Previous >[6M DL Campaign from 30.6 to 7.7] - Up to 21 quartz with consecutive logins - 1/2 AP for all Free Quest - Great and Super Sucess double rate - Login bonus renewal - Renewal of materials in Daily Quests - Eggplant level cap to 60 - 5* Lancer Scat special gacha, new batch of 3* CE added. For detailed info:
>[Servant Strengthening Quest: Part 3] - Medea: Remove debuff and NP gain up (1 turn) - Euryale: Self Art cards up (3 turns) - Shakes: Increase NP and star rate, targetable (1 turn) - Arash: Gain NP and HP (1 turn) For tentative candidates refer to:
some new buds would be nice 124,765,554 if you'd like me to change anything just say now
Leo Nelson
One year anniversary, for sure!
Logan Morgan
Xth for the best servant
Aiden Ramirez
9th for Tamamo
Jack Cruz
best kneesocks
Daniel White
Christian Jones
> They were before Lancelot killed his brothers and destroyed the kingdom.
Carter Stewart
Parker Bell
Best Suki
Nathan Lewis
Mason Watson
I'm starting to wonder if Jetfag is even a real person anymore. He's starting to sound like an advanced shitposting algorithm.
Henry Williams
All hail His Grace, Heracles Son of Zeus, First of His Name, Truest of the Archers, Hero of Heroes, and Protector of the General
Joshua Sanders
I've got Vlad, Nightingale, Beowulf, Frankenstein, and TamamoCat. For a Berseker team, who should I compromise for leveling and ascending? Vlad is already maxed.
Ryder Lee
Love seeing Arash get a good buff. His bond CE is also one of the better ones. It's so wonderful how he keeps getting the good stuff.
Jackson Ross
wouldn't it be hilarious if someone actually programmed a simple copy and paste of previous posts he replied to and he argued with it all day He really likes saying the same thing over and over like repeating makes him somehow more right
Christian Kelly
Best Rider is here
Christopher Phillips
Bradamante when?
Levi Thompson
Frankie and TamaCat. If you don't have any Kaleidos, give one Hollow Magic and the other a maxed Leylines, or better. Grab Waver supports and use the Clock Tower outfit.
Zachary Fisher
Oops wrong picture
Ethan Morris
Some 14 posts above you
Ryder Reed
tamamo thread
Andrew Foster
Melvin is the Moon Cancer and he's going to end these threads for good.
Daniel Brown
Melvin loves to go WEW. He loves to talk about the Wide Erect Wang he sucks.
Nicholas Nelson
I've got four Kaleidos, maxed Kintoki, and three Sakuras, so Np firing is no problem for me.
Luis Ross
Suki Suki
Zachary Cruz
>He is one of a select number of Round Table members to be referred to as one of the greatest knights >According to some legends, he would have been the true and rightful heir to the throne of Camelot, after the reign of King Arthur >Gawain is often portrayed as a formidable, courteous, and also a compassionate warrior, fiercely loyal to his king and family. He is a friend to young knights, a defender of the poor, and as "the Maidens' Knight", a defender of women as well. In some works, his strength waxes and wanes with the sun >His knowledge of herbs makes him a great healer >Gawain appears in English, French and Celtic literature as well as in Italy where he appears in the architecture of the north portal in the cathedral of Modena, constructed in 1184. I had never realized how much potential this guy has, he could even be a healer caster according to the first paragraphs of Wikipedia.
Gawain when?
James Thompson
Xth for snek
Jaxson Turner
Looks like you need some glasses user-kun.
Oliver Hill
>best saber More like bent saber, am I right?
Zachary Taylor
>impling fake jet & JETS are the same
Jaxon Morris
Sabers flex, katanas bend.
Zachary James
Reminder that Gwalchmei is best Rider. No seriously, in the stories they flat out call him "best walker and rider"
Jayden Miller
Who's getting a 3rd skill tomorrow?
Gabriel Turner
>Lancelot is so UNRIVALED he has a Sabetana EAM A M
Easton Richardson
I'ts done
Carson Thompson
If Medea is such a great magus, why is she such a mediocre Caster?
Ryan Davis
Soon hopefully, best round table not counting Percival and Galahad; In my opinion.
Andrew Green
Ushi buffs are coming.
Samuel Young
Luis Hernandez
Brody Martin
Powercreep and none of the authors like her
Chase Myers
Ushi. Followed by either Fluffy or Moon Loon.
Evan Garcia
She truly belongs here.
Camden Harris
Holy fuck, it's real. I got motherfucking Scat.
I was farming the quartz from the free quest like a hobo fuck but it was worth the pain. Goddamit, it feels good. Singles quartz roll are real.
Noah Anderson
post dead saints
Wyatt Brown
Her ability gets offset by her misfortune.
Sebastian Rodriguez
>Francesca said Baz can't sustain him at his peak Didn't she say that he was the only one that could?
James Rodriguez
Lucas Carter
Asher Lee
How many saberfaces are you expecting to be added at the end of the month?
Luis Walker
For what possible reason would Nightingale have a bucket of semen lying around
Joshua Johnson
Michael Lewis
It's their son's bucket obviously.
