Gotta say, that I want to bully Saionji a lot. And I mean it!
I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.
And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.
Kevin Hill
Also, can someone do a really good favor and collect all the character concept posts into a pastebin?
Elijah Moore
I even had to make a imageless post.
Dont worry about mine, once i return, i will reorganise all of healer's stuff in a neatly organized pastebin
Eli Lewis
I'll do it, I'll copy yours just in case and make a new one when you do it.
Zachary Ross
Do we have some chance that udg will be on Steam? I'm a poorfag and I can't buy a vita
Gavin Collins
Hello bully-kun Hows your day been? I've been ill all day, so knowing you've had a good day might cheer mine up a little
Aiden Murphy
I have no news of it, but apperently DR2 was considered some sort of sucsess, so you just gotta wait
Get well soon, dont die from whatever disease you have.
Christian Nelson
What is your Super Duper High School Level talent, /drg/? Or are you a Reserve Course mongrel?
Levi Young
Someone uploaded for me the relationship charts on imgur yesterday. I can post that link in a few hours, i'm on my phone and it's almost 6am here..sorry
Michael Long
Okay, collected every concept for characters in the previous threads and pasted them into a pastebin for convenience. It's messy as fuck and I will format them correctly later when I actually am on my PC, I gotta go shopping soon. SHSL Rebel Criminologist Gangster. No no, I mean for the characters for our DR space game, but I was the one who uploaded the relationship charts on imgur.
Samuel Adams
Seems that I missed some posts of last thread then. Sorry for that, Kuzu.
..That being said, how far did you progress the story in the ~14hs that I haven't checked?
Jaxon Long
I'll let you know, when I get back from shopping, see ya.
Austin Myers
Dewa, mata ashita
Adrian Foster
Pastebin, Ao3, or Or what?
Henry Ward
Nathaniel Harris
Liam Ross
I was in art gallery yesterday. Well, modern art is definitely not my thing. Get well soon, Celes-user.
Luis Rivera
Jordan Gray
SHSL French I know a dozen way to make a baguette ,with just my bare hands
Jaxson Cruz
Ultimate Topography Expert or Ultimate Dutchman
Kayden Barnes
Parker Stewart
It's confirmed nobody is there Post Junkos !
Julian Miller
Logan Hughes
I don't get it.
Cooper Long
Why is she such a best girl?
Noah Smith
what is she eating?
Aiden Wilson
>that Sonia
damn dude
Brody Sanchez
Instant ramen I'd guess
Gavin Collins
>that one vid of a junko cosplayer fucking someone
Oliver Robinson
I remember that
Nathan Murphy
link it
Lincoln Cox
Matthew Lee
>School Paradise will never be real
Isaac Gonzalez
It still hurts. I just want them to be happy
Nathaniel Bell
>4th place
fucking rip ishimaru
Mason Cook
Adam Robinson
>dat celes >dat mukuro
Isaiah Howard
Look at that fucking Naegi.
He is literally surrounded by pussy.
Angel Gray
Why is Toko so happy?
Gabriel Rogers
Pussy magnet Makoto ,he even got a pussy behind him I dunno ,but she looks hot like this.
Angel King
What even is Toko wearing? It's something completely different from her usual outfit.
16 students, 4 teams. Missed opportunity for him to get all his waifus on the same team.
Easton Davis
Him = Naegi.
Kayden Ross
Did Mondo tap Chihiro's boypussy?
Adrian Miller
>What even is Toko wearing? Looks like the regular HPA uniform
Noah Turner
>yo man you need to finish this now the deadlines almost there >fuck i havent finished toko or celes yet >just put their sprites in the distance man thats in character
Justin Robinson
And yet they both agree to take a bath with all living girls while only wearing a towel. Is Celes really that insecure about her body when it comes to males?
