Why doesn't this masterpiece have its own general already?
Post everything 999/VLR/ZTD related here.
Why doesn't this masterpiece have its own general already?
Post everything 999/VLR/ZTD related here.
I don't know if you're actually going to get enough people to keep this a general but whatever
there, Ranko claims this
I would rather a Club penguin or wizard101 general than this garbage
Yohane > Ranko
Because I haven't played 999 or VLR yet so I didn't buy ZTD
I wish the other 2 came out for steam too.
hi from aa2g
Why say this?
Because it's visual novel and all visual novels are garbage. If I wanted to read a novel, I'd pick up a book
so what is this and why should I be interested?
it cropped up on my steam deals thing, but I'm too lazy to do my own research
Zero Escape is garbage. The series itself has almost nothing to discuss. All this general is going to be is shitposting and waifuposting.
what is this...
Enjoy your ban faggot.
dull your edges, nobody is impressed
It is one of the greatest series of the last 10 years. Extremely underrated and underappreciated. Everyone agrees that single one of these games is a masterpiece of storytelling beyond one's imagination. The written structure of it is completely unique, alluring and poetic. It's not just a regular VN, it's a combination of VNs, adventure games and puzzles. The main appeal, of course, is the story.
To be honest it is a little bit difficult to explain the game for fear of giving away too much about it. It is a masterpiece if you enjoy visual novels.
Fuck off with your spamming of other threads.
Learn to ignore it, imbecile.
Zero Escape goes to /v/
sup bros. playing 999 atm
We used to have /havng/ but I didn't check it for a long time and now it's gone.
Why you didn't wait for the new version?
the database needs some ZE characters doesn't it
because i wanted to play right now.
I'm playing it too, but I literally have no idea how puzzles work and shit, it's annoying and complicated.
DS version will always be superior due to A pc screen not being able to flip over easily. Also it will probably be a port of the iOS version that had all the puzzles ripped out.
What the fuck??? Why do people even buy the iOS version??? $5 for no gameplay???
Better than nothing if you only have a vita, and it has an extra bad end.
There's nothing wrong with the iOS version?
Except no puzzles. I've never played it, how do they even cover stuff like ICE-9 that comes up in puzzle rooms?
So anons, what's your biggest criticism of each game?
999: No flowchart
VLR: That transition between rooms was horrible
ZTD: Animations suck at various times. Also, issues with Zero's voice in the Vita version.
Overarching issue: Zero's fucking accent.
No voice acting.
One of this days I'm going to make a gif of he flipping option in desmume
I'm talking about the officially released versions. The steam version most likely won't flip. Also the effect is lessened since you're just hitting a button and if you didn't know different you'd think it's still right side up.
Is this from the anime where one of the seiyuu's shot a JAV video?
Is that from asanagi?
Can we put hide ZTD as spoiler please? I'm still playing the game. I'd help bump this thread but I don't want to get spoiled
>Also the effect is lessened since you're just hitting a button and if you didn't know different you'd think it's still right side up
Whatever mental gymnastics help you sleep at night dude
But at least the story was good.
I mean VLR got voice acting and it was cringey
Well except Phi's.
He did nothing wrong.
999: having to play through all the puzzles and rooms again just to get different endings (skips are also too slow (this is on DS dont know about PCversion))
VLR: waiting forever to move from one room to the next.
ZTD: terrible animation, voices are out of sync with the lips (I played with japanese). Puzzles were okay but would have been nice to have secret files like VLR
I finished VLR last night and desu I was a little dissapointed at the ending, the whole process up to it was great but the end didnt have as much of a bang haha get it as I wanted it to
Finished ZTD and now I want to play some more adventure VNS. Anyone have any recommendations? I've played the Ace Attorney series, Ghost Trick, Dangan Ronpa, Steins;Gate, Trace Memory, Time Hollow, The Infinity Series, and probably some others I'm forgetting. I know I/O and Root Double are made by Uchikoshi's co writer from back in the infinity days, are those any good?
Try Chaos Head. Heard it was pretty good. Made from the same guy who created Stein's Gate.
Yeah I agree with basically all of this.
not VLR
i meant ZTD***
Chaos;Head is easily their worst VN to date. Honestly I thought Robotics;Notes was better overall.
how do i take a picture of the piano key on the chair headrest in the healing room forest?
I'll hide my spoilers. I don't know if everyone else here will do the same. Plus anons are still playing the game.
Seriously? It was that bad? My friend told me it was good and since I enjoyed Stein's Gate a lot, I believed him.
I would have been happy to wait longer for better graphics/animations. the voice acting for the japanese was really something, but just watching the animation with it really ruined the effect.
Personal preference but I liked the novel-like narration aspect for 999, as well the more text based+ voiced lines in VLR. I felt like a literal vegetable when I watched cut scenes in ZTD
Yeah honestly the novel like aspect in 999 was what I favored out of the three ZE games. The 3d animations for VLR and ZTD ranged from meh to cringey. I mean just look at VLR Clover for example. She literally has a permanent smile on her face.
Is there anyone who already completed the game?
Read Muv-Luv now.
This user did And I'm sure there are some others here who have but thankfully hasn't posted spoilers for those who haven't finished the game.
