Hey Veeky Forums, listen

Hey Veeky Forums, listen

I just want to make enough money to eat, sleep and play videogames for the rest of my life
what's the quickest way of doing it?

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For perma-NEETdom, the term you're looking for is financial independence.

You're shooting for living expenses to be about 3% of your total portfolio (assuming we get anti-aging treatments within a few decades and Social Security becomes a no-go).

Depending on your savings rate, that'll be a decade or two:


>Just earn like $200k/year and invest all of it bro! Surely a lazy, unskilled loser could do this!

Notice that the link calculates based on savings rate.

You want to eat, sleep, and play vidya?

Fine, $500/mo rent & utilities for a studio in nowheresville with a roommate, $200/mo in food, $100/mo in vidya. $800/mo -> $9600/yr -> $320k in savings.

Even if you're a retard you can earn and save that much in 20 years. Especially with compounding over those 20 years.

Live on 5k/year. Requires 175k portfolio.

You should be able to save that up in less than 10 years user

no one wants to play videogames at 40 years old.

Also how the fuck are you suppose to save up $320k with no skills at all? Minimum wage isn't going to allow you to save enough

>Live on 5k/year.

Which part of the world allows you to live off under $500/month?

What the actual fuck?

Which part of a civilized country has rent that costs less than $5k/year?

you're not putting 320k into your checking account dipshit

My parents left me a cabin on a small plot of land in bumfuck no where. I pay like 1500 in property taxes each year, solar panels+rain barrels to decrease utility costs and boom, done

>no one wants to play videogames at 40 years old.

OP does. Especially with 20 more years of gaming tech and VR.

But fuck it, if he wants something else, he could take up a side job, or spend the $100/mo on something else.

Also no one actually lives off exactly minimum wage. And even if they are that dumb, they need to be putting in 60 hours a week. Voila, savings.