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Don't pick the same character as me

Post husbandos



has blizzard fixed koth yet?

why is soldier so fucking retard op jeez

are you sure our team doesnt need two genjis?


What in the fuck?

because widow and mccree are shit now

s76 + pharah is the correct choice for your 2 dps heroes in 90% of games now

So what do you think the supposed new cosmetics coming within summer will be?

Symmetra is in the same tier, it just means theyre only picked in very specific situations

>there are people who still care about picks in quick play

Junkrat needs buffs, user!

it's simply based on how often those heroes were picked in pro games, there is no bias or personal judgement by some "analyzer"

well the tier is titled as "specialist OR underpowered"

yes symmetra is the former

but junkrat is definitely latter

Fuck this match a torn and symmetra on attack
I'm just going to Fuck around

Because you don't use anyone with a lot of close ranged power. That's where he's weakest even with great aim.

Leaving penalties should be MUCH MUCH harsher

Like I'm talking 12 hour ban or something like that.

No fuck you

how come Reinhardt didn't get an artificial eye from Mercy?

>that huge red bar everytime you lose

damn i need to win

>170 to 340 dps in close range + 120 damage rockets

uhh yea

>Getting killed around corners by a Hanzo spamming arrows because I try to fight him in any capacity by peeking

Nah he's shit, buff 'im

>placed at rank 54
>have dropped to 42 since then


>Playing competitive and literally 2-shotting bitches all day
>Getting triple and quad kills with my tire
>Can 1v1 almost anyone at a moderate distance with ~200 HP
>Shits all over anyone trying to come down a hallway
>Shits on anyone sitting on a control point
>A complete nightmare for tanks to deal with

This tier list sucks

reaper is only one who fairly consistently wins close range battles against him if both players are competent

tracer for example is quite finicky and it's very possible for s76 to hit a helix rocket and shoot a couple bullets on top to deal 30 damage and kill tracer that way

could have something to do with the abundance of his counter

The former can't be done to you all at once or as fast and you can put him down much faster as Reaper. His rockets also aren't enough to oneshot a Tracer and have a relatively long cooldown.

>Look at me I'm illiterate

so why do you think players who are paid to play this game and who are way better at it than you are don't see a reason to pick him outside very niche cases?

they just aren't as smart as you to see the light? they are not good enough with junkrat to utilize him effectively?

that tier list is based on pickrates. it's objective

>it's a bastion, Reinhardt, and mercy episode

reaper literally shits on EVERYTHING in melee range, that's his entire schtick

as for tracer as says

soldier is busted as fuck user

He did say he plays Junkrat

Is there any explanation as to how the game determines exactly HOW MUCH you gain/lose after a comp match?
Sometimes a loss will cost me so fucking much and a win will gain me tiny bit towards next rank. Wtf lads

>can't beat one of the easiest setups

>game has been out for 1 year
>still no new characters
>Battleborn has been out for 1 month
>Already have 5 new characters since launch

Explain why you are supporting the inferior game.


koth is glitched and gives/takes significantly less rating than other modes
apart from that it's mostly the same, what that dev said on the forums about "looking at your personal stats and comparing them to others" is bullshit


who is Mercy?

Did anyone else notice the nerf on RH's ult knock back? seems less crazy now and is actually better.

Won with 5 golds.

If I lose, I lose a rank.

Who is Genji/Hanzo

Because he sees through her bullshit.


why are they in a kitchen

guys im trading tf2 items and other steam items for overwatch. this is because i dont have a credit card so i cant pay for BNET stuff, only steam stuff cause there are steam cards.

It's clear Reinhardt doesn't believe in augmentations
Knight's honor and all that

>getting mad about Hanzo
>got logged to death
Remedial trigonometry.

Are you above average /owg/?


he's crazy like that

So I got 51 as my ranked level with 6/4. How does it work from here on out? go up a level when you win, lose one if you lose?

Anyone else wish they'd add more voice lines like tf2? Things like nice shot, help!, move up and go go go!

>thinking anyone wants tf2 shit

people still play that game when overwatch exists?

Anyone know a method of preferring a player via battle tag that you haven't recently played with and they also aren't on your friends list?