Ayden Wood
At least 2 is already confirmed
Justin Hall
>he would have been the true and rightful heir to the throne of Camelot, after the reign of King Arthur Poor Mordred, she never stood a chance. I wonder what Nasuverse Mordred thought of Gawain, I imagine she was have been jealous as fuck.
Juan Walker
It's milk milk is healthy Nightingale is a health nut Mordred is lacking tits and milk is supposed to help with that But feel free to shitpost some more
Nathaniel Johnson
That just changes the question to why Mordred would have one
Kayden Cooper
>Archer Artoria >Lancer Artoria >Grand Saber
Ian Edwards
It's from milking Alter Lancer.
Ryan Rogers
Bet she loved him, there was a nice image going around of their fight.
Blake Ross
>being this triggered
Benjamin Thomas
Jordan Jenkins
>De ortu Waluuanii, nepotis Arturi >Gawain was raised on Rome & foster son of Emperor >Gawain could have became the next Emprah but decided to serve Arthur instead Rome BTFO
Aaron Stewart
>He typically features as King Arthur's greatest companion, the lord of Joyous Gard and the greatest swordsman and jouster of the age >Lancelot is portrayed as the bravest of knights and one whom everyone is forced to describe as uniquely perfect. His deeds are recounted for their uniqueness, not only among living knights but of all men who have ever lived. >Lancelot is constantly tied to the Christianity associated with Arthurian Legend. Raabe compares Lancelot’s quest for Guinevere in “Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart” to Everyman’s quest for salvation and Christ’s quest for the human soul. This becomes intensified when he becomes the prophesied saviour of the captives of Logres. His adventure among the tombs is described in terms that suggest Christ’s “harrowing of Hell” and resurrection: he effortlessly lifts the lid off the sarcophagus, which bears an inscription foretelling his freeing of the captives. UNRlV@LLED
>Galahaut is Arthur's enemy and poised to become the victor, but he is taken by Lancelot's battlefield performance and offers him a boon in return for the privilege of one night's company in the bivouac. Lancelot accepts and uses his boon to demand that Galahaut surrender peacefully to Arthur. Lancelot could BTFO Tiberius too.
Eli Smith
>tfw no Galahad being summoned and making saber genuflect
Wyatt Ortiz
You mean the same one that deals with Mordred going commando in a windy country?
Michael Parker
The first time I was her splash art I thought she has a buttplug
Tyler Thomas
Daniel Hall
>I got called out on shitposting >better respond with "You're so triggered" >claim "I am not the same user" as a reply to this post
Oliver Jenkins
Bit late, but why is she looking forward to getting sent back to a land where her wish can never come true? Turning out she actually enjoys the old age warrior dream of fighting forever?
Liam Gomez
That's the one, it was cute.
Hudson Brown
So outside of daylies, the best place to farm plumes is the last map of Okeanos ?
Brayden Rogers
Get back in your cart & continue to obsess over your Gawain-senpai already. You only existed because a Frenchie decided that Welsh stories need more Frenchmen.
Gavin Scott
Did that just say Lancelot had gay sex with Galahaut in order to placate him?
Christian Jones
Holy shit, the French didn't hold back when they made OCs. That literally sounds like the bio of every self-insert made by a 12 year old.
Carson Turner
>make an obvious joke >random autist loses it and starts crying about shitposting You realise that you are the one shitposting right
Jackson Ward
The French things tended to be major metaphor about the virtue of piety and shit like that.
Leo Rivera
She's not mediocre. She can do a lot of stuff that other casters can't. Freezing space, teleportation, immortality potions, and so on.
Jack Peterson
Why is she making that face
Jaxon Walker
>couldn't obtain the Grail because too impure
Bentley Anderson
She's a hypocrite. She talks big about wanting to die and moans about it a lot, but whenever her dying is on the cards she does her best to get out of it.
Tyler Parker
Nobu a CUTE.
Connor Brooks
Juan Hughes
>Every reference to Lancelot's skill endurance and the magnificence of his sword are all about his ability in bed with men >He didn't kill Gareth and Gaheris, just fucked them >Gawain was mad because Lancelot stole his brothers purity and left them unable to get married
Mason Turner
She wants you to headpat her for doing a good job
Luis Rogers
Lancelot was born in Britain and he's father is a briton. Lancelot is a britcuck, you uneducated pig.
Kayden Peterson
You might as well say the same thing about King Arthur himself, even when it was just Brits writing about him.
Dominic Williams
She wants you to be her aniue.
Levi Garcia
Fuck off RotTKfag.
Lucas Rodriguez
Chretien wasn't actually so bad & it was the later authors that wanked Lancelot. In his original story, Sir Lancelot swooned over the queen so much he nearly fell out of a window if Gawain wasn't there.
Jack Scott
Just because she wants to die doesn't mean she's just gonna stand there and let some other Scottsman chop off her head to absorb her power.
Cooper Smith
And yet the MVP was Percival. Found the grail twice.
Grayson Young
Easton Lee
holy shit
Ian Sanders
What are the average *5 for those who have played since the beginning? 3? 4? 5?