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Stop making threads so early, /v/ermin.


how can i get my comp ranking to 1?

i fucking hate that i cant set battle.net to offline mode

i dont want anyone to message me or ask me to join and use mic, i just wanna solo play alone sometimes for fucks sake

blizzard fucking hates introverts

has there been any information out that explains why you get so little for winning a match but lose so much when losing?

So someone who picked torb on attack on attack hanamura abused us cause we lost the match in comp

Am I missing something or was he retarded

you need to actively make your team lose with symetra or mei.

charge up ult quick and place tp into void

wall off teammates so they die

I find mei to be harder to detect, if you play symetra people will be reporting you all the time.

Mei's ice wall should get hit markers when it blocks people so she gets credited with eliminations when she causes them to fall to their deaths.

Someone tell Jeff for me.



what did you do

'ola reddit

imagine you are really bad at the game and people report you for being bad.

Well done with the Genji/Hanzo bug, reddit

What map do you have the least amount of luck on?

For me it's Watchpoint Gibralatar

If I'm attacking, my team is a bunch of invalids who can't pass the hangar or get fucked right at the end. Defense? Enemy team steamrolls.

Serves him right.

Man I really wish I knew how the matchmaking works, I queued with a really low level friend and we got stomped 10 times in a row. The games weren't even remotely even, I couldn't carry them no matter how hard I tried. And the kicker is he wasn't even doing bad, we both were the only ones getting cards. But the games were more hopeless than anything I've seen in solo queue to date.

>trying out reaper because unboxed mexican skin
>only 15 minutes on reaper
>4 gold medals, nobody else even attempts to push the cart after several team sweeps.
I assumes ignoring the objective was something only seen with offence heroes, but it turns out it's everybody.

>join ranked koth
>someone chooses mercy


If a competitive mode has a ranking system that gives you an INDIVIDUAL ranking for a TEAMBASED game, how can that shit be fair?

Lets say I play with my elite premades during the placements, so I get rank 60.
However, I got carried so hard by my friends, yet still my INDIVIDUAL ranking is 60.


Give us an individual ranking, based on your individual performance (golds, playing your hero well, etc,) and a SEPARATE premade team ranking (or something, figure the shit out).
You should've designed the game so that a good individual performance equals a good team contribution. Apparantely you haven't because you don't care shit about individual performance when placing ranks.

I play fucking good, gets gold everytime and I love playing tanks (since no one likes to play tank apparentely, everyone just wants to play hanzo and gay ass genji because they like naruto dick), yet I'm playing on a rank that consists of lvl 25-40 (they can't play the game, they don't know the basics strategies nor the heroes, fucking period. So dont give me that "rank doesn't matter xD" - yes it fucking does you retard).

So now I got placed with fucking plebs who rather pick hanzo instead of support, spamming ultis without any strategic thinking, and don't know how to flank. It's only downhill for me.

Am I supposed to carry?
Is that what blizzard had in mind?
I have to carry my team so that we win and I rank up? But then they also get ranked up when they win - because of my INDIVIDUAL performance that carried them so hard?

....Or just make a solo q-matchmaking that is only based on individual performance and not ONLY team win/loss.

>win match
>gain 1 millimetre
>lose match
>go down a full rank

why is this allowed?


Ranked is like a pit instead of a ladder. Some people will climb up but they'll do it on the bodies of the others.

Funny thing is that in closed beta people complained that you never went down once you reached a particular tier, so it wasn't really skill based, and now that it is, people complain about the opposite.

if your team has two snipers, you might as well give up because it's a guaranteed loss

It's a fucking rule that holds true nine times out of ten

today i will remind them

am i /owg/ approved?

Best Mercy reporting.

999th for that fucking junkrat

>that low
Sorry, user. Can't approve you.

>blizzard fucking hates introverts
What does this have to do with introversion? Introversion doesn't mean social autist like you think it does.

Also if you don't use your mic in Ranked, stop playing.


>Highest played Support is Mercy at 20 minutes

no, fuck off

>lose like every game today
>terrible mood
>sperging out in chat like an autist
>suddenly some fucking dude comes and starts beeing all cheerful and supportive


>3 hours

>play seriously
>go 5 soldier 1 bastion

Fuck this game, seriously.

All genji and hanzo players banned when?

Need some help.

Started playing again yesterday as I finally got a mouse after a couple weeks (Holdover mouse, but at least I can do things now) and it seems that when I move the camera in any direction once I stop it still goes as if I'm dragging a few extra inches.

