Dueling Network General #2223 - New Dragon Waifu Edition
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Tellarknight support when?
37 can only be Ritual. Cover card (Starve Venom) is always listed first on their respective group.
I want to believe that it's a retrain of this so Chaos Form is not totally useless to Dark Magician.
I wonder if Konami will ever consider increasing the amount of Life Points each person has.
How do I into entame?
>INOV has 1 xyz slot
>INOV has 1 ritual slot
>INOV has 2 fusion slots
Take your bets on them.
>2 fusion slots
>Neither will be a generic contact fusion
>summon Bishbalkin
>summon Chaos MAX
Cry when you drop Twin Twisters.
Xth for Chaos Dunk
One of the Fusion is gonna be Brave-Eyes.
>generic contact fusion
Fusion Summon is sacred, holy and pure. Xyz is the slut mechanic.
>implying it needs Twin Twister
Chaos MAX can do a maximum of 40,000 points of damage with this and Bishbaalkin.
Any updated morphtronic decklists? Haven't played in a few years but that was my favorite deck back then. Or if there is a similar deck with the same playstyle preferably machines?
I could post my old decklist if needed.
dark synchros when
Sure it is, user.
Did you even read Swords?
>Once per battle, when an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can pay 1000 LP; negate the attack.
You just negated 1 out of the 6 attacks Chaos MAX has from DFS.
Once per battle =/= once per battle PHASE
>out of the 6
Bishbalkin can't summon 5 tokens you fucking retard. Especially if you also need space to summon MAX.
>once per battle means once per battle phase
BEWD retards at it again.
blue-eyes players, everybody
Correction to Denglong's effect
DEF 2?00
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.
You can only Special Summon 1 “Genryuusei – Boutenkou” per turn.
(1): If this card is Special Summoned: You can add 1 “Yang Zing” card from your Deck to your hand.
(2) Once per turn: You can send 1 Wyrm-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard; this card’s Level becomes the same as that of the monster sent to the Graveyard to activate this effect.
(3) If this face-up card leaves the field: You can Special Summon 1 “Yang Zing” monster from your Deck.
You know it's a fun combo but how exactly can you make it consistent? You'd need like, 1 revival card, 1 dumping card, either ARA or Chaos Form + Chaos Max on hand and then either a way of getting Alternative on hand or yet another revival card with a dumping card
>If this face-up card leaves the field:
>(3) If this face-up card leaves the field: You can Special Summon 1 “Yang Zing” monster from your Deck.
This is what all the YZs should have had from the beginning.
>You just negated 1 out of the 6 attacks Chaos MAX has from DFS.
It's 1 out of 5.
And you're misunderstanding, he can still pay 5000 lp to hoard off the attacks.
>Especially if you also need space to summon MAX.
Except you can summon the tokens then use them to help in the ritual summoning.
Who the hell is summoning Bishbaalkin then immediately summoning Chaos MAX?
Get the tokens on board first, then use Chaos Form to tribute the ones you own and monsters in your hand.
Chaos Form requires exact levels RETARD
>entire archetype of reborn tengus
yeah no go fuck yourself
Is Goyo Noids currently the best version of Noids?
I know one of you fags are here from /vp/. You used the Yusei image I told you to stop using!
Your point?
>4 tokens + Manju/Keeper = 8
>3 tokens + Galaxy Soldier/Kaiser Vorse Raider = 8
>2 tokens + Krystal Dragon = 8
>1 token + Arkbrave = 8
It's simple math
Arkbrave is an unsearchable 1 of, no one runs keeper and hardly anyone runs manju, and no fucking retard would ever run kaiser. You're better off banishing a blue eyes in your grave.
>activate melody dumping white stone to add BEWD, Alt, and Charles Barkley
>summon Manju and add ARA
>dump the tuner to summon Charles Barkley
>use revival card
4 cards, one of which is searchable but would fuck up Manju if you don't have the field
>literally Burning Abyss and Kozmos
Burning Abyss only has 3 non extra deck monsters that actually float into more monsters, and Kozmos float off of destruction the same way YZs do, they just don't miss the timing like YZs
If YZs had BA tier floating just two YZs on the field would equal a full field of synchros
>BA and Kozmos float if returned to the hand, shuffled into the deck or banished face-down
This is what my list looks like.
>If YZs had BA tier floating
Is this what it would take to make Synchro Summoning good again?
other than pendulum synchro
>Opponent activates Ultimaya effect
>activate Treatoad to negate and set it to my field
>Summon Crystal Wing since I got a card set
So this is more evidence that TCG exclusives are made by the OCG, right?
