun=kill ionia…you will runewar2/ SION alive in noxus, sion making album of noxus . fast rap sion noxus. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of sion… you are ppoor stink weeb… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
sion alive numbr one #1 in noxus ….fuck the bilgewater ,..FUCKk ashol weebs no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. sion aliv and real strong fighter kill all the weeb farm aminal with blood magic now we the noxs rule .ape of the zoo king tryndamre bush fukc the great mordekaiser and lay egg this egg hatch and ionia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. noxus greattst countrey

They didn't hate me before you tried to steal my husbando
i can't argue too anyway i'm playing tokyo mirage session

You haven;t heard user? Ironcuck is gone.

Decide to look at some lol r34
>theres no pegging porn
at all

Thematically Shadow Isles or Zaun.

Xth for the league's biggest and best bust


What? No that isn't a thing is it?

>Garen cheering on Fiora as she wrecks those shitters

so cute
why is riot's art team so good?

TF will be replacing reksai soon once I get lvl 6 tokens.

tfw playing illaoi getting dumpstered in lane and then getting carried
Its happened 3 times in a row
Why is her sieging so powerful hit your e and anyone gets chunked to like 30% hp

>why is riot's art team so good?
Because a good couple of artists come from Magic: The Gathering and other pretty good companies.

You Barafags already have Lee Sin, Zac, Graves, Mundo, Draven and Renekton. Ziggs too if you're into that. Let us straightfags have some of the spotlight for now okay? All we had was Leona and now we finally get two more with Fiora and Miss Fortune.

I've taken a liking to purple balls lady, how do i play her?

Riot's lack of foresight is infamous. But yeah Evelynn, Rengar, Teemo, etc don't really have a great deal of interplay and the ways of dealing with them, while effective, aren't very interesting. They're also hard for retards to grasp (warding Evelynn's jungle for instance).

>Wanting anything Katarina related that isn't a complete kit rework.

That's not really something Ironstylus would do. He was a very misunderstood person. Of course most of you are idiots anyway so that's to be expected.

Void, they destroy things and eat people.

You can now only play champions from based upon which faction they belong too.

Which faction do you pick /log/?

Why would anyone ever make a deal with this guy?

How the fuck do you lose lane as Illaoi.

Will he cause Lissandra to melt a slow painful death?

>random fiora early game buffs
>she's gonna be insane in lane and in the splitpush with these changes
just leave her alone
fuck you riot
now she's gonna get gutted again in a month

I like the way you think user.

>tfw we'll never have Rebecca Guay do updated splash arts for Lulu

>this image
>the new fiora splash art
hips hard counter me

Void. Best monsters, best husbandos, cutest champions.

Apparently I've played so little since they put this system in that it's taken like 2 days for Akali to go from no points at all to my 3rd highest mastery champion.

>implying I'm a barafag
>implying I don't just want more skins for champs I like

I'd make a deal with Tahm. I'd be "delete all of Niels' shitty ships from the internet, also delete Niels"
When I die, remember me as the hero who saved league of legends.

Just take her to Florida in the summer.

Pick Swain, Garen, or Fizz and give her the dick.

The best part is that Pool Party MF is garbage because Pool Party is a shit skin line in general.

>MTG art will never be unique again
>instead we only will have art which is competent at best, with good fidelity but ultimately all boring because it's generic CGI shit that you could pull off deviantart
t-thanks maro

What can Riot do to make League of Legends great again?

>heterostraights get sexy skins almost everytime
>p-please let us have more sexy skins home of sexuals are too privilegied

Hey I live in florida and it IS summer, hehe...

>Not liking girls getting fucked by monsters

>MtG will never hold your interest again
I'm so tired of card games

Remove Azir from the game.

Can you make a deal that ends in Tahm fucking himself over? Is he capable of telling the deal to fuck off at any point or is he hard-coded to follow all the details of the deal no matter what may happen?