Holy fuck. Bitcoin is the future guois.
> be me
> have $5 in bitfinex
> want to buy $5 game on steam
> can't send directly from exchange because bitfinex takes too long to process transactions
> send to a private wallet
> wait 20 minutes to find transaction on blockchain
> still waiting 2+ hours for transaction to confirm
> once confirmed, I'll have to do another transaction, which will take more time
Why is bitcoin still a thing? Why is it not worthless yet?
Holy fuck. Bitcoin is the future guois
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I've had the same thoughts. How is a currency with a one hour confirmation time going to be at all useful for point of sale purchase? You go to the store, ring your stuff up, and then hang around for an hour waiting for the confirmation? Isn't it just going to get worse as the blockchain gets bigger?
that's what I heard. Btw I just got 1 confirmation. Fucking Finally.
yes this is one of bitcoins dark secrets. its destined to be replaced in the future. Satoshi himself saw this.
so why are all these faggots on this board talking about having more than 21 btc and shit. I cannot see a future with this currency. Although, I will say bitpay was pretty much instant, so that was cool.
holy shit. Whats this
Okay someone fill me in. I was pretty young when bitcoin came out and haven't followed it at all, whats it all about?
part of someones elaborate pump and dump with their fake ass digital "currency"
Oh it's nothing really.
Only millions of dollars being xfter in the bitcoin network is all. Nothing to big ya know. Only the GDP of many countries is all.
so is that you're argument or are you going to give me a good explanation on why it took $2 hours to buy a steam game?
Monero will eventually triump over btc due to much more security. And that's what cryptocurrency is all about.
You my friend are a special kind of special.
people spend millions on stocks. That doesn't make stocks a currency
because you can buy drugs with them,as long as there is drugs on deepnet there will be need for criptocurency.
> being this kind of retarded
explain why? Salty because I'm the only one providing good points? Bitcoin is worthless from a consumer and business perspective. It's only valuable to investors atm. But seing as this thing has no intrinsic value, it is worthless.
Not worth the time.
You're worth the pic at least.
> not worth my time
> spends time on a Japanese anime board
Please killyourself. You can't even refute a single point because you're such an autistic neet retard.
I'm not even talking about all crypto currencies. Ethereum takes 10 minutes max to send through the blockchain. Bitcoin took me two hours. Yet you're such a fucking retarded nigger, that you'll throw some stupid fucking picture of millions of dollars sent through the btc blockchain as a way to validate your position. Unbelievable.
Yea its pretty fucking retarded. I went through the same thing when I tried to buy bitcoin to gamble on bovada casino online. It was a nightmare trying to get just $50 of quick btc. I went through like 10 websites and 9 of them wanted my ID, my ssn, my address, my bank statements, my fingerprints, a quality picture of my asshole, and my pube clippings. The verification process is outrageous and then if you ever do get verified it doesnt matter because the blockchain takes forever to confirm. It would have took like 6 hours by the time I got verified, they sent me the btc, it confirmed on the blockchain, sending the btc to the casino and then wait for another confirmation for the casino to get it on their end. The only other option was paypal or cc on localbitcoins and they wanted $1000 per coin lmfao. What a stupid ass currency.
Never again.
The proceeds of crime being shuffled around to obscure the source.
Maybe you had to add a biggest fee ?
The problem is this OP: with your small mind you can only imagine use cases relating to your small, miserable life.
Bitcoin is really popular for laundering money. Most of you should already know that.
So if it takes 2+ hours to get 1 confirmation, my guess is that its more of an asset than a currency.
> Implying you're someone more important than me who has various practical uses for bitcoin.
> doesn't list any examples.
> implying anyone cares to give you reasons
> implying you're of importance to argue with
If anyone actually told you, you'd still argue. It's just not worth it.
Digital cash that takes minutes to change hands
This is the only problem I have with btc, the sheer amount of personal information these fucking sites require is unbelievable. If I didnt have bitcoin atm which doesnt require jack shit except cash Id never get into bitcoin
> US bank system
> all fucked up
> takes several days to move money
> may even cost you
> may even not work depending on what bank you and your destination use
> EU bank system
> money moves take one day
> they are free
> Bitcoin
> money moves in 30min to a couple hours
> free or nearly free
> works across the globe
> some still can't see how it's an improvement
I've been waiting an hour and a half for a transaction to process
Is my money kill?
>Download Venmo
>Move all the USD I want no problem
>totally free
fuck off
> 3% fee
This is why proof of stake coins are the future.
Link a bank account instead of a card like only an absolute moron would
There is no fee dummy
source: i use it all the fucking time
Scaling solutions to improve transaction times are being worked on and most people involved in Bitcoin are well aware of these issues so all I can say is be patient and wait for improvements.
Like another user said if you wanted to transfer money overseas your looking at days for it to clear and when you make a purchase with a credit card although it appears to happen in 1 second the transaction isn't actually confirmed for maybe 12 hours ,Bitcoin won't make the transaction until it's 100% verified because of its nature as a p2p payment system with no middleman,the whole system is genius when you understand the basics of how it works.
Tl;dr op is a fag
> limited to US
> have to link bank account
> being this shilly
> takes two hours
Elaborate. Difference between proof of work and proof of stake coins?
Or you could use ethereum and wait 10 minutes. Not trying to shill any other coins, but don't you think it's rather ridiculous waiting 2 hours to send money.
Or you could use digibyte and wait 10 seconds. Not trying to shill any other coins, but don't you think it's rather ridiculous waiting 10 minutes to send money.
Nigger 'two hours' for $5 is not fucking normal, that shit should take like 10 minutes at the most.