I'm trying to get back at those people in pro that always sneakily trying to add Don't Check Deck option, unlimited banlist, or Anime cards.
So far, my Empty Jar FTK works fine for unlimited banlist, and that Exodia + Pot of Greed deck (thanks user) works best for Don't Check Deck option.
Any idea for deck to use against people with TCG banlist + Anime cards like pic related? More salt-inducing it is, the better.
Should I get back in? I have an itch that nothing but this game seems to scratch, but some of the cards we're seeing in the near future look absolutely aids (looking at you, Pots).
Run a Magical Explosion deck with shit like Card of Sanctity and Spirit of the Pot of Greed.
There's some manga cards that are pretty BS, like that one that has both players draw 3 or the manga version of Tzolkin.
For anybody trying to use Chaos MAX Bishbaalkin don't bother. I've been testing it and that shit has 0 consistency and wastes resources since some idiot at Konami thought it'd be a good idea to make the ritual spell for Chaos MAX generic when it makes no sense since it was the only Ritual used in the movie.
Dragon Core Accursed is much better used for Tzolkin since Blue-eyes has draw/revive spells everywhere and Chaos summoning since she's dark and Black Luster Soldier/CED work really well in Blue-eyes decks with Dark Monsters, the combos with Eclipse Wyvern are really neat and it helps search shit like REDDM or DEWD.
Just run 1 Dragon Core and 1 Void Ogre and let the magic happen.
Why is Konami trying to push Penduluns away for nostalgia support? They disnt do that for Synchrons and XYZ, so what are they trying to accomplish here?
>DEWD said out loud is "dude"
>Why is Konami trying to push Penduluns away for nostalgia support?
Because is giving them more money thanks to the movie, and they're scared of fucking up again like they did with some funny friends.
Pls don't steal my original deck idea of "Jam both engines together with Cupidity and Moray to lessen bricks" until I top something, tyty.
Where's your HERO LIVES
Well, Pot of Greed can't be used since it use TCG banlist. Magical Explosion seems slow since it's a trap card and require no cards in hand.
Manga version tzolkin is BS, but not FTK worthy and summoning it requires using DARK synchro or something exclusive to anime, so no.
Pic related is what I come with after some looking through the cards. It's all just draw until get exodia. Card of Sanctity and Demise clogs my hand after I got like 6++ card.
Any suggestion to make this more consistent?
What is the best legal "Greed" card?
Reckless Greed probably, but even that is trash.
>Spirit of the Pot of Greed
I meant Spellbook Inside the Pot, my bad.
Also, you run triple Card of Demise and triple Into the Void, discarding your hand is easy.
Here it is, though I'm still testing it.
I honestly forgot, but I'd probably just cut a Sea Lancer and a Cupidity for them.
Entermage Wind Sucker when?
Never, same as the Entermage Giant Trunade or the Dancers.
>that little of a Frog engine
>only 12 Moray targets
That's why I even considered making , because Moray was always live, and the (monster) engine fully recycles itself via Treatoad.
I think 12 targets is a good number for 2 Moray, and the Frog engine was 3 Swap, Roni and Dupe at the beginning, but I realized the only ones I need are Swap and Roni while Dupe is gonna get banished almost always and it's a bitch to draw, even though it recycles stuff, also thinking in adding a third Salvage because it can recycle everything but Mist.
Salvage sets up so many plays that it's well worth 3. Though, you aren't fully utilizing it with 2 Ronin. Also, running less Moray doesn't make it any less dead if you don't have 2 targets in hand. (That you want to shuffle back.)
>you aren't fully utilizing it with 2 Ronin.
You can always recycle Tin Goldfish and Bubbleman because Salvage needs Water monsters with less than 1500 ATK.
I haven't played in a year. What did I miss?
>be me yesterday
>Buying cards to build a kozmo deck soon
>Buy 2 dark lady's for 15 each and have a mini heart attack
Fast forward to today.
>Be me about to clock in for work
>Buy my red bull to stay awake and thought "lets get some cards as well fuck it
>Pick up some shining victory pack box with4 packs
>"Haha wouldn't it be funny if I got a dark lady..?"
>Pull a dark lady
W-would 3 be too much in general for any build of kozmo..?
Multiple reasons to ban Tewart from designing archetypes.