It all hinges on whether or note you can tolerate the protagonist's terrible personality, dialogue, and lack of development until the last 5 minutes of the game. The supporting cast is all terrible, the plot twists are stupid, the level of wish fulfillment is cringe-worthy. Fans of C;H go on an on about how the PSP port that isn't in English is supposed to justify their adoration of it.
I did, and many other anons have. Spent 20 hours to do it in the last couple days.
Ive finished, took me 22 hours but I mucked around a bit so i think you can actually finish in about 18-19 hours
The novel makes it more psychological horror and I really liked that, i think 999 was the game that has a really good atmsphere.
yeah i noticed she smiles when she was crying in some scenes. and the fact they had drawn cgs at the end (eg June/ key on sigmas leg) which is inconsistent.
Why do people care about this literal garbage for manchildren?
Wow. So the protagonist like Hyouin Kyouma where he doesn't really develop for a good amount of the game until a certain point but this protagonist's development comes at the end? That's gotta be a pain to see throughout the game.
I'm sorry,
but I have
to tell you that:
Junpei is Zero.
I'll probably just wait for the vita trilogy at this point.
Yeah I agree. 999 simply had the best atmosphere and narrative to it that I enjoyed throughly. It made you feel dread with the dark tone. VLR was more like a comedy show. I couldn't feel any dread from it and so far playing ZTD it's kinda in the middle but I'm sure it's going to pick up as I play through.
Does this series have good waifus?
I might be interested then.
But Gab is Zero
Shes married to junpei tho. no one wants used goods.
Clover on the other hand
If you liked Virtue's Last Reward play Ever17 next. It's got some flaws, especially in terms of pacing, but in terms of plot holy shit it blows 999 and VLR clear out of the water. Absolutely incredible.
After that get Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria.
You're saying THIS is a virgin?
Man VLR was nuts. I've got ZTD but I can't be bothered playing it especially after how VLR ended in a pretty conclusive way.
Conclusive? It's just the setup for ZTD. I enjoyed the twists at the end, but ZTD has a much happier ending.
of course.
Ever17 is part of the infinity series, which as I said I've played . Remember11 is maybe my favorite thing Uchikoshi has done. I will check out that other one though.
>Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria
Unless I'm missing something, that's a light novel user.
Kara no Shoujo
G-senjou no Maou
Also has anyone done the puzzles that came with the Art book?
Im too lazy to do them.
Hotel Dusk.
>that's a light novel user
It's still a good anime book.
My copy won't arrive until July 15th because Amazon fucked up.
Please tell me that there is some PhixSigma, at least to please a poor devil like me. And yeah, I know what Uchi said.
999 had bad dialogue and I don't care for having to replay long parts of the game to see multiple endings.
I hate to break it to you senpai....
Time to off myself, then.
Fuck my shit up and please just tell me this, user: is there yuri? Phi says I love you on the trailer, and "aishiteru" in the Japanese one. Can you please just tell me if there's any yuri? I was kinda hoping for some PhixSigma, despite what Uchi said, but still.
she does say I love you but the context in question is... well ..its not yuri I will say that with confidence ...she says the line to Diana if it helps.
Hmm, I guess I'll attempt to ask for help here. I'm kinda stuck late into ZTD, so spoilers.
After the Reactor Room I did all the jumping around, and got the note sent with Gab to Q-Team about the portrait, but can't figure out where to follow that up? I don't seem to have unlocked anything new after doing that and going back to the Run Away option on the bomb to get the Circle of Fate ending.
Have you seen all the execution scenes for all 3 teams? that seems to be what triggered more fragments for me.
would help if you had caps of your flowchart too
Now I can't help but think that she's somehow related to Diana by blood. I mean, with all the shit and plot twists that happened in VLR I wouldn't be surprised.
And she does have her eyebrows. And Sigma's eyes too. Fuck Amazon, I can't wait.
is flipping option in desmume good for anything?
i never use it
I quite liked SigmaxPhi too (and holy crap the height difference between the two is amazing.) but its hard to explain...hope your game arrives soon!
Yeah, I've done all of those. I think that's what unlocked the Reactor for me in the first place.
Everything above where I've cut the image is coloured
From what I can see you havent done the other answer for 'who killed mira'and theres a pretty important cut scene in it. I can give you the answer for it if youre stuck
VLR was the second most optimistic timeline and the true end where everyone wins the coin toss and now has to stop Fanatic Bio R, aka Radical 6 2: Electric Boogaloo, is potentially the good end/true end
Oh, yeah, I literally can't figure out who it would be. I've tried Eric, Mira, Gab, Q, Zero and, because I was spoiled on a name, 'Delta', but got nothing from any of that
The answer is 'I dont know' all my friends got really stuck on this one.I dont know how I got it on with only a couple of guesses.
Clover did nothing wrong
Wow, never would of gotten that. Typing that in isn't something I'd think to do.
...but while sitting here reading your message while on the input screen, it timed out after a while of me doing nothing and I got the I Dont Know scene. So I guess not answering is the answer.
Oh wow I didnt know that worked, but I got really frustrated and typed it in haha well either way works i guess. Have fun with the rest of the game!
Can't even come here without having everything spoiled.
Great work guys.
But they're hiding the spoilers with the black text I think.
I didn't check because I obviously don't want to get spoiled.
It's very obvious from the start of that conversation it's about spoilers.
That's why they hid in black text.
That or I didn't pay attention to it.
>reads spoiler text
>complains about being spoilt
good job senpai.