I have bought games on steam with bitcoin and it never took 2 hours for confirmation
more like 5-10 minutes
coinbase wallet
whoops disregard the name field
you do realise bitcoin is still in version 0.12, right? It's still an experimental technology. How long did it take for the internet to start-up without making those annoying sounds for a couple of minutes? Bitcoin still has issues, but once they are solved it will be literally unstoppable
Basically THIS.
Indeed. The only ones who ever brag about their Bitcoin holdings are scammers and criminals
Ethereum hasn't got anywhere near the volume of Bitcoin though so confirmation times will be quicker,and you can't pay for that steam game with ethereum anyway,i wish we had instant confirmation times but we just have to wait for improvements which are apparently already in the works, in the meantime I don't think the Bitcoin user base and infrastructure is going to start From scratch and move to another coin ,not unless things really deteriorate.
Cryptocurrencies / Bitcoin right now are like the Internet during the early 90s, it's a terrible user experience, no one sees its potential. That's also why it's still such a great value proposition. Transaction times will get solved by Lightning or something similar. Bitcoin addresses will have aliases, maybe users won't even touch Bitcoins directly. Bottom line, at this point you're still better off using Bitcoin as diversification for your portfolio.
This. This is exactly what Jack Ma said - 23 out of 24 of his friends in China said that internet sales are bullshit. Only one guy edged him to try it anyway. Wisdom of the crowd is bullshit, because crowds are usually stupid.
Holy shit, steam is taking Bitcoin now? Never thought I'd see that happen
The philosophy behind having 21 BTC is the same as it was when BTC price was lower than it was today, first there was the 21000BTC club, then there was the 2100BTC club etc. it's about owning a percentage of all Bitcoin there will ever be (21 million max.) so, if you have 21 BTC that means there is less BTC left to own for the other 7 billion earth people. In theory, if enough people keep holding on to their BTC holdings prices should rise. Ofcourse this is flawed because there is always people deciding to sell their BTC.
Pretty much this. Some coins will be shit but others have unlimited potential if the government doesn't ban cryptos
>nobody saw potential in the internet
Loooool. It's time for you to get off now, Jimmy.
>Why is bitcoin still a thing? Why is it not worthless yet?
If you have to ask this, you will not make it and deserve to stay poor and stupid.
lightning network will allow for massive transaction volume, fast and cheap
Bitcoin has already won, its a matter of waiting and getting rich by holding the most important asset of all times. It's like you could be able to hold shares on actual TCP/IP protocol. It blows my mind how obvious this is.
Ethereum has shit thier transaction volume compared to Bitcoin.
Also pay the recommended fee.
This is not bitcoin's problem, it's the fiat gateway.
>comparing BTC to shit tier altcoins with no volume
kill yourself
We are still in the 80's, not even on that graphic yet, we'll be at 6 figures a coin in 10 years, your brain cannot fathom it since it thinks linear.
>if I keep comparing my memecoin to the internet, maybe people might start to believe me !
They are absolutely nothing alike, save the fact that bitcoin is a protocol too. Sending encrypted digital money instantly over the internet is nothing new. Banks have been doing this for a while now. The only difference is that bitcoin is supposed to be anonymous (lmfao) and outside of the governments jurisdiction (rofl).
>hey these 2 graphs look alike!
>bitcoin is just like the internet
Buy ethereum
this and other contraband.
I believe that if the masses started really wanting something like bitcoin, they would make "bitcoin banks" or whatever, which means that the "bank" stores your bitcoin, and when you purchase, you swipe your bitcoin bank card, and the bank makes sure your bitcoin ends up in the other person's wallet.
Similar to how fiat banks work, the difference being that it's impossible to create more than 21,000,000 bitcoin. Which is good, because guess (((who))) gets all the newly printed fiat bills today.
OP did you even include a fee in the transaction
Bitcoin is tired and old. Bitcoin had it's time in the sun, but that time is over. The top firms at wallstreet like JP Morgan are focusing on Ethereum now. Ether is on the bleeding edge of cypto currency technology, nothing even comes close. ETH can achieve the same level of confirmation security in 3 minutes what it takes bitcoin an hour. Ether's currency model seems the most promising and has biggest potential for long term growth than any coin on the market today.
>ETH can achieve the same level of confirmation security in 3 minutes
That's because there's no volume you goober
>Bitcoin is tired and old. Bitcoin had it's time in the sun, but that time is over. The top firms at wallstreet like JP Morgan are focusing on Ethereum now. Ether is on the bleeding edge of cypto currency technology, nothing even comes close. ETH can achieve the same level of confirmation security in 3 minutes what it takes bitcoin an hour. Ether's currency model seems the most promising and has biggest potential for long term growth than any coin on the market today.
Question my little faggot boy? Whats the cap on ETH/ETH?? heuheuehueheeuh
1 Billion.
no. there is no cap.
I thought you meant capitalization.
The block reward is constant forever to come, so inflation will always be controlled if that's what you're worried about.
>Why is bitcoin still a thing? Why is it not worthless yet?
because the world is full of retards that haven't bought ethereum yet
>>ETH can achieve the same level of confirmation security in 3 minutes
This is patently untrue.
Well.. actually its quite shit-tier option to launder your money using bitcoin. All transactions are fucking transparent. One slip and you fucked.
Bitcoin and Ether serve different purposes, they don't compete. You should own both as a speculator.
Why would you hold any bitcoin if ethereum has more potential? I dump my money into winners, not spread it around out of pity for losers.
They are lonely and need others to suffer with them.