Komoney want those oldies at all cost, since ARC-V was invaded, i know it
Yeah but Salvaging a Swap that has good targets is invaluable. Also, summoning Swap off a Treatoad with material isn't as great when you've already used most of your Frog engine.
>Triple mist.
Your gonna lose games because of bricking with her. you only need one copy, maybe two if your a pussy and fear losing it to cupidity. Also if you want to run fusion then use a blazeman since you can dump bubbleman to have it become water if you need too.
>No mask change II
Read Treatoad standby phase eff.
Then read Poison Frog and Dupe Frog
But that was never a new thing was it?
>summoning Swap off a Treatoad with material
Problem is, even with the full Frog engine the Treatoad I summoned were almost always from the effect of Bahamut, but I get you what you mean, I'm gonna add another Dupe.
Yeah, I'm considering to run 2, and I like Miracle because Blazeman a shit and I can use Norden, a Bubbleman, or another Xyz for a super strong Zero, and dumping Bubbleman can also be done with Swap Frog.
Magical Explosion isn't really searchable though, except maybe with Sabatiel. Well, Card of Desperation + Magical Explosion seems neat though.
This is what I've come with. Only 1 Magical Explosion sucks though, and if my opponent using Share the Pain, or something to negate the eff, it's done due to deckout.
I'm not even going for Mist in mine, I'm literally just running Bubble/Goldfish because of Bubble's raw searchability/AHL for Bahamut. I'm not going to bother with Dank Law and further bricks with 2 Treatoad a turn with R4 next turn is good enough.
ABC has mixed feelings about Galaxy Soldier.
>Main deck D.D. Crow
This has becoming way too common.
>kills the dragons trying to revive
>kills the slime and lamia set-up
>kills the ABC fusions
>konami living in the past instead of trying to make new archetypes
Nostalgia is one hell of a drug
Dude, why aren't you running Life Equalizer? Also the Magical Explosion FTK is basically like Exodia except you only need 2 cards to pull it off.
So if this is a second legacy support cycle and it begain with Red-eyes in CORE, does that means that BLS is next since he got support afterwards in DOCS?
There are tons of archetypes that never got to shine.
Giving them some buffs is nice.
I hope so.
Yeah, but the main support is for shit like BEWD,REBD, and Dark Magician.
Yeah, it's a good thing, I'm glad I have a playset of them and Cycle Reader.
Rather than Konami living in the past, it's more like to make nostalgiafags play again.
Those have been complete trash except Red-eyes since REDMD was good in Dragon Decks.
They needs their support to be good and probably another cycle of it.
All you have to do is read. It's not that hard.
I guess. I'm kind of guilty of the nostalgia pandering because I love the ABCs and am hyped for the new Ancient Gear stuff.
>don't check deck
Literally all you have to do is make a 5 card deck consisting of exodia.
Those things are never good though.
Plus Stardust/Neos/Odd-Eyes/Utopia got archetypes backing them up so its fair BEWD/DM also got supports.
>Blackwings are the only rival archetype to get regular support
>Stardust/Synchron/Warrior is the only Main Character archetype to not get regular support
God damn it, 5Ds.
That's the point. They think they're being sneaky and trying to bait people that didn't read. I want to turn the tables on them
But then they'll see my deck size after RPS and instant scoop. The point is making them think it's a normal deck, then suddenly pot of greed until exodia.
This one's better? Sabatiel + Card of Loan make it super easy to pull though.
And when I test this deck in USA, there's someone that bring 60ish Skull Servant deck with Droll and Lock Bird, Painful Choice, and things like that. That guy is prepared to face degeneracy of Anime TCG Banlist.
Why not see if you can make an FTK featuring Dark Synchro version of Thousand-Eyes Dragon, Cursed Prison, Makyrua, and Exodia?
Take this if someone tries to sneak in Anime cards.
This ver of Red-Eyes FTK has been pretty consistent. Summoned skull can be iffy but he works if you go second.
How does this work?
>4 BDA with 1 target
What are you thinking?
Basically, use Red-Eyes Fusion to fusion summon Falling Meteor Black Dragon. Use its effect to deal 1200 or 1400 burn, depending on what you banish. And then use 2 Inferno Fire Blasts or 1 Inferno Fire Blast + Serial Spell and its GG.
I really don't want more Summoned Skulls in the deck, and they're only in there cause why not have 4 cool monsters, only used rarely on a second turn. Extra deck might as well be 2 monsters. Ditching the summoned Skull could be good, but might hurt on second turns if they have some way to stop sheningans. Will probably remove it tho.