Comfy edition
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And some comfy
Good weath sounds for spy when? I'd rrather have music when only in combat and complete silence when the enemy doesn't know you're there.
>ywn heft your waifu's twelve forma tonkor, musky and swollen with focus from draco
are you ok
no, pls post the pasting bin of guiding frames to make me feel better
What will baro bring us?
now this is shitposting
Primed Streamline
30% efficiency at rank 9
I've been playing with clan buddies exclusively so far
dead gaem so I might farm oxium with pubs I guess
I join a mission before I even can see what frames are in my team
got XP booster from daily login, join archwing team, lobby shows standard gear
does nobody care?
this is alpha state level bullshit...
besides blood rush what are semi-valuable mods that don't hoops to jump through to get?
>host 3k cryo hieracon
>make it to 1500 cryo before people start dying every two seconds
>they extract
>i'm still soloing everything
>tell them to git gud
>they tell me to invite better players
>chroma parts require other frame parts
>therefore each part takes 24 hours
It makes sense but this is some bullshit.
are the cryo rewards doubled, or do double resources only apply to dropped shit
>this chroma part needed a frame part maybe I should look up if the rest do
>nah why would anyone check the fucking wiki if the rest need them too
>shitters ok with being shitters
At least they were being honest amirite
>t. Valkyr
I'm on my first one smart one. Why would I have checked if a warframe needs OTHER warframe parts before starting this quest when no other warframe does that?
scaling rework when
damage system rework when
weapon and frame acquisition/progression system rework when
mod card system reworked into minmaxable mod point allocation system when
resource and general loot distribution system rework when
complete categorical reward structure rework when
boss rush mode when
vr missions when
stealth fun and viable when
giant honorabru weebsword and non-archshit scythe when
wakizashi when
dark split-sword fixed in profiles when
edgy blood/shadow goth loli frame when
custom enemy familiars as companions when
lotus and ordis into the sun when
umbras when
I actually really like some of the ambient non-combat tracks
How good is Nikana Prime? I kinda wanta weeaboo stick for fashion since I don't use my melee but I want it to be good if im gonna get it.
That sounds like too much work. We don't need to fix those, we're too busy working on space cats and LUNARO
Coincidentally I just got mine out of the oven. Feels good.
It seems like a really cool frame.
>"Want to trade platinum for something on minecraft"
Hoooooooooooly shit haha
meinkroft is dank
>Those eyes
Ching Chong Ping Pong Samurai
Never noticed that before, but I didn't use Chrome for anything else than MF anyways.
I really dislike the ambient in corpus/grineer missions. Scratch that, I hate almost all ambient music in warframe. That sounds like the gold soundtrack which is decent but the only decent part for me is when the chanting stops and the musical instruments kick in.
>not loving this desu-ex-ripoff-sounding-ass shit
What is the best place to farm plastids?
>ash (female) will never ever exist
buy plat faggot
>these injustices
why even live
why are keyshare welchers always european?
post potatos?
>i went from having 3 neurals to having 60 in the lapse of 4 hours of extensive alad v murdering
man i can't feel my fingers and my eyes hurt
but i will have neurals for a while..
who needs eyes when you have neural sensors
where the fuck do i farm neurodes.
ODD is probably the best atm because you get neurodes, keys and have a chance at mag chassis
k i'll try that ty
i would've tried eris assassination but apparently they added some new requirement needed to get to the eris boss, it's like they're actively punishing me for taking year long breaks.
Tycho earth
also a sweet chance to get war drops
you don't want to try that...
Post Equinox
If you have ivara, go into moon survival. Prowl the sentients and they have high high chance of dropping neurodes.
so they have fake languages and professional voice actors being hired to use them, if of questionable quality both, but still... corpus/grineer music when?
Is there a way to see what baro will have? or does DE choose at the last minute.
is it worth putting overextended on trinity for EV?
Yes if you want it to reach to all your allies.
It's mandatory for EV.
check out the recent additions to voidglitch's language string dump, especially the ones that were previously placeholder'd - at the very least I'd expect prisma extractor drone
what's this? The music for the new quest or something?
it's part of a song from nier, written in a synthetic language
oh. Sounds pretty nice
So I managed to get myself a Soma Prime through trading, how would you recommend setting this thing up for maximum fun?
but why
Dude.. What.
> waifu
Isn't equinox both male and female?
Day form obviously male, night form is female.
sell it for more and get a good weapon
Such as?
Both Equinox forms are female
"Warframes don't have gender"
She's just thick.
equinox is a stick
user shouldn't of have given them gender in the first place.
Post tunes you listen to when doing void survival
will the intergalactic Jew be at a relay that requires higher than MR10?
He will be at Saturn.
Nope, she is female female
Only good thing DE ever did was confirm she was full female and they only did that to spite LGBT SJW
I thought he goes to all of them
I see, ok then.
>Only good thing DE ever did
B..But they created Warframe, user. They also worked on the Unreal Tournament games.
Now that I think of it, is Dark Sector a decent game?
Yes, but he goes to a different relay every time he comes.
it has some cute bits and pieces, but no, it's a bad game
>DE makes Baro sell Prisma Lunaro armor
>Most likely will have some new syandana.
>Muh cosmetics
i want primed reach so i can cleave entire screens of infested scum
No pls, no more lunaro
>be me
>Join E-Gate squad that is already in progress (400 cryotic per extractor ain't bad)
>Squad is a Volt and an Excalibur
>Excalibur is afk
>Extractor is out of energy, wondering why
>Get to extractor
>Volt is sitting there using ability one on the extractor
>Ask him what the hell he's doing
>"I'm recharging the extractor!" he says, in this proud ass voice
>Tell him about the power cells that drop
>he starts getting power cells and putting them into extractor
>he does this for all the other extractors
Is it even possible to be this retarded in Warframe??
should this game have a "favor the shooter" mechanic just like overwatch has? (It means overly sized hitboxes to favor the shooter in pvp and to "equilibrate" and "balance" the teams, so even the noobs can actually be effective)
overwatch is shit
if quake fucking 2 can get hitboxes right you better get yourshit together
He did what you said and who the fuck cares if he puts more in? You should be more pissed at the afker then him.
you don't even understand what "favor the shooter" means you moron
it has nothing to do with hitboxes
Yeah I'm salty because I like overwatch but it could be a much better game than it is currently
Mighty No. 9 is awesome!
What the fuck are you saying
nigga the "favor the shooter" is literally oversizing hitboxes
Now, get any hanzo gameplay and watch how headshot are not really "head shots" but "over the head shots"
Do the same shit with bastion.
4 M I L L I O N
never played, i don't base my opinion on masses
generally, i tend to like those mega man rip offs
>doing potato alert
>run ahead to new extractors
>let them die
>watch my teammates rage
"favor the shooter" is the concept of letting the game favor the shooters latency instead of the victims
this means in overwatch you can JUST escape around the corner with 1HP and survive, and suddenly die for no reason due to the shooter "clicking" on your hitbox even though on your client you were already behind cover
it has NOTHING to do with the size of hitboxes
you're gonna have to find another trendy buzzword to shitpost about games
just read your phrase. Oversized hitboxes.
You can't even discuss without shit being flailed at you
Why would that make them angry? Excavation has no possible fail-state other than your own death.
do you even know what latency is
jesus christ
yes overwatch has big hitboxes but that is entirely separate from the "favor the shooter" concept they employ
you don't even deserve an explanation for this, fuck off