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6/20 - 7/3 - Light & Earth Metallic Star Dragons Arrive!
6/27 - 7/10 - June Bride Arrives!

>One True Pairing Event
[Duration]: 6/24 (Fri) - 7/4 (Mon)

Go to puzzledragonx.com for full dungeon listings.

6/24 - 7/4: 1 free Magic Stone delivered daily (11 total)

Catch the Dowry!

6/24 - 7/4: Experience of a Lifetime

7/2 - 7/4: Gift from the Heavenly Garden

A Bouquet of Every Color

6/30 - 7/2: Orange Flower Dragon

7/2 - 7/4: Purple Flower Dragon

6/24 - 7/4 - Hera-Ur Descended!-5x4 Board

6/27 - 7/3: Challenge Dungeons!

10x +Eggs in Descended Dungeons

TAMADRA Invades in Castle of Satan

Legendary Dungeon Bonus
Select Technical Dungeons Latent Tamadra invades and 20x +egg rates

Fusion Bonuses
3x chance for Skill Ups and 'GREAT!' and 'SUPER!!' EXP gain during the event!

Normal Dungeons +Egg and EXP Bonus
Normal Dungeons will also receive a special 2x EXP bonus at various timings.

Limited Time Dungeons Egg Drop Bonus
1.5x chance for Egg Drops in the following Limited Time Dungeons: Rare Monster Infestation!, Descended Carnival (Legend) and Evo Monster Infestation!

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Meimei is very hage





What do I do with this little faggot?

>1000 days
>only rank 532
you should quit

feed it to an mp dragon, fucker is worth like 10m xp

>selling something you cant get again


.... you feed it off not sell it you jackass

>hurr you're not a hardcore gamer who spends 6 hours a day on a mobage, you should uninstall

that's right

quit the game desu senpai

>not spending 1 hour a day at the most as recommended so you can still have a normal life

Fuck off Cho Kurosu

>tfw yamap lets people play more than one hour on official streams
what a joke of a man

Get out normalfag

>capable of beating a dungeon in less than an hour


He should take a 5 minute break anyway

>Satan Cup coming to NA
What's the JP meme team to get 0.1% without any skill?

100 stones and perfect rng

strawberry good for gadius? i have ny mitsuki and uriel. also fire wizard, because rvalk mite b a bad idea


But seriously, Strawberry is alright. The ideal subs are Uriel, Yamato Takeru, Urd, and Yukimura Sanada in some combination. The last slot is for Freyr to get full SBR. Strawberry Dragon and NY Mitsuki are pretty good for budget options though.

Threadly reminder

I don't get it.


Anatomy and proportions are foreign things to this artist. Better hire them for official PAD art.

Ah yes, this meme again

Why would you give Athena such creepy eyes?

Athena is for cute, not scary

>Kaede forces you to become a hyperwhale
>Gremory asks for two Awoken Pandy-chans
>only team I could use is Xiang Mei because I somehow rolled two Gadius and kept Laila for over a year
Now all I need is to roll is Uriel so I can have a team that will be obsolete in a few months

I don't know what to do today. I want to farm Godrush but nobody's awake

fuck off metacuck. You can beat every dungeon with Yomidra.

god i love dead eyes.

I wish waero will make fan art of a mind broken mecharthena.

>Gremory asks for two Awoken Pandy-chans

lol if only

She's been turned into a soulless abomination.
Using her in your team means you support hurting cute girls.

>MechAthena will never boot up her rape program to gear her pussy with your dick
Why even live?

Is this the creepiest PAD art ever

But cute pad girls enjoy being punished, user

its appealing in its own way

No, it's just something about her makes me want to hide under the bed in a way all the demons and shit don't.

Will the anime be a commercial success, /padg/?

I think you're just a weenie with some real Freudian shit you should probably deal with.

Also no feet. Insta-hire.

you're a faggot of not indifferent proportions

Ok i fixed it

I absolutely love her facial expression.
PAD needs more girls with a face trying to say something, not just a dead plastic look.

Which is, ironically, a dead plastic look.

No, it's a I'm-gonna-kill-other-plastic-looking-shitters look

This is the face of your death.

that look is almost like she's trying to be surprised because she became a machine but struggles to do so because she's partly a machine now, looks suiting to me

I'm ok with it.

yeah i need a tomato. i have urd and cao too. the rest of my red cards are heartbreakers so eh. antares has haste and hino is hino.


anyone from group d wanna run rare monsters? discord isn't treating me well

Not really, no.

I'm almost at my 700 day login bonus and I'm only rank 366. Feels pretty good playing casually :----)

thats the way to do it, play for comfy and get your stones for free. sweet sweet commiestones.



Exactly. I'm not in any rush so going slowly is a good way to really stretch the game's content out and ensure I don't burn myself out.

>official page of Satan Cup shows that they got 127,604
That would have been better than my 0.1% score on JP.

Placeholder dummy

hopefully the rest of na will maintain those standards :^)

0-4 roll once in duelmasters
5-9 go to bed

Post your silver duelshitter roll LOL

no, fuck this game desu

>Pull bride Gadius
This is not a bride
I wanted a bride

Did JP quietly get rid of dragon plant infestation in coins too? Will it ever come back?

You are gay now, congratz fag

>when Saria alreay married him
Nah, senpai, user's just his best man

Nah, he's a cuck now. He gets to watch as Gadius breeds Saria and NTRs him.


I'm the master here. He'll dress as a cheerleader for the rest of his life.

>caring about Athena the outdated and useless
Literally why? You just know her mecha version will boost Machine types alone and be complete garbage as a result.

Multiboost sub, durr. Not all of us can have Athena Another as a stat-stick

Dumping my XQ folder boys, get it while it's hot.



I want to snuggle Xiao Qiao!

I want to pleasure XQ with her bull's BBC!!!

It's funny how one edit can ruin a card's reputation in this general

How are there not floods of Pollux butt art? It looks so bouncy.

Yum!! Thanks for the dump!

Every thread until Awoken Oku.

Every thread until Awoken Okuck.

tbqh im not a cuck but i kinda like seeing xq with a real man even though she's my waifu...

>not a cuck
>like watching my waifu get fucked

You actual, literal cuck

Pick one and only one:

DQ, the other two are BBC sluts

little joe

very nice!

This meme has gone too far okuck. Kys

I hope you're black then.

Nope, guess I'll have to deal with being cuked :^(



The cuck shit ruined this general. I miss cuteposting

Cuckposting is the chemo that's curing /padg/ you shitter.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

which waifu?

no thanks, it'll just encourage more cuck shit

He probably means XQ. She's the property of black men now.