Landon Howard
It was so glaring. Everyone was drawn normally and then suddenly sprite Celeste. Makes me think perhaps the pictures weren't supposed to be used like that Nah I think she said that she hated water the chemicals probably
Daniel Richardson
Happy she won and feeling of the joy of the others. All those smiles man, Komaru wasn't Toko's first friend..
Chase Lee
That's probably the saddest thing for Toko. Such an unloved and self-loathing person, finally turns their life around and makes friends.
And then all that is deleted. Like it was never there. Replaced by despair.
Luis Gonzalez
Screw you guys.I didn't want these feels. It must be true for everyone. Even Togami had a rough childhood
Luke Campbell
Only a true beast would turn ones friends against them.
Blake White
At least nobody told you JUST died without friends or Chihiro gets killed by a friend.
Isaiah Rogers
>JUST died without friends
That is single handedly the best thing I've ever read about Danganronpa.
Holy shit.
Benjamin Scott
Honestly it is the fate of all Ultimates to have shitty childhoods, barring the relatively normal Makoto.
Asher Parker
Idolslut, Airheaded brown girl, JUST, lardass and dude weed lmao all seemed to have pretty normal childhoods.
Logan Ross
Makoto had bad luck throughout all his life.
That's good enough.
Isaac Taylor
Man. Leon's execution was fucking awful. It definitely felt the most believable and unjust Nah most of them had relatively cool childhood. Leon ,Sayaka ,Hina, Oogami, Makoto, Weedman ,Mondo ,Taka didn't have what i'd call a shitty childhood.
Elijah Gomez
This is why I have trouble emphasising with a lot of them. If it happens multiple times, you eventually tune it out.
Henry Thompson
>most >names 8 Dude, 8/32 = 1/4 aka 25% is not 'most'. By saying 'most', it has to be at least over 50%.
Gavin Brooks
He only named DR1 characters. DR2 is another issue altogether, and we know much less about their childhoods.
Michael Walker
>Taka not a shitty childhood
The name of his family got ruined when his grandfather became a party in a corruption case. And Sayaka's mother was dead/gone and her father was working all the time. Call those two pretty shitty. And Leon's execution was from a time where the executions were planned to be darker. They never changed his execution. That's really just.
Blake Nguyen
12 days until I see him again!
Nathan Lopez
I am not sure if we are talking about the same video, but i got the sauce right here.
>tmw you try to go shopping and you are stopped and questioned by police and 1 hour extra had been wasted for nothing at all.
Robert Young
>And Leon's execution was from a time where the executions were planned to be darker. They never changed his execution. That's really just. Sauce.
Zachary Baker
1 day until I see him again...sorta.
Ian Torres
>Yakuza >complaining about the police Did you forget to pay this month's bribes?
Ian Clark
DISTRUST. Or in Leon's case, DISJUST.
Brayden Barnes
I was wearing casual clothing, and they thought I was some guy who asexually assaulted some lady a few days ago. Even though I hardly go to that part of the city.
Benjamin Collins
>asexually assaulted Autocorrect, what the fuck?
Ethan Bell
>Looking like a molester What were you thinking ?
Also Playing ZTD. I choose right for the first decision and now I saved everyone's lives. Escape games aren't what they used to be
Evan Foster
Kuzu, give me a good name for the protagonist as I polish the mess that I wrote.
So how long is the show supposed to air for? Do we get 13 episodes split into 2 parts or do we get 24 - 26 episodes split into 2 parts?
Besides, what is the plot and why are there Future Foundation members involved?
Xavier Phillips
I can't fucking wait, I feel like sleeping it off but I'm not tired at all and I fear I might oversleep and be late or something. I can't tell you the answer to some of them when I get back from the prescreening tomorrow.
Daniel Morgan
Yeah I know. It's so unjust that we didn't get to learn more about he/she for something that was basically a wink to the player. I can't wait to learn more in the anime. Despair arc will air some days after the Future arc ,so it's 2 episodes a week for what should be 13 weeks
Carson Rogers