/drg/ - Danganronpa General -Soudam Edition

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DR3 anime to be split into two parts, "Future" and "Despair"

Famitsu scans for upcoming DR3 anime:

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

New Dangan Ronpa V3 is scheduled to be released in 2016 on PSVita and PS4.

Dangan Ronpa 3 will be a new anime scheduled for release in 2016.

DR3 Subbed PV

Interviews with Danganronpa Writer and Creator Kazutaka Kodaka

Some new info about DR3/DRV3

DR3 Profiles

Killer Killer manga revealed to be Dangan Ronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer


>Downloads/Manga/Novels/Character Charts

Other urls found in this thread:



The gif was as close as I can get.


Remind me again, when does DR3 start airing? And will we also get subs around that time? If so, we could watch it together on the Taima.



Prescreening is July 3, July 11 for Mirai, July 14 for Zetsubou.
Oh shit, prescreening for me in 2 days, the hype is real.

How can you say you love your waifu if you won't write a 150-page thesis on her?


Whose FTE's did you finish first?

Don't bully!


I would be lying if I said Kuzuryuu's since he disappears from the map for like 3 quarters of the game. So I finished Peko's first.

Has the best butt.

Soda's, then Hiyoko's.

chihiro's and chiaki's



Is this a popular ship? I've seen it quite a bit

Souda's, followed by Akane's

Apparently so, I think it gained fruit from when Gundam says he'll burn Souda's clothes to a crisp and leave him naked, or something along those lines.

I was done by chapter 3.

Almost too popular of a ship. I'm not a fan though, personally.

I think Mikan listens to this song in her free time.

What the fuck, I actually feel legitimately sleepy for once, how is this happening?

i'm sleepy yet i'm going to stay up for a bit more and kill my already non-existing schedule

Looks like the video is blocked in the U.S Kuzu-chan..

Here's rough translation:
Someone ate Konoe's Ice cream and one of the four people below did it and only one of the four is telling the truth.

Marin: Issei ate it, Seiha is telling the truth
Issei: Koin is lying, I ate it.
Seiha: Koin ate it, Marin is telling the truth
Koin: Marin didn't eat it, Issei is lying

I mean a rough summary

Posting for posterity that I think I found the weirdest ship in Danganronpa history.

Junko X Yosuke from Persona 4

see if you can top that

What's with him and these round blush?

Kuzuryuu is a cute boy like Chihiro

It's a really bad ship, but yeah it got pretty popular with fujoshi for whatever reason. I honestly don't even get why it's even a thing.


I want to hate-fuck Monaca.

I want to love-hug Chiaki!

Zero Time Dilemma General

Everyone here is a fan of that game, so I made the general.


People who have done absolutely nothing wrong:

Byakuya Togami
Mikan Tsumiki
Nagito "Chip outta Luck" Komaeda

Explain further

You forgot about one.


What else is there to explain? The list of characters I posted are the ones that ABSOLUTELY did NOTHING WRONG.


Explain in detail on each character on why you think they did nothing wrong.

is he a hack?


Anyone here?


I was going to post my chihiro crops, but someone else already did
I'm proud of you, whoever you are

I think he writes interesting stories, however when you take a step back you can see how campy and dumb everything is.

I would like to compare him to Kojima but he isn't renowned enough for that comparison to be fair.

Do you have the ones where Asahina is surprised at Junko sucking dick?


God i want to anihilate that ass.

What does the poster say?

which one? nurse or fem neggy?

i dont know, kuzu is asleep. but its really cute to see that, for some reason.

Both, but i think the nurse would be easier to get on with it.


Perfect, i cant look for it myself my parents are in the same room



I found it weird that Mukuro and not Junko is the one doing it, it dosent seem like a Mukuro thing to do.



>this entire doujin

... Nicceee..

I'd help bump the thread but I'm afraid of getting ZTD spoilers since I'm still playing the game.

I don't think anyone finished it yet.

The only thing i felt it was missing was Chihiro pulling a hail mary and kissing Celes for fucking him.

And maybe a extended scene with the girls or Syo.


Thats kinda gay.


Thats not nessecary bad, that implies i got to fuck something.

>all these doujin crops
>no discussion going on
Enough, all of you and get back on topic.


thats futa

I'd hit it, even if i get fucked, i can fuck something

Ok, how would Ishimaru react to the class having a orgy?

I tried earlier with But it seems he ran off.

Donr worry, i am here to stay with you.

I am in a bad place right now CxT.
Tell me the weird typical bullshit you usually come up with on your own regarding DR.

