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Guess my rank.

Jack "Soldier: 76" Morrison is a dreamboat and I want him to fuck me until I can't think.

Reminder to say "gg ez" every game

Is there anymore Overwatch related videos with the guy who laughs amazingly? I can only find the below one


worse accuracy than me so probably 50

>64% competitive winrate

>playing D. Va
>be on Gibraltar
>pushing the cart
>move a little past cart to kill a sym caught in th middle of my team
>trying to suicide us both off the cliff
>pin wears off
>boost out
>he continues to fall to his death
I love this hero

b-b-but redit feelings

>Reinhardt is overpowered as fuck
>nobody thinks he is bause apparently people only think offense classes can be overpowered

enjoy your 100% required pick with his ebin 75 damage map-wide hitbox and loliwin ult

>no one plays soldier76 because hes not got any cool abilities and hes gained a rep for being "The CoD guy"
>they underestimate him because normally only new players play him until they find a "cool" main like D.VA or Reaper
>meanwhile Im busy getting 20 player killstreaks and potg'ing everytime

What's the best time to play Ranked?
Weekends are obviously out of the question
I have had absolutely no luck playing at midnight and it's made me hesitate queueing up again

>playing a garbage hero that is almost guaranteed to lose your team the match
>if you win or do good you'll claim it's because you are a pro dva main
>its just because you crushed shitters who you would've beaten easier without weighing down your team with bad hero choices
>no better than hanzo and zen mains

neck yourself

D.va buff when?

Mercy has a nice tush

Except for the fact everybody plays Soldier because he's one of the best characters in the game and likely the best Offense hero. Are you sub 40?

>dat hp
>dat heal
>dat damage
>dat hook hitbox + combo

>playing Reaper
>trying to push payload, immediately killed by torbjorn's turret
>decide to flank him and kill him and the turret
>turret kills me anyway
>switch to genji to try take out turret and torbjorn
>turret and torbjorn kill me anyway
>switch to widowmaker to try take care of it
>both hanzos give me shit for it
>we lose
>torbjorn gets play of the game
>it's his turret killing our whole team

When is he going to be fucking nerfed? His turrets are goddamn psychic or something.

>go competitive
>get 4 gold medals
>only 2 other players on the team are trying


Who are the objectively worst characters in every class?

>attack on Numbani
>enemy team is all dead except for Zenyatta
>my team is all dead except for me
>just chilling on the point with fairly low health, don't want to get off the point
>their Zenyatta is watching from the side
>just looking
>doesn't try to stop me
>strange little man is chilling
>type in chat "you there man?"
>"I won't kill you if you don't tell"
>he evacuates to the side as his and my team come back in
>I don't kill him the entire match
>he never discord orbs me the entire match, or kills me

I ... don't understand. I'm okay with this, but I don't understand.

pic unrelated, just a bat friend I made.

>no one plays soldier76

Hopefully soon

Im 68 and I rarely see another 76

>Play ranked
>First game someone leaves after round 1 of KotH
>Win second game on Hanamura
>End up 2-8 with the 2 wins both on Hanamura
>9/10 games have people leaving at the end of round 1
>Rank :37

R-r-ranked is for f-f-fags anyway.

Offensive: Genji
Defensive: Hanzo
Tank: Dva
Support: Zen

I may or may not have the categories correct

I want Mercy to heal my broken heart.

>no one plays soldier76

of course of course

Offense: McCree
Defense: Bastion
Tank: D.Va
Support: Zenyatta

Not even debateable

76 is probably one of the most played characters right now, wannebehipster.

offense: mcchicken
defense: hanzo, unless you're a god with him, then mei
support: zenyatta
tank: dva

>"Its usually said by the most worthless person on the team"
>genji flare
we got a live one fellers


>being this mad over D. Va
I play to have fun m8, unless I'm in Comp


Best dad?

How do I maintain pixel perfect head locks?

>play of the game
>tor just respawned
>is walking out of base
>turret gets a quad kill
Can we please remove turret kills, sentry bastions, and hanzo ults from qualifying for PoTG?

Yes, well done enemy team, well done.


play hanzo

Install a good aimbot Blizzard doesn't know about.

bastion is situational, he can be extremely effective on very specific parts of maps. Mei is just outclassed and bad.

>I play to have fun m8, unless I'm in Comp

Well I assumed you were talking about comp.

Have any of you guys bullied a Widow into switching characters today?

Can you see team stats in this game? Seems like some players have access to team stats after each match somehow.

>those people that take sym on KoTH
>team has no healer except for maybe a 76 if you're lucky
I'd rather have the zen

Are you guys all playing on xbox where the autoaim is the only way to hit someone? Literally never see a 76. I see symmetrical indian more than 76

>"Get 3 killing blows while wall-riding as Lucio without dying"

>it's Zarya on defense episode
This bitch is now officially my least favorite character to play against. I don't even mind Mei anymore, but holy shit fuck this pink-haired cunt.

I told some garbage kid that Zen is fucking shithouse and is going to lose the match for us attacking anubis first point.

He changed to lucio and we won convincingly.

He literally and unironically told me everyone thinks zen is amazing and is a good hero.

Widow usually bullies me and I like it

lmao no, I only play her on the chokeist early choke point map that is Kings Row in comp.
Best place to uproot the turrets, the bastions, the snipers, really everyone that wanted high ground

Nope, PC exclusive, see them all the time

I want to cum deep inside her asshole.