So I just hit lvl 25 after 16 hours. Is this normal level progression? Seems a little slow. Getting 3+ golds per match usually. Playing solo.

thats why im selling my shit bro

Oh thank fucking god. Have they said anything about when that'll be fixed? Is avoiding comp until then best?
Jesus christ, I feel your rage user

1. Tracer
2. Mei
3. Mercy 'her ult doesn't need nerfing' mains
4. Roadhog
5. Junkrat
6. Reaper

t. mercy most played

>rank 38
Did you win only KOTH matches in placements or something? I can't fathom how bad a rank 38 would be, considering 90% of players in the 50-55 rank are pretty bad

Hey guys, wanna hear a joke?

Omnic Rights

>Playing solo

they said they were """looking into it""" in the forums
in other words, we'll get a fix a few weeks from now if we're lucky

>tfw you learn how to git gud at Reinhardt and have fun at the same time

>Press Q and sorta aim for you free PotG or your pizza's free.
Maybe I'm just playing with too many shitters.

How many hero combinations are there? With and without repeats? Order doesn't matter.

First who comes up with an answer gets ______nothing

Okay guys I don't really feel like playing right now but I have nothing else to do so I'm going to try to force myself to play wish me luck.

my last 5 games in comp all have had a leave
is there any penalty at all for leaving?

Lost 7 games with people shooting pinyatas because "Low placement = faster gold weapons".

You still get a lose, Leavers get locked out of comp for a certain amount of time, which increases with subsequent leaves.

This game has been unplayable for the past 3 days.

Do leavers get lose? Are there degrees to loss exp? Do leavers get maximum loss exp?

>tfw the only class I'm any good at is offensive torbjorn

wanted to be good at roadhog
wanted to be good at tracer
but no

>people blame Roadhog for filling enemy ults
>they don't realise Pathswine fills my ult as well
>enemy drops 3 ults to wipe team
>Res them back again and again thanks to swine filling my ult
Keep picking roadhog guys

>playing ranked while its bugged
Please tell me you guys don't do this

There are 6 slots and 21 playable Heroes. 21^6 is 85,766,121 potential combinations of Hero on a single team, including repeats.

Almost 86 million combinations and we STILL can't go 5 games without seeing 2+ reapers in a single game.

And? Reaper is part of what keeps other heroes balanced. There's also Roadhog, Reinhardt, and sniper classes (yes there are those soldiers who can pick off snipers but a sniper at the same level of skill can drop him in half the time it takes him to do that.) Mid-range is where he's king so the trick is choose your battles wisely and pounce on him point blank or take him out from afar. If you battle him at mid-range that's like trying to fight Mei up close, what did you think was going to happen?

>not standing still in chokepoint with shield out as team flails aimlessly around you
Stop overextending rein
Do your job

>not wanting top 500 sprays/skins
Ouch, I got a few of those in my placement matches, and got a shitty 47. Luckily enough I've been against nothing but shitters and I havne't gotten any KOTH. I've gotten to 53 already, and I'm rising quickly. Don't worry, you'll get out of that rank soon, I believe in you

>tfw unironically instalocked Genji and spammed "I need healing"
Dude, the amount of people who rage quit are hilarious!

>Play some competitive
>4 KoTH in a row

i mean cmon man what the fuck, cunt.

I thought this too but Mercy ult charges in 30 seconds with any regular team your team can't die any faster so it's moot.

Ayyy fuck you man I've carried plenty of teams with 4-gold on payload attack as torb

I'm 113 with 92 hours played, you get a 20% exp bonus for playing with a group though.


looks like you can't into math, user

21^6 is only correct if order is important, in this case it isn't

in reality it's 230230 with repetition and 54264 without

ayyy not all of us are rank 43 m8

So do people still salt about team comp in QP? I just feel like fucking around now. I don't care if they still do, but I haven't played for a week and am just wondering if ranked changed QP demographic/sentiments.

Console, too ^^

As an addendum, when Sombra is added, the potential combinations for a single team will shoot to over 113 Million.

Nerf that.

Hey did that one user upload the artbook yesterday like he said he would?

Because the meta is completely centered around Mercy and he has no place in it.

(so far the system hates me and its mostly ilios matches)

I lost a rank due to 3 leavers just before playing my ass off for 5 gold win and getting shit all rank increase.

I am angry.


Why blizz such a shit?

and not all of us are shitty losers that use our team composition as a strawman for our loss instead of realizing that perhaps we just suck ass.

Reminder that Zarya is broken and that's the reason every fag is picking her


Oh. looks like I'm retarded today, then.