How did YOU end your existential crisis depression?
How did YOU end your existential crisis depression?
Lift weights and eat delicious food.
Hermeticism and lifting and women.
Drugs and boipucci.
Took meds to the point I regained my sanity, and then could start exercising and talk to my psychologist
>Took meds to the point I regained my sanity, and then could start exercising and talk to my psychologist
What is placebo. Good on you though.
suicide of ego
>consuming psychoactive substances is a valid example of the placebo effect
>believing what PSYCHOLOGISTS tell you.
If you had said Psychiatrist I would be inclined to believe you.
Psychologists are a joke - literal placebo.
Psychologists can't prescribe meds and aren't MDs. Are you underage or just retard?
They weren't placebos, the process took agonizing years
with memes
I confronted my pain.
>Psychologists can't prescribe meds and aren't MDs. Are you underage or just retard?
Read a book, bro.
>doctor's prescribe meds which they know 100% is going to happen with you
>he said with knoweldge of the drug industry
I embraced my pain.
Time, introspection, thinking, heavy drinking, medication, medication and heavy drinking (bad mix) and later on just medication, finally philosophy (still on the meds).
>tfw terrified that my mind ends when I die
>meme means anything.
Seriously. You understand how modelling works? And you can literally model anything you want?
>"If Goodrich buys a tire from me that lasts twenty years against two years, why should they manufacture it? It puts them out of business. If a drug company finds out that celery juice lowers blood pressure and if they tell it to people, they can't sell their drugs. They get three bucks for a pill. Why should they tell you to use celery juice? The free enterprise, monetary system is corrupt as hell because of the nature of your business. That's why banks and all other financial institutions are bound to be corrupt. And senators depend on donations to get elected. And companies do the donating. So what can you expect? War is big business. They sell weapons"
You really do not understand modern economics and just how pharmaceutical companies are profiting.
oddly enough, I found the existential dread only ever to be mildly uncomfortable. I've always been aimless, so it's something that's intuitive to me.
My depression is from an identity crisis and I'm still reeling, but I'm building a new one month-by-month out of healthy habits and some good old fashion acting.
You don't. It's always there, always humming away at the back of your mind, waiting for an event that brings it roaring back to life.
Ain't shit you can do about it anonalon.
ongoing...probably until death ... or loss of sanity
>observed change in NT is a placebo
ayyyy lmao
Not trying to be a memer but for a year I smoked weed every day. Didn't help my professional life but it made me a happier person.
This used to be something I cared about when I was younger. I still hope we all just die but if there was an after life what can you do about it? Who cares about things that you cannot change?
>causation implies correlation
Playing right into the drug companies hands.
This is totally disregarding the fact that PSYCHOLOGISTS do not have the power to prescribe any 'real' SSRI's.
You misunderstand. I am okay with any afterlife, I am just terrified there isn't
I never had one. There's not much point getting twisted over abstract bullshit instead of actually living your life.
>not correlation implies causation
Nicely done retard.
I suppose that's why if you change the pill it effects the resulting Neurotransmitter balances differently. I suppose people have a super defined and predictive placebo effect, faggot.
If your life is full, maybe.
But if not, you ponder this stuff.
Oh. I guess that's a thing as well. We have the complete different perspective.
I'd rather not have to live 'forever' after death. Eternal life sounds as much like an eldritch torture as anything else I've heard.
I get your perspective though. A want to continue rather than just simply disappearing without a trace.
Realize that because the universe doesn't give a fuck about me, and struggling to find a purpose will only make it worse
Then, you realize that because there are no expectations, you are free to dedicate your life to your passions and interests, setting you own goals and deciding what is fulfilling to you
My life is empty and I spend all day watching anime, reading manga or on Veeky Forums, and I don't have any friends either. This has been my life for years.
I've still never ever had any sort of existential angst.
If true, I am amazed.
Maybe you are very young?
I am a little younger than 20 but, even so, I've never had any kind of crisis over anything abstract or made up. The closest I've gotten was a shit ton of obsessive-compulsive thoughts and rituals because I didn't interact with anyone for a while and went a bit batshit, but even then I recovered pretty easily.
i didnt
Are you me, user?
Except the acting bit that's gay
In struggling against the illusion of meaning, I feel that I have meaning. Instead of searching for a purpose, I live as a cycle of creation and destruction of meaning. I don't have a reason to continue, but rather a context for the inertia that continues me.
I came to view it as a peaceful end.
Hey, we all are friends here.
