>mercy on anubis attack >team just completely ignores enemy genji entire match and lets him ravage me >get 3 melee kills on him including two while he's got his weeb sword out, but it's still not enough >they yell at me when i go lucio
Wyatt Cox
Juan Russell
Josiah Taylor
fuk u dva
Adam Jones
I've lost all confidence in myself as a result of solo q competitive.
Aiden King
Joseph Sanders
Nathan Sullivan
>Figured out how to reproduce "Lucio sliding past Roadhog when hooked" As a Lucio main I hope Blizz never fixes this.
Tyler Gutierrez
Daniel Scott
D.va is dangerous to my cock
With pleasure
Christopher Morris
MVPs ww@
Jordan Morales
n(th)(st)(rd) for memes
Jace Gutierrez
If I could go back I'd buy Valkyrie over Imp.
Jace Baker
I'm gonna spend 25 gold
;) or lol
Jonathan Smith
winky face and a-mei-zing are mandatory
Kevin Price
Is that real? Checking stats and the lowest player I could find was rank 16.
Daniel Scott
>Not hiding the HUD to make highlight webms.
Wyatt Cox
Give me Mercy comics
Dylan Phillips
is this ez mode
Charles Mitchell
How come everytime I go on a winning streak Blizzard pulls some bullshit like this?
The last game before this one we had 4 people who were literally levels 10-20 and the enemy team had no one below level 50 (their highest was level 150 and we had no prestige players).
>level doesn't mean anything
it does when people who are on their 15th or 20th game are playing people who have 500-700 games played.
Alexander Wright
Why are you wasteing blizzbucks on a useless character
Julian Cox
>try out lucio >we win the game within 2-3 mins I've never played him, I don't understand him but he still wins games
Ian Rogers
Hunter Fisher
>weeb character >archer >shitter magnet >looks like a douchebag >whiny, self pitying
Hanzo is literally the worst character ever created in any form of media.
Kevin Russell
>enemy team picks torbjorn bastion reinhart >your team picks a bunch of bullshit like hanzo and reaper and mcree
what do you do to win?
Ryder Bailey
If you no-life it up and manage almost every unlock does that mean you'll be set for every new skin that comes out since everything the lootbox shits out will give you dupe shekels?
Caleb Campbell
>5-4 in placement matches so far
Eli Roberts
I want to fuck ____
Levi Martinez
;) > ez mode > lol
Dominic Bennett
>Comp defending on Numbani >Lvl 40 on our team goes Bastion >Everyone walks on over to enemy spawn to engage them >He just sits on top of the payload in turret form >Keeps spamming "Group up with me!" >2 minutes in and they still have barely gotten out of spawn >Since we're doing well no one goes and jonis Bastion >Everyone else starts telling him to group up with us >He quits instead >Everyone gets booted >Instantly join ANOTHER comp match >Fucking hell he's on my team again somehow >Mfw he insta-picks Hanzo
Charles Turner
>going for generic shit
Isaac Allen
Can we agree that bastion shitters are worse than hanzo shitters?
Parker Rogers
forced 50 isn't real user :^)
Isaiah James
Take a break before playing your final match instead of posting on /owg/ dumb frog poster
Cooper Robinson
Leave the game
Jordan Brooks
That's not a puffy Vulva
Jacob Sullivan
>tfw you enter the iris with mccree and hit all your shots from mid-long range
this character is still a god desu hes just shitter repellent now
Ryan Gray
You help just by being there. Extra damage, healing for everyone at once, that speed boost for moving back in or out of the way. He's just all around a good boost to a team.
I play him even on defense because I can't into Mercy
Adrian Lewis
Ryder Torres
Hey guess what maybe you just suck at him you shitcunt
Lincoln Campbell
>do my 10 placement matches >go 7-3 >end up rank 55
Is it good?
Joshua Anderson
>mobile as fuck >blast thing for blowing off cliffs/putting distance between aggressive tanks >passive healing whenever there's downtime >ult for when your team is grouped, makes everyone invincible
I also never see anyone else using his wall run, and I don't know why. It's swaggy and fuck and everyone forgets it's there. Sometimes the split-second it takes for your enemy to adjust their aim is all you need to get out alive.
William Russell
>be me >always going for objectives >usually have 2-4 gold medals, for most kills, damage, objective kills and objective time >still end up losing the game is it even possible to play this game solo and win?
Jace Williams
50 is average.
Liam Cook
>lose a match >"okay here's your win" >lose a match >"okay here's your win" >win a match >"you fucking bitch you shouldn't win here's 3 losses faggot" Thanks Jeff.
Ayden Davis
>62 >friend is 62 >get matched with 4 under 50's every game >Defenji >Attack Widows in SMG mode >no thumbs >meme teams of 2-3 dupes >Avg. Team rank never underdog >against teams of 6 solo Q who miraculously never fail to pull off ideal team comp >amazing teamwork >62-57 in 5 games >even if I carry like an African woman carries water buckets I get a smidge of positive rank cause, of course, we're the fave team to win.
Kill me. Bleach my throat. High Noon my cheeks champ.
Aiden White
just play on quickplay. It is a lot more fun without people taking the game deathly serious and being absolutely FORCED to play heroes you don't want to play as.
Thomas Collins
>comp >defend >pick Hanzo >team starts losing their fucking minds >one starts cursing at me >other SCREAMING at me over his mic >could swear another started sobbing >play match >gold for objective kills, silver for eliminations >weeb dragon them off the payload and stop their advance three times >match ends with a victory >team STILL bitching about how useless I was
The only thing more autistic than weaboo Hanzo mains is the borderline insane hatred toward anyone who selects the character even if its appropriate for the scenario
Cooper Nelson
do the koth maps affect placement? Most of my wins were on koth, and all of my losses were on payload games. Ended up getting placed at 51 even though I did pretty well in each game
Kevin Diaz
>Setting up right outside of enemy spawn on Numbani.
