/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

Previous iM@S Thread: Archive of materials: yukipo.com/
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: shijou.moe/imas-radio
CG material translation archive: pastebin.com/jf7CiTya (embed)
CG discography archive: pastebin.com/fX7fpxrU
ML material translation archive: pastebin.com/h7UnuErv
ML discography archive: pastebin.com/jsA2ttAG

New here? Question about the games? Check out the FAQ and Resource Links:
Please check the archive of materials if you're looking for something older, or check the most recent news post for newer things.

May 6th to August 28th: iM@S Platinum Stars theme for PS4 releases (free for a limited time)

July 12th: Million Live manga vol. 4 with original CD releases
July 13th: SideM 1st STAGE ~ST@RTING~ Live Blu-Ray and SideM 2nd Anniversary Disc 01 release
July 19th: Azusa Miura's Birthday
July 20th: Platinum Master 00 Happy! releases

July 27th: SideM ST@RTING LINE 11 Altessimo and 12 Kogadou release
July 28th: iDOLM@STER Platinum Stars (PS4) releases
August 10th: Million Radio Theme Song 2 releases
August 29th: Makoto Kikuchi's Birthday
August 31st: SideM 2nd Anniversary Disc 02 releases
September 1st: Wild Wind Girl volume 1 (+CD)
September 7th: LIVE THE@TER ACTIVITIES 01 releases
September 9th: Kotori Otonashi's Birthday
September 21st: Million Live Backstage volume 2
September 24th: Million Live Anthology volume 3

Other urls found in this thread:


>leaving a space from where you deleted the previous entries

>putting a fuckup as the OP
>while the OP fucks up

Ken you're my Office Dude

Latest CG cards update:

Cute: 6 new

Cool: 8 new

Passion: 8 new

Ken gets sweet loving.


>SideM OP fucks up
One fucking job, Ken.

And I'm still not a towel or water bottle. Why live?

Latest ML cards update:

Vocal: 7 (+1) new

Dance: 10 (+1) new

Visual: 10 new

Kotoha's unawakened SR and Tamaki's frameless SR were added in a previous update (which I missed because my internet died for a day and a half).

Sucks to be you nerd

This is now an incompetence thread.
Post incompetence.


Miracle night sounds fantastic. I need the m@ster version in my life.


Yui's delicious tummy.

I need to do things to Lily

Chie you touch me

I want to get Ayumu's shinin'.

>best new song
I fucking see what you're doing Scamco
But yeah, it is a really nice song

News post:


The PV for Platinum Stars' first DLC catalog has been uploaded, and features the new song "Miracle Night": youtube.com/watch?v=ac4V9JG_sGQ
Mami's character PV in Platinum Stars has gone up, and features the song "ザ・ライブ革命でSHOW!": youtube.com/watch?v=gMyvO9VkAy0
The preview of "ザ・ライブ革命でSHOW!(M@STER VERSION)" for PM 00 Happy! has been uploaded: youtube.com/watch?v=ccaXm8y8PaQ (Columbia region lock)
The new PS4 Platinum Stars "Cosmic Theme" is now available on PSN: Latest SS assets update (6/30): mega.nz/#!nJsijbyY!iCsvHvVzBq-P9xDP3j2VdJndOgZrvl9F7gMZPshbA7A + An user has begun working on an SS team builder database: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fqhQ7YNpAihM_aMsjJTRZzNkTAu59wX71szqoM-gamA/edit?usp=sharing
The new SS song "Love∞Destiny" has been uploaded: a.pomf.cat/ixikhp.mp3
Latest CG cards update (7/1): Latest CG stamps update (6/30): mediafire.com/?1isjm6j9birjc3j
New CG comics have been translated:
>Nino/Alice: (comic) +
>Kaoru: (comic) +
hissatsukun's CG H doujin "しこトレ!!!!" featuring the trainers has been uploaded: mega.nz/#!ZlIxwKSI!6cuyFd2MZeN7hvdwHpiQ9XKu84IMR3Jqc-ugOSyvxGo
Reservations went live for the 1/8 scale Crystal Night Party Rin Shibuya statue from GSC on 6/28, with a list price of 11,852JPY and a tentative release date of February 2017: amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIGURE-020222 + (cont.)

>When I think of Producer-san, I feel all funny.


Every day until Chiaki gets a voice.


Latest ML cards update (7/1): The new event in ML is "Idol Heroes: Revenge" and the following parts have been translated:
>Intro cutscene:
>6/30 card batch:
The new gasha in ML is "Idol Heroes: Victory" and the following parts have been translated:
>6/30 card batch: +
Mixnuts episode 1 of PSL has been reuploaded and resubbed (enable CC): youtube.com/watch?v=PFa7j-iaSU8 + A new Million Live CM has been uploaded: youtube.com/watch?v=CZlfUtnfe1I
Million Radio episode 164 has been uploaded, and includes a preview of the new Million Radio theme "Turn-on Time!" and an announcement for a new Million Radio Day/Night event: a.pomf.cat/fzmxow.mp3 + Million Live Backstage volume 2 has been delayed to 9/21, and Million Live Anthology volume 3 has been delayed to 9/24: SideM's first TV broadcast aired on 6/29. Summary here: The new batch of SideM cards has been posted: This month's day off SR in SideM is Takeru: An user has uploaded a catalog of owned iM@S doujins and is accepting scanning requests: docs.google.com/document/d/1it8gnm01F_eEWRKcrU3k2wp9dg8vp4tiE-9APPuFMCQ/edit?usp=sharing

PREVIOUS: + + + UPCOMING (outdated): pastebin.com/Ha5sm2Bm
REQUESTS: pastebin.com/ZHpF4bNk

So the new caregories are Cute, Cool and Cosmic? Which characters are on which categories?