I occupy my brain with pointless bullshit like video games and work so I can spend most of the day not actually thinking about anything. The plan is to just keep on doing that until I wake up dead one day.
Maybe I should watch that show. I've kind of dismissed it as 2deep4u furry garbage.
Yeah though that sums it up pretty well.
The crisis comes from suffering, you can either come up wih some bullshit solution to find meaning and value in your suffering hurr I'm free to make my own meaning and endure this life woo hoo
Or you can just stop suffering and dissolve the whole issue of the crisis in the first place, people experiencing pleasurable and positive things don't have xistenti crisis
My solution; 110mg methadone/10mg diazepam per day, 450mg venoafaxine and 60mg mirtazipine as well even though I'm 99% sure they are placebos
Tldr opiates
But is there a need for a meaning? and what makes your activities unimportant?
Or you can just recognise that thoughts about existential crisis are like any other thought and just let it pass away instead.
There's no need for some hedonistic 'solution' either.
There's nothing that inherently makes a thought about your existence more important than a thought about what you should have for dinner.
But you don't see people agonising constantly about what they're having for dinner, do you?
Activities are unimportant when they're usually sight-gags or other comedic devices that only exist for short periods of time, and are usually resolved during a 20-minute episode.
Christianity or any other religion that believes in an after life that is fucking crazy
Read "Imortallity" by Milan Kindera, and watch a movie called "Synecdoche, NY".
This and got a job along and later paying off all my debt.
Those are short reliefs, if you suffer from an existential crisis your mind will find any way to make anything seem depressing. Try look at everything as if it doesn't have to have a defined purpose but a "well that's pretty neat" view of life. Maybe life has no meaning but you might as well die happy
I started practicing Stoicism
It's actually really good. Like the background tone of Rick and Morty without the humour.
>you don't see people constantly agonizing about what they're having for dinner, do you?
Confirmed for never having had a live in partner or cooking frequently for others.
Cozy setup, fram
I just drank until I thought my past self was stupid for thinking that his thought mattered
i just stopped giving a fuck and gave into western esotericism and lifting
Trump photoshops. Discuss.
Nihilism into existentialism
Oh wait shit I tried to start a thread, but i guess it still works.
Started coming up with both short term goals and long term goals. Little piece of cheese for me to look forward to.
The only problem is if I fail those long term goals, I might actually kill myself
Nah boy Freddy Nietzsche, Ubermensch as fuuuck
you won't listen to me, but you will regret this lifestyle later.
>select all images with pancakes
I 'cope' with existential crisis' by becoming very depressed and contemplating mortality, life and the human condition.
I've come to the conclusion that life is bad. It is suffering, misery and tedium with brief and fleeting moments of happiness. There is no life after death and consciousness is destroyed upon death making everything we do futile.
At first I wanted to commit auicide but the rea ino antinatalist ideas and decided to propagate those. Upon realising that no one is going to cease breedin anytime soon my thoughts turned to omnicide. I have made it my life's goal to end the misery that is human existence by trying to find a way to wipe out humanity, preferably all at once.
Pretty much this. Except I'm not looking to propagate the idea of antinatalism. Gonna try and live a semi decent life, not have any kids, not get married.
Edgy, but I can relate to this.
I got over it when I accepted that there would be nothing you could do except leave what traces of life you can leave.
Also meditation helps. Seeing a human being as a process rather than a thing also helps. Your cells cells change, your thoughts change, even your memories change depending on the mood you are in. A human being is just a pattern not a thing. When you die it's just a process that ends rather than a "thing" that was and now isn't.
I didnt, because im not a quitter
After having hour long rolling panic attacks every night for two months, I decided to let the panic take over which meant essentially that I was going to die.
Nothing happened and I felt sweet relief.
This, except I've given up on my impotent daydreaming of unmaking all of existence and just aim to keep myself occupied until I'm dead. Any sort of eternal afterlife would be unbearable in the long run and anyone who doesn't realize this just hasn't given it enough thought.
I can relate, but my motivations are more akin to wanting to wipe out large portions of the population so that we don't become unsustainable and destroy the remaining untamed areas and endangered species. The inherent futility of this mission has made me somewhat bitter. I feel like I'll see the death of much of what I hold dear in my lifetime. It's sort of fucked with my head for the worst.
>muh endangered species
What difference does it make. Just to make you feel self righteous? What does it matter if humans kill all the purple assed baboons.
>he can't into ecological community interactions and keystone species
It won't matter, the Earth will be destroyed by the sun anyways
>he didn't answer the question
Why would you care about ecological balance if you don't value human life.
