You'll probably have trouble with 2-10 and getting 5 actives off in 15 minutes
Aaron Sullivan
Samuel Taylor
or use the allahu akbar version
Evan Mitchell
It's ok if I can do the other 3. I can clear other 32 and I just want the littre.
Daniel Allen
Tomorrow the previews are released so it's that time again, boys.
Who will be getting a loli skin? Who will be getting a neet/otaku skin?
Charles Jackson
Cumming inside Silk's tight elf pussy.
Ayden James
I use Didi/Mira for spirit gen/actives but yours is looking pretty similar to mine which can easily do all of the 4* matches. shitting man is a decent GK.
I'd try to get some more spirits generators for reasons says.
Brayden Allen
>Who will be getting a loli skin? Elaine >detective loli
Elijah Turner
2 More hours till Patricia EE and new S3 Legendary Dark GK!!
Henry Miller
oddly very similar
Lincoln Price
I don't have Didi, I started playing the last time she was here and couldn't get her. I do have Mira, guess I'll replace Ere Ere for her then. How good is your Eden as GK? I might even use her instead of BM there just to use Marilyn in backline
Ethan Perez
good for the matches that have an active skill quota like 2-10. she's very fast and her active is cheap
slap CR stones on her and she'll never die, which is wasted for me since my backline makes sure they never get to shoot a second time anyway
Jayden Hughes
Isaiah Ortiz
It's usually 2am - 5am PST so another 6 - 9 hours.
Lucas White
Please help me with my team. This is what I have for now and a lilith showed up on scout, should I go for her?
Dominic Hughes
>dark >getting anything good
Hudson Bailey
>ugly >useless >bad element >not good skills She fails for both the e-sports and waifu game. Veridict: No.
Nicholas Taylor
Lilith has a good design, but she isn't a really good unit. You are better off scouting Silla for your William.
Camden Edwards
Its not too late for you. You should quit while you still can.
Jayden Myers
>jin week >he was my welfare legend >already hypermaxed >since i haven't got any legend from scouts, i'm afraid to get one This is my biggest fear ever.
Jason Jackson
stop using scout in jin week then
Nolan Williams
stay away from making an ardor/dark team especially with that niarose ace, build something else like ardor/ww or ardor/light.
Jace Walker
I found a Gio.
Tyler Morales
>WWbabycuckniggers will defend this
Nicholas Thompson
>thundercucks did defend Nerua ace flooding PvP for months
Luis Harris
No AX codes this year. Rip boys
Robert Rivera
I don't see why you're complaining about the WW part, its 90% because of Metatron. It'd be as bad if not worse if there was an ardor/dark or light/dark reflex ace.
Ryan Ward
oops wrong picture
John Hughes
pen the Lias
Lincoln Thompson
no I got it right, Irru is the cutest striker
Austin Lewis
I want to use bora for the meme of it
Mason Rogers
Do it man.
Our biggest shitposter even got 2600+ using the meme-est striker.
I'm not sure if we should be proud, or he actually just undermined all our achievements at this point.
Cooper Rivera
I have too, otherwise I won't get my daily 3*
Aaron Davis
Seriously? What's his team?
Anthony King
Irru isn't really a meme striker though
Christian Lee
Fuck off attention whore, no one cares about you unironically.
Joshua Nelson
He only got it after his whole team got buffed, irru ee, Elaine buff, meta buff, Chitose buff etc. Not to mention all the cookie William teams getting nerfed from last season
Gabriel Barnes
i think i'm going to stop playing jp. one version of soccer spirits already sucks up a lot of time for me as it is.
Hudson Gonzalez
Jacob Smith
He's trying to say that nobody gives a fuck and that is a retard.
People here reached galaxy a year ago.
Jonathan White
you should've realized this since day one.
Adrian Green
Michael Torres
@147122626 Previews don't come out this early. Nice try, jumblr.
Isaac Johnson
A man can hope user, a man can hope...