>rmb 3 people off a cliff while skating on ilios


Who /madeit/ here?

I play on PC, I am level 92, I see 76's literally all the time. Bread and butter offensive class, dont know whats going on with you.

I wanna play him more while actually doing good for my team.

Just a quick Zarya tip, if you have a Reinhardt you can barrier him while he's shielding, the shots fired at the shield will transform into energy for you as long as they shoot in the middle of the shield which is where most people shoot, especially in chokepoints
The barrier is bigger than the shield

>good hero
>requires aimbot tier play and future prediction skills to hit anything
>no health
>no movement
>dies if anyone looks his way
>virtually useless heal

At least his E is okay, although heroes usually die horrific overkill deaths anyways rendering it moot.

Bastion has the hanzo problem but with a smaller pool of players, so it's magnified

Bad bastions don't switch out of turret when they're being spammed, thus all bastions are worthless

>enemy has Reinhardt
>pick Bastion
>ruin his day

I don't get it in Quick Play I had no problem winning playing Support but I'm currently only losing in Ranked have like 40 games and 15 won.

>Get 4 kills or assists with Zenyatta's Orb of Discord within 6 seconds in quick or competitive play.
>Kill 4 enemies using Widowmaker's Venom Mine during a single quick or competitive play game.
>Destroy 3 of Symmetra's Teleporters in a single quick or competitive game.

>we lose the first match
>after the penality got removed I look up and I am the only one left
>fuck those rage-quitters

>>Kill 4 enemies using Widowmaker's Venom Mine during a single quick or competitive play game.
this one is easy as hell, it counts eliminations, just toss those fuckers into the maelstrom and you'll get it no problem

Well you're actually right but that's a really shitty reason considering I'm fucking top percentile at most other stats.

Me always ooga, team always booga. I don't know how to fucking win in this game.

>enemy has rein and zarya
>melt them both through their shields
i love bastion sometimes

>I play a shit mercy and now I'm playing with people that know how to kill mercy

>knock 2 players off a ledge in one whole hog

how will I ever manage to do t hat

>>Kill 4 enemies using Widowmaker's Venom Mine during a single quick or competitive play game.
>>Destroy 3 of Symmetra's Teleporters in a single quick or competitive game.

I've done both of those desu


Is literally every person with a mic a whiney faggot?

Most Symmetras don't even create 3 teleporters in one game.


>love torb's gun
>turret is fun
>his ult is cool
>can only play him on selective defense maps


I calibrated at fucking 48. I'm starting to think I just don't have the hand-eye coordination to play FPS games.

This is so depressing, I really like the game but I can't play it worth shit.

nepal sanctum

Route 66 on defense


>just play winston
>implying winston can actually kill a widowmaker with his feather duster gun

yes a winston can disrupt a widowmaker but the widowmaker can and will get away and live, and her team will dumpster rape the winston

atleast when i played quickplay i could just leave if the enemy team had a good widowmaker

>she's bad lul
>she just got nerfed

don't care she's still broken in the hands of a good player, unfairly broken

>started playing Dad 76 recently
>4 gold, 1 silver at least in every payload game along with a damage/obj time/kill streak card

Carl on duty pandering or not, he is one of the most based characters gameplay, character and lore wise.

More like the other way around.

>put turret on cart
Hey look you're offense viable now

stay the fuck out of koth though, you're worthless there

What is the most underplayed hero and how would you make them more enticing?

I'm 55 and playing with my sub-50 shitter friends so my stats are godmode in every way but I think accuracy is a fairly consistent stat to determine shit by

>Overwatch still hasn't been patched on PS4

Why aren't they treating it the same as Diablo III?

>stack 5 loot boxes
>open them all
>each is GGBG

i wonder if itll be a year down the line, if this game survives that long, and every lootbox will just be full of duplicates

They had 2 Symmetras

Stop disrespecting Genji players. He's a good character.

He's very good at disturbing the enemy's backline, putting pressure on their snipers/mid-range damage characters, assassinating their healers, slipping through chokepoints and contesting points forcing the enemy to turn around and let your teammates break through. He has excellent vertical mobility letting him contest highground on maps like Gibraltr where a highly perched enemy widow/soldier/pharah can totally choke out on offense. His ult is fantastic at pushing the payload through the final stretch or clearing a point.

He barely even has counters too, Mei is effortless because you can just backpedal and throw stars at her if she tries to do her stupid freeze gun shit, and you can dash away if you make a mistake. Winston doesnt have the same mobility so you can just run away if he tries to bully you, plus his head hitbox is so big you can get a ton of damage on him and easily outrange and kite him. His biggest annoyance is torbjorn because a live turret will prevent you from dragon-blading, but fortunately torb is a trash character.

If your team supports you, TB is an unstoppable force on payload attack/KOTH.

>getting so many friend requests because I'm destroying cunts because blizzard fucked up and put me in a low ranking

good feel


Good thing there only exist very few of those. Too bad that the rest are always in your own team.

>Group of 70+'s qing with a fucking 55 to lower their team avg so they can get matched against high 50's

Fuck this game.

Most Genjis are shit though, thats the point.

daily reminder overwatch is not dota2 and its not league of legends! stay out bully!

k but shitters can't do any of that so fuck off and don't pick him

Bastion is a worse character than Mei in almost any situation though. Yes, he's got uses in very, very select, rare cases, and only for an extremely quick switch in switch out, but overall, he's a worse character.

>I'm shitty at killing mercy and now there's a bunch of mercys