Embracing Marxism
>And now after some thinking, I'd say I'd rather be a functioning cog in some great machinery serving something beyond me
I'm not him, but human life can be lost due to ecosystem degradation
>he can't into indirect effects
I would rather be right than be happy
Radical monism.
only the eternal return changes your life since it means that as soon as you accept dukkha over and over as in a samsara, as soon as you stop despising life, as soon as you stop being a nihilist, your existence changes in accessing a different perspective on existence. the eternal return is a surrender, an abdication of your self before your sufferings and joys stemming form your failure to fulfil your wish to live in hedonism, in avidity towards pleasures and aversion towards pains. once you abdicate, you destroy (mundane) hedonism.
It's actually a pretty sound trashing of 2deep4u. The continuous message is there's nothing profound or mysterious about being a human trainwreck.
>implying I'm not still living the nihilist dream
It just faded as i grew up.
It happened when i was 20, though i had a mini one at about 5-6 when i realised everyone else has a brain and thinks like me and arent all just robots.
It happened to my ex gf at 23 and was probably a big part of her leaving me.
For some people i dont think it ever happens, or perhaps the mid life crisis is simply when most people get their existential crisis.
is there a benefit to having an existential crisis at an early age, rather than later? is there a benefit at all? i'll be 25 soon.. i had one that started 2-3 years ago that comes in fits whenever it pleases, only to leave unresolved, as if hiding to contemplate it's next attack to spring on me in surprise, but i think the war is coming to an end; however, i do not know if i am better off. all i know is shakespeare was right: "all the world's a stage".
Mine started at 10 (or earlier I can't really remember) and never stopped
lift weights, eat food, and some good pussy
I'm not really out of it yet but meditation has helped me I think. I also have been open to the idea of god being real at least the "philosophical god". Im beginning to read up on buddhism and Christianity and I want to use concepts found in them as guidelines for my life.
When you arrive at nihilism there are really only a few options: live in misery/kill yourself, find your own meaning/embrace absurdism, or you can find peace by making the leap of faith and find inner peace by accepting a religion whether you think its a cop out or not.
Well I forgot to include hedonism, but for most people hedonism will lead back to misery anyway.
I don't, I just wait for it to go away.
Please help.
Lost 160 pounds ( 295 to 135 ), made my thoughts as vapid as possible, vidya, running, girls.
The only way out some is form of delusion. Pick one or kill yourself
I got mine at 14, lasted for a month or two.
I used to forget it in the morning, but as the day progressed I would suddenly remember and panic, I cried myself to sleep or was up until I was to exhausted to think.
The focus of this "crisis" was on the nature of Death and the potential end of consciousness, but I dealt with other issues as well during that time. One day when we were staying at my aunts summer house, I couldn't hold it in any longer and started crying, I after talking it over with my mother, who helped me realise that I don't know what will happen after death and that I will never know, I slowly recovered after that. I basically reached the conclusion that there are no conclusion to reach.
[spoiler]political existentialism [/spoiler]
One could say that I decided to avoid the question, but whatever makes the boat float.
Pondering questions without answers is all good and fun until you get sleep deprived and suicidal.
>It happened when i was 20, though i had a mini one at about 5-6 when i realised everyone else has a brain and thinks like me and arent all just robots.
I remember the first time I flew on a plane, when it took off and I could see all the city lights, but also the individual lights of the cars, the sheer scale of all those people made me physically ill.
I never really stopped. I'm just too busy with work and video games too think too hard about it. Started when I was 16-17 when my brother died, and has been periodic ever since.
I think the best advice that I had was "That's fucking stupid, you're overthinking it."
You're not proving that the medications don't work, just that they aren't necessarily selling the best option. It also ignores that if another company gets a hold of the patent for a better cure and sell it, they'll make a shit tonne and take a whole heap of their competitors business at the same time.
think about things you know, or don't think about it at all. thought is a tool that can easily be too sharpened and dangerous to wield. logic represents the suit of swords in a deck of tarot cards for a reason; "the pen" is most definitely a weapon of might. even now my brain refuses to admit ignorance is bliss. i agree with you, one must draw the line at asking questions that can't be answered somewhere. some follow the rabbit hole and do not draw the line until they are dead. i really need to get my ass moving.
I've always been a moralfag so nihilistic existialism just allowed me to be a even bigger moralfaggot. I want to save the world.
Do the impossible
See the impossible
Break the unbreakable
Touch the untouchable
Row Row
Fight the Power
Nice, I forget about that every now and then, thanks for solving my current existential crisis