He was 100% right. You and everyone else were just shit. That is the worst place to defend. Their walk back is literally 2 seconds while yours is half a minute. The best place to defend is the bus chokepoint or at the point.
maybe git gud before making fun of level 40s with a better grasp of the game than you
Owen Anderson
>australian >play at australian times >still play in lobbies with asians >still somehow connect to american servers
asians are so fucking bad at this game too. team doesn't respond to anything you say or do in the game? well, you'll find out 5 minutes after the game has become an inevitable loss, your teammates are japanese.
Camden Rogers
The hell is that flopping off to the side at the beginning?
It's webms like this that make me want to play Hanzo but for obvious reasons I don't want to practice and find out
Grayson Peterson
>he "mains"
Ethan Thomas
looks like that bastion comes to /owg/
Angel Howard
Is it autistic if I check the career profile of everyone who makes an unorthodox comp choice? If I see they're good with the character, I won't bitch.
Colton Murphy
Never underestimate solo queue warriors
Leo Reed
Have they fixed exp gains being at 1/15th for non payload maps? I'm not fucking playing competitive until that shit is fixed
Easton Walker
>first legendary is frogston >30 levels later finally get another >it's bee D.va I'm kind of angry right now. They may as well just give me all 4 zen legendaries while they're at it
Ryder Butler
Aaron Harris
why would you defend right at their spawn? they're just going to overtake you and get an easy cap.
Noah Cooper
>quickplay >2 hanzos/genjis >no healer >no tank
I don't give a fuck if it's quickplay or not. Getting your shit wrecked because of this is not anyone's idea of fun.
The only time this is acceptable is if there are 3 or more of the weeb brothers for a meme team. Otherwise fuck off and play support.
James Wright
>tfw your are a good lucio/mercy support >tfw you have no friends >tfw you keep loosing ranked matches because your team does know what to do even though you try to help them >tfw they just attack you and call you shit >tfw rank 1 here I come ;_;
Brayden Cooper
The flag on top of the Junker Mech.
Blake Murphy
Quick play feels so much more enjoyable now since try hard mode came out. Those 10 placement matches where 2 stressful x_x
Cooper Hill
Colton Barnes
Adam Stewart
>not grouping up with some random bros who have mics Its pretty fun and you make a lot of friends. There are so many people solo queuing with mics right now
Lincoln Butler
>taking quick play seriously now that ranked is out.
quit being a sperglord and play ranked if you want to complain about other people's picks. quick play is now officially the home of shenanigans™
Joseph Peterson
Gremlin faggots ruin this general
Christopher Miller
>implying Zen's legendaries aren't all top tier >implying Zen isn't fun as fuck to play
Stop letting pro players tell you how to have fun user
Daniel Nelson
I've found saying "Anyone here have mics?" at the start of the match starts off the fun parade in comp.
Connor Butler
>them titties Source?
Hunter Adams
>where 2 stressful x_x >>>/global/rules/2
Alexander Cook
>don't want to get yelled at by sperglords for not strictly following meta comps >don't want to play 6 tracers v 6 tracers all the time
Kevin Foster
Anyone else won 5, lost 5?
Ian Jenkins
>Someone calls out my lack of basic defense knowledge >he must be the person I was making fun of
you're bad at this game
Kevin Garcia
Did your entire team disconnect or was your team literally just that bad?
Levi Rogers
I can't remember, old screenshot
Sebastian Torres
Can you read? I literally said I don't care if people do dumb shit. But you either go all out or fuck off.
Camden Ramirez
>it's a "cap both points in 2minutes" episode Thanks forced 50.
Logan Lopez
don't have a mic right now, but I'm getting one soon trying to get git gud at this game because I really have a lot of fun with it.
Owen Cox
>a toilet with legs
How did anyone buy this
Henry Morales
Jason Reyes
>want to play D.va or Mei >people insist that they are somewhat on par with the Genji/Hanzo instalockers
I-is it true /owg/
Andrew Myers
>better k/d with zarya than with 76 what went wrong
Oliver White
When will we be able to select the game mode we want to play? >placed in defend payload >lose
Gavin Peterson
>Finally reach 1000 credits >Sudden pressure into what legendary skin to pick
Owen Martinez
Your aim.
Jaxon Bailey
dva is a bad character at the moment
mei is a bad character and probably always will be because her loadout is bad
Jose Parker
Honestly this shit is on par with Tumblr's agenda of only drawing gay "ships" and disregarding heterosexual pairings.
It's not funny, cute, or even original, it's entirely based off that anime blob girl thing.
Just stop it, why are you people so goddamn obnoxious.
Angel Perez
Jayden Clark
>zarya doesn't need aim uhm??
Mason Martin
Yes they're usually dead weight please don't willingly be dead weight user-kun you know better
Elijah Hill
wait for the new skins
Dominic Ross
I have a Tolbjorn epic, a Symetra Epic and a Zarya epic. Shut the fuck up. While I like playing Zarya the cyber goth epic is so fucking terrible I almost considered not even using the skin until I saw the gun. Fuck bullshit "let turrets win for you" Champs although I did get jester Junk rat so that's a plus
Ryder Murphy
I do this, when I see an attack Hanzo with 100 hrs into the character. I won't tell him to change, not at first at least
Noah Miller
I've been sitting on over 1000 coins for 25 levels now due to indecision over which skin to buy
Jeremiah Sanders
>It's a "we need to win sudden death within 1 min" episode I've done the monkey and dva strat twice now within the hour and it wins easily