Might spark a discussion or some shit, I don't know.


I recognize that doujin!

Well, i dont wanna disapoint, but i am dry on creativity right now, the anticipation for the anime made my mind go empty.

I dont have much to tell about JoJoRonpa either, it feels like everyone is on a bad hangover.

Also, what happened to you?

It's that time of the month for me where I just feel like shit for no good reason, and can't have fun or enjoy things. And I end up getting frustrated and irritated with everything.
I guess im bored I don't know.

The execution music is so fucking GOAT.

I am putting my brain to work, cant say it will be decent, but for the sake of discussion.

A Nagitofag wrote about a Ultimate Engineer, a turbonerd who hates his fellow Ultimates and rely on pure logic, and dosent belive in luck, i came up with a foil.

The Ultimate ???(Medic), Kind of a nice guy like Naegi, her talent is she can literally heal people with her hands, even ressurecting the recently dead, this would lead to a case where the ded body was left hanging overnight so the Ultimate Saint can't save the victim, given his outright supernatural power, and the fact people tend to come to her to be healed, has led her to be a bit sheltered about bad stuff, she is that kind of naive girl that only sees the good in people.

While it sounds nice, here are a few things:

-Her healing powers are sun based, in a isolated place, she would have limited amount of heals
-The if the person was killed before 3:33 in the morning, she must heal them before 3:33 or else they cannot be bought back
-It must be sunlight, no artificial lights

Those facts would piss the engineer, especially the hour restriction, which makes no sense in a atheist context, and the fact his science is useless, even if accepted all that, he cannot help with "must absorb sunlight to heal" sinse no UV lamp would be good enough.

Finally, he is mean to her the entire time, while she only wants people to get along, once someone gets fed up with the Engineer's arrogance, they kill him, only to her to sacrifice herself to save him, and the other students would find him next to her dead body, and since he was the only one who disliked her, shenanigans ensue.

It is literately Danganronpa mixed in with jojo?
And how do you place this with people?

Do you minds rephrasing the second part?

I literally cannot undestand what you're saying.

*play this with people

80 second delay between posts makes it hard to correct spelling and grammar mistakes.


This post made me realize something..

Why don't we make a Killing Game writing collab?

Are you asking that we together write a story or something?

Monomi is going to be the traitor, prove me wrong.

Well, you know how some people gather to play tabletop games? Our one is basically the same but minus the tabletop, its basically a huge larping session among friends.

But that Ultimate healer is not related to rp, is just a invention that i just made right now.

You think so? People here tend to be overly critical about OCs and stuff.

Go into more detail about.
Like I used to roll20.net/ for D&D games such, where its a website with a bunch of tools and calculators.


No not like that, not "lets make a bunch of OCs and put them together" but more of "lets start with a basic idea and see how we can expand on it."

E.g. - What if we made a story about another class of students in a Neo World Program, but this "VR world" was suited specifically for one person?

Something like that. Danganronpa: DRG reimagined.

Sorry, but i am getting a bit confused, are we talking about writing our own killing game? or about the JJR?

Well, if you're talking about JJR, the entire game was done solely by talking, Diofag, the GM, has a great mind to remember stuff like the characters, what they were doing, who is at a scene, who was controlling who.

Strangely, it never helped him to achieve higher grades, and he uses solely his minds to make up stuff.

Thats a bit more like him, but i dont think i would be able to keep up with it, but i recommend using the quest thread for it, they can help.

>Thats a bit more like him, but i dont think i would be able to keep up with it, but i recommend using the quest thread for it, they can help.

Damn, a Danganronpa quest. I could host one but I never really did any quests in /qst/ before, and I doubt a lot of people there have played danganronpa.

So you guys just sit in a chat room for JJR?
You don't use dice, sheets or anything?

This general is so weird.

It's one of the only ones I've seen that aren't directly hostile to its distinguished anons (Toko, CxT, Kuzu, Ibuki, etc..)

How would a killing game with the following characters play out?

>Super High School Level Missionary
>Super High School Level Film Director
>Super High School Level Daredevil
>Super High School Level Philosopher
>Super High School Level Spy
>Super High School Level Mangaka
>Super High School Level Poet
>Super High School Level Marksman
>Super High School Level Pilot
>Super High School Level Entrepenuer
>Super High School Level Mortician
>Super High School Level Journalist
>Super High School Level Sailor
>Super High School Level Class Representative
>Super High School Level Virologist
>Super High School Level DJ

Who gets murdered? Who are the murderers? Who survives? Who is the main protagonist?