Ah hear ya boy

>Cute: Haruka, Ami, Yayoi, Iori, Yukiho
>Cool: Miki, Hibiki, Takane, Azusa
>Cosmic: Ritsuko, Mami, Chihaya, Makoto

>Cute, Cool and Cosmic
>new categories

Thank you for the updates.

What kind of things?

I believe categories in PS are still going to be tied to the costume, not the character.

The sort of things a boyfriend does to his girlfriend's best friend behind his girlfriend's back.

Chihaya and Makoto should be on Cool though. They should trade places with Hibiki and Miki.

Who's the girlfriend? Anna?

organizing surprise birthday parties?

Well, it's not based on their character, it's more based on the costume.
Like, cosmic really isn't an adjective I would use to describe someone. Unless I were calling them out of this world or something cheesy of the sort. Or an alien.


Have any of you pre-ordered the PS limited version?


I ordered the digital edition so I could play it immediately. There really isn't anything in the limited edition that interests me.

Anna will be mad, but it can't be helped.

There'll certainly be a birthday if enough care isn't taken.

Tomo, I see you.

I would but I'm a filthy EOP

Anna needs not find out.

You will not get anywhere if you keep playing on Pro.

Yeah well at least I'm not a big-headed child

Leave Anna to me. I'll make sure she won't find out.

The costume categories in the previous game were "Floral", "Luxury", and "Starry".
I guess they decided those words were too restrictive (all the good costumes invariably ended up in "Extend").

Nobody important is going to laugh at you for playing Pro, user.


if Columbia changes the singing order for the m@ster version of love Destiny I'm going to be mad as hell.

See the DLC costume
>Image: Cool
>Type: Heartful Lady

Me left.

>Takane isn't cosmic
I call bullshit.

These two are the sort of girls who, if they weren't idols, would do a double-date foursome with their boyfriends.

They will, get over it.

Perhaps someone has xxyyu02's KanaFumi arts saved? They deleted them for whatever reason.
I'm looking for a particular one, where Kanade is burying her face in Fumi's chest.

That's completely untrue.

It was great how every costume under those three catergories were basically just the same costume but with different textures
Then there's all the cool shit in Extend
Well, the backgrounds are just based on character costumes, not characters
I agree though, having Takane and even Yukiho (due to Kosmos, Cosmos) in the Cosmic background would make sense


Jokes on you, I don't play at all.


Yui's so cute, but I'm afraid of rolling and getting Anzu instead of her.


Why does the thought of idols getting pregnant so arousing?

You're a bad user who wants to ruin their careers.

Delete this

You are a bad person.

So was I, user. Anzu is shit enough as it is, but having a healer SSR of her would just be awful beyond words. I'm glad Chihiro didn't troll me again like when she gave me Nana instead of Mika for New Year's.

>They deleted them for whatever reason.


I need that chest in my face.

Hey Yumi

In honor of my favorite idol I play Pro but talk a big game online about my Master skillz.

>she gave me Nana instead of Mika for New Year's.

You again, I hate you so much.

Ai needs to go.

Yeah, go to me.

Where are you going user?


Maybe because you end up having someone to love and someone who loves you back. I wouldn't know.

>healer SSR
Wow, didn't even notice that. Holy shit, this new Anzu card just might be the most unappealing thing in the game.

>tfw two Nanas
Might not've been the one I wanted but at least Nana is very cute, and a fairly strong card.
Also very erotical.

Song open up with "I wan to be your everything" not sure if I believe those words.

>Calling Mayu a liar

Remove yourself peasant

This is the fucking fifth time I FC'd Orange Sapphire in a Groove but I still couldn't do it in regular lives, what the fuck.

This so much, she needs to be fatten more.

Mio you suck.

This event is making me realize Ryo's strong semen demon potential.

She is and I been told that Riina was full gay.

Can you move your original puchi room to the 2nd floor?


Good to see you noticed.

But did you nut?

>mayucucks still mad

Time to let it go lads.

Nana's pretty good. I've warmed up to her a lot since I got her. I'm pretty-much over it now since Yui > Mika in my book.

Fuck you.
She's pure.


I'm really digging the hell out of Love Destiny. I was just going to play for Karen, but I think I'm getting into it enough to rank for Mayu. The song kinda reminds me of the pop music my sister used to practice to when she was part of a dance team in the 1990s, and the beat map kinda plays like a routine too; this is fucking perfect.

>just remembered I had a dream once that involved Mayu and Karen competing against each other
Shit, it came true.

Oh boy. Time to drink, listen, and Laika.

>Showing DLC catalogs before the game even comes out

Yep that's iM@S all right

Showing DFC?!