Jeremiah Long
user. you need to post a sauce otherwise it's not credible
Owen Walker
Is your house in order, /ssg/?
The end is nigh.
Zachary Rodriguez
>statement >no proof
Benjamin Ross
Nice! I can slap stars tears and another stone in her for CR. Thanks for the advice anons!
Ryan Ramirez
Rumors say Shura EE this patch, kinda makes sense if you think about it
Wyatt Turner
Aaron Hernandez
Black Ivy EE, also Vergil is getting nerfed.
I got my source from the same place you did nowhere
Asher Evans
>kinda makes sense if you think about it It really doesn't, there's no indication of it and there's still another S1 Dark player to receive an EE (Orses).
Jacob Gutierrez
Milky EE is happening
Lucas Thompson
Rumors say Black Ivy EE this patch, kinda makes sense if you think about it
Christopher Martin
>tfw magnus ee never
Austin Hernandez
>jumblr chimping out at the mere thought of a dark ee
Camden Sanders
Rumors say the servers are being shutdown this patch, kinda makes sense if you think about it.
Blake Anderson
Rumors say Saramir EE this patch, kinda makes sense if you think about it
Luke Nguyen
My dick says Freyja EE this patch, kinda makes sense if you think about it.
Ayden Cruz
>Implying is won't be Evylin She was just in featured draw. Kinda makes sense if you think about it.
Mason Young
Milky is in this weeks draw E E C O N F I R M E D
Christopher Gutierrez
>tfw they're probably saving any EE announcements for AE damn them, don't we wait enough as it is?
Ethan James
Rumors say they are going to announce Season 3 at Evo, kinda makes sense if you think about it.
Isaac Scott
>champs >ww >every sharrs still do 1k damage even with magnus Guess I really need PoME for my Jin. Fuck that whore.
Parker Perry
Rumors say Uriel buffs this patch, kinda doesn't makes sense if you think about it.
Jordan Campbell
>damn them, don't we wait enough as it is? The rate of EEs has been pretty good recently. I was expecting it to slow down when they announced that updates would be bi-weekly, but right now it's actually been better than back then.
Charles Baker
Rumors say Jcuck buffs this patch. Kinda makes sense if you think about it.
Xavier Torres
>those massive amounts of utter shit and underwhelming EEs this game never fails to amaze me of how shit it is.
Nolan Robinson
ya know i wouldn't be surprised if they just forget about sage. not like they can do better than this.
William Ramirez
who is gettin record of this? where did you checked this? I can feel one yer of myself just looking at it...
That list doesn't include last week's content yet which had Irru
Nathan Gutierrez
>Saramir will never be your mom Why live?
Brody Smith
Because you can be her daddy
Kayden Stewart
clop pls
Isaac Rogers
Where is Alice??
Leo Gonzalez
Oliver James
>my beatrice kills nutes with two shots >she kills raklets with three or 4 Do people use nute because it's the only thunder gk they have, or because they're idiots?
Ian Jenkins
people think Raklet is shit
Sebastian Nguyen
She was pretty good when she came out because of her really good crit resist
Liam Watson
Because cute as heck
Bentley Garcia
>one of the spaces is 2 x 20 bp completely fucking useless, ffs BB
Ian Butler
>thunder >giving a fuck about gk They can just reflex wall out in mid and win.
Andrew Rodriguez
>raklet >3 or 4 shots The fuck? Raklet is 2 shots at most.
Camden Jenkins
Carter Torres
>this bitch has even more HP than my jin
Samuel Bennett
Ayden Butler
Jack Hill
R I P old Saramir >tfw the Saramir EE won't be by Snowball
a lot less DR though, which makes her easier to deal with
Henry Gomez
I bet you don't even have her hypermaxed.
Noah Robinson
only because I'm new but trust me, I love her more than any character in any game I have ever seen
Robert Moore
>1.8k Reflex >A wall Spotted the falseflagging WWfag.
Zachary Garcia
>tfw can only take 2-3 shots from the average striker