I was asleep though. America needs to sort their shit out.
James Gomez
I told you, right? I'll always be here for you.
Jonathan Anderson
Awww shit, son. I'm throwin' cash at the screen, but it ain't happenin' faster.
Angel Moore
I think some of them will even have a physical release like this one. I think the games aren't originally full price so it might be a bit expensive to go for the CE.
You do know that there's more to berserk than just the golden age arc, right?
Blake Thomas
Is it still possible to get the FF XV episode Duscae demo?
Ryan King
Yeah it's called the boat arc
Evan Gray
>get hacked
more like you used some dodgy account sharing website or were just a retard about you security.
Kevin Perez
I think it was bundled with Type 0 LE or some shit. Anyways, the game comes out in 2 months, just wait.
Easton Walker
This is cat. Say hello to cat.
Landon Hernandez
I won't be able to get it immediately in September because I'm moving to Korea.
Nolan Peterson
If I was going to account share, I would have done it with my brother who drops several hundred dollars a month on digital games. I have no idea how they got my password, hope the cunt enjoys playing PS+ titles and games that are on sale for 60% off or more.
Mason Collins
Assault Suit Leynos is getting a US release on the PSN I am pleasantly surprised good sirs, pleasantly surprised.
Jonathan Peterson
>8gb patch >8gb story DLC Nice, there's nothing I love more than having to download for a couple of hours straight.
Camden Thomas
ZTD is shit.
Jason Edwards
Well Buddy this must be like Christmas for you!
Nicholas Davis
Death's Gambit looks cool, not really in love with the style though, I hope they release a demo beforehand. If it plays well, I'll gladly pick it up.
Sebastian Thomas
> Waiting on Tekken 7 > KoF XIV South American Team announcement just made me smile > Even though one of the characters is basically the least active Capoeira user ever, her moves are a remix of Laura and R.Mika so it's pretty funny
Anyone here picking up KoFXIV?
Chase Davis
nice textures
Angel Cooper
Korea doesn't have mailboxes?
Anthony Phillips
PS3 limitations.
Austin Roberts
America limitations.
Colton Ortiz
Star Ocean is starting to piss my off. I'm tired of doing nothing but play as Miki to do the healing since the enemies love targeting her and she loves to not move.
Camden Wright
>God Eater Resurrection is forced dub >the dub is trash Good thing voices can be turned off completely
Jackson Wright
>ps4g died when I woke up >haven't post since then >about to go to sleep and its on page 10 DEAD
Carson Price
>just over 40 posts five hours after thread creation >18 posters
There really is no saving ps4gen.
Dylan Gutierrez
Great you just sent an invitation to the merge user.
Eli Jackson
Charles Martinez
Because no matter how hard I try I can't get people to talk about games. So I've stopped trying and just chill in vita gen. Pretty boring at the moment, everybody is playing that dumb monster hunter clone.
Jack Green
Cooper Sullivan
Caleb King
Ryder Wood
Jaxon Moore
Just post tits
Juan Russell
Why did you kick her out you ass
Logan Bennett
>metal slug anthology coming next week via ps2 classics
awwww yissssss
here's praying xx makes its way across somehow too
Gavin Ramirez
She's ugly
Aaron Brown
Star ocean is supposedly coming out in europe today but it's not on PSN, at what time does the store usually update?
Jaxson Peterson
delet this and apologize
Carter White
>Bioshock collection wont bring back a tweaked multiplayer
Noah Smith
not today
Camden Ward
the mp was pretty bad though. either total scrubs or fags one shotting with the elephant gun.
it had a cool story I guess
Chase Davis
>remade the thread when the last one died >60 posts in 10 hours
Supposedly someone here leaked that DMC would be making a showing at PSX this year, anyone know anything about that?
Tyler Ortiz
How's the newest star ocean?
Justin Reed
How awkward is it now that YNA realizes you fit into the group of people he hated?
Nathaniel Ross
at least this thread is ontopic. take at look at the mass effect or witcher general. it's autistic shit posting without a trace of humor. I'd rather the gen died than become something like that.
Oliver Butler
Me and forty are friends 4 lyfe though
Jaxson Cooper
Despite how you spoke truthfully about hating muslims and black people?
Isaiah Ross
Yeah and he's not a sandnigger
Ryan Reed
Except he said he was.
William Morales
Forty are you a worshiper of Allah & the prophet Mohamed as well as his teachings on the holy Quran?
Nathan Johnson
Anyone up for Battleborn?
Jordan Harris
Noah Wood
>playing stillborn after it was crushed by overwatch
Sony gives no fucks. This happened to my friend and he also had to wait half a year before he could deactivate everything. I've seen a lot of people complaining online that nothing really helps. Though some said that calling Sony and threatening them to never use their services again sometimes actually helps but not always.
Ryder Cox
No. You had to activate the code of Duscae demo before some date. Even if you would get a code right now it wouldn't work anymore.
James Powell
>Try talking about games >See that the general is dead >Move to vitagen to talk about games >This happens with almost every single person who visits this general
I kinda find this ironic. People moan about not being able to talk about video games here because the general is dead but instead of staying here they just move to vitagen. If everyone came back from there, ps4g would be much more alive right now. I'm guilty of this myself.
Zachary Lewis
Ethan Wright
It was "leaked" for E3 but it wasn't there. I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Brody Campbell
I think most of us are guilty of doing this at some point. If everyone who wanted to talk about games in /ps4g/ actually talked about games in /ps4g/ then this place wouldn't be so dead.
Ethan Green
Wanna know my idea? Why don't people here play a game here once in a while. How often has game day been tried and everyone votes but no one plays?
Michael Taylor
>. How often has game day been tried and everyone votes but no one plays?
A lot newfag
Jason Hall
>A lot newfag That's the point you complete retard.
Christian Foster
The majority of people here are socially retarded weebs. None of them have the conversation skills to converse on psn & game together, when they're not hiding behind their keyboards posing as little animu girls.
Caleb Reyes
I know, but I'm talking about something else that was specifically linked here. Supposedly the same guy who leaked Insomniac doing the new Spiderman, The Last Guardian's release date, and what happened with Crash Bandicoot, said that a new DMC would be at PSX. Is that true?
Owen Rogers
what happened to no man's sky? is that no longer a timed exclusive?
Aaron Gutierrez
What is even in the SFV seasonpass? I bought the game yesterday and the shop is full of unlockable stuff, do you get everything?
Luis Russell
Did you seriously just post a link to a picture instead of the picture itself?
Gavin Scott
someone else said it was JP and vita only, can't verify.