I'm 30 and I still have no real optimism that Ill ever have real success that would be happy or what the hell my real passion is. I feel like even if I found a job I'm just always going to be in miserable situations. Hell I even jot a job finally a couple months back but then they laid me off after only working one day because of budgets so they basically changed their mind about hiring people. I get constantly pushed around and then told I'm being picky when I don't want abusive 12 hour / night shift jobs. I have mental issues at times so that doesn't help either when trying to deal with people.
I'm 30 and I still have no real optimism that Ill ever have real success that would be happy or what the hell my real...
try /r9k/
Nah it aint like I'm suicidal or anything. Just want to know from people who's probably been really late bloomers in this regard like me how they finally reached it. Just to know that it really isn't too late for me.
Happiness is all about perspective. I know that sounds hippy-dippie, but it's completely true. There's no such thing as a "fun" job. Everything eventually becomes monotonous and boring. What makes people happy is either money, travel, or supporting their family.
have you thought of going on a murderous rampage? who knows... maybe killing people is for you and you can make a career out of it. the mob is always hiring psychopaths to get rid of people.
*bullshit chart about Rowling, Colonel Sanders and Martha Stewart
27 yo here, same situation
>There's no such thing as a "fun" job.
Yeah I mean I hear of "famous people" that was this way but yeah those are rare and I'm not going to be a famous person, nor would I really want to be.
Doesn't nessesarily have to be "fun" it just has to be "right" for me. Hell the job I mentioned that I had ripped under me was actually a fairly physical warehouse maintinance job where I had to clear stuff/move stuff in the way etc. But it worked out the hours weren't crazy or anything and it seemed like the people wanted me to have some success. But then something happend higher up and at first it was just a delay because they had to move to a bigger location down the street but then then I was never called back and when I asked they said stuff about budgets and it's been months so that job's basically dead now. I can do everything right and still just be screwed over it can really depress me.
I'm actually pretty glad you posted this, because I'm 26 and lost as hell mang. Who /lostasfuck/ here?
get a fucking hobby. focus on something other than your job and just let your job be a way to finance your fun.
Yeah I get so lost in this job looking mess too.
I would suggest this also. Jobs all suck. My boses love me and ive done 15 minutes of actual work today. Still dont wanna fucking be here
I do somewhat have hobbies , mostly to escape from me feeling so bad about myself for awhile.
It's funny I can at times feel so down but would never want to "an hero" or anything.
Can be really hard to be optimistic about the future.
This. All my bosses love me but I hate working. ¯\(°_o)/¯
> I have mental issues at times so that doesn't help either when trying to deal with people.
Step one to success: quit using "muh mental issues" as an excuse and learn to fucking talk to people. Let met guess, ADD? OCD? Some other meme disease that literally just poor self control?
jobs suck knowing theres people making money on the internet
I feel for you op.. Where do you live?
North Carolina.
So OP, what are you gonna do about it? Just complain like a little pussy?
No I am actually still looking and got a place that helps find jobs helping too but still even then it's like wtf do I lead towards as a real success goal?
Well I moved to London 6 years ago when I was 27 with only OK English. I got a job at a pub, then a hotel receptionist, then an Events Manager at the same hotel, then onto the global HQ of the hotel chain (Sales Support role), then industry move - Sales Support in an IT Fortune 500 company... stayed there 3 years, got some certificates (ITIL, Lean Six Sigma etc) and am now hopping onto a government job to manage Process Improvement projects.
Obviously I got lucky a lot of times and it's London (plenty of opportunities for ambitious people), however I think the following helped me:
1) being a Veeky Forumsizen - have been lifting, running and eating well for years now and have built mental discipline, grit and persistence
2) Keep learning and improving - anything you don't know, google and read. I keep reading stuff how to improve my CV, LinkedIn, and stay relevant within my industry. I have a mid- and long-term plan with all training and certificates I will get and am always working on something after work
3) Manage your household properly and be organised, because a shitty homelife is a huge distraction from your career
4) Stay positive, and when you get a slap, give yourself an hour or two to feel bad, then dust yourself off and move on
5) Approach life like a winner
6) This probably goes without saying, but you need to be clean and presentable. A good haircut always pays off