So, a 90 degree turn will become a 130+ degree turn, or if I hook into a flick shot with roadhog I will drastically overshoot. Let alone I actually miss on Hanzo now.

Is this an issue with my mouse or did they mess with their optimization that's adding input lag?

I have changed nothing in my computer/overwatch mouse settings. Windows mouse accel is off.

It kind of feels like I'm playing on an ice level in any platformer.

Would people be more mad if Zarya turned out to be straight or lesbian?

>level 148 junkrat blew himself up with his ult

oh thank god Im not the only one


If a competitive mode has a ranking system that gives you an INDIVIDUAL ranking for a TEAMBASED game, how can that shit be fair?

Lets say I play with my elite premades during the placements, so I get rank 60.
However, I got carried so hard by my friends, yet still my INDIVIDUAL ranking is 60.


Give us an individual ranking, based on your individual performance (golds, playing your hero well, etc,) and a SEPARATE premade team ranking (or something, figure the shit out).
You should've designed the game so that a good individual performance equals a good team contribution. Apparantely you haven't because you don't care shit about individual performance when placing ranks.

I play fucking good, gets gold everytime and I love playing tanks (since no one likes to play tank apparentely, everyone just wants to play hanzo and gay ass genji because they like naruto dick), yet I'm playing on a rank that consists of lvl 25-40 (they can't play the game, they don't know the basics strategies nor the heroes, fucking period. So dont give me that "rank doesn't matter xD" - yes it fucking does you retard).

So now I got placed with fucking plebs who rather pick hanzo instead of support, spamming ultis without any strategic thinking, and don't know how to flank. It's only downhill for me.

Am I supposed to carry?
Is that what blizzard had in mind?
I have to carry my team so that we win and I rank up? But then they also get ranked up when they win - because of my INDIVIDUAL performance that carried them so hard?

....Or just make a solo q-matchmaking that is only based on individual performance and not ONLY team win/loss.

Being the solo player on 1+5vs6 is horrible. You cant communicate with your team while your enemies play like its a million dollar tournament. Fix your mm blizzard.

depends on who you ask

>how to trigger reddit with 4 letters


How about me?

We wouldn't care because we're not Tumblr and we judge heroes based on their mechanics and team participation rather than irrelevant lore shit.

>say gg ez

>You cant communicate with your team
but you can user

What if we get rid of this Jeff Cunt and let Icefrog handle the balance changes?

Pharah and Zarya can't keep RUINING my games.

It'd be too obvious and reinforce the stereotype your outward appearence decides your sexuality.
Also it's retarded a russian war hero would be gay.

I think he complains that theyre in group talk

Went from 58 to 51, now I'm slowly solo queuing my way back up and at 55. And man, oh man, are the lower MMR tiers a complete shit hole of retards.

The best tip to winning is to foster a healthy environment in which your team constructively advises each other on how to win instead of calling everyone retards and raging hard.

>Reaper is associated with muh edgy
>Widow literally goes "that day when i killed a robot, i felt alive" and "bla bla i almost felt a thing"

Literally crawling in my skin.

When will 1st season end?

>keep getting disconnected from rank
>rejoin after 3 minutes
>get bitched out for leaving because they couldn't 5v6 for 3 minutes


I'd much rather see Bastion, Mei, or Dva picks (especially if a player doesn't change their pick all match) to be an autoban of their account. It should also delete their System32 if they picked those three for attack.

>join game
>hear end sound
>god dam- Victory
Oh, okay. Thanks Blizzard

Votekick feature fucking when?

Why don't we just get RIOT to balance it instead?
Two months

All heroes are useful when defending

But heroes like Symmetra, Törbjorn, Hanzo and Widowmaker are almost niche if not useless when attacking

How do we fix this?

Where did video games go so wrong that people legitimately get offended by shittalking in the chat?

It's competitive, you don't want people playing support who don't know what they're doing.

I hate pharah

he lost

twitch tv/ japanesports


>user leave
>user you're why we lost
>an angry spectator yelling about how shit user is all game

Is that from that french cartoon about a Ladybug sailor moon-esque superhero ?

This. Comp mode should have solo queue and team queue much like Dota implemented.

There's nothing like doing my placement matches and getting paired with absolute retards doing shit lineups, never switching their garbage heroes, and getting steamrolled by a 6 stack on the enemy team that picks a cohesive lineup and plays together.

oh what fresh hell is this

she was mindfucked, had her heart slowed down, and emotions suppressed

Reaper just almost died, the same way 76 almost died and he turned out fine

What kind of bans do they give for intentionally playing like shit?

Like just spending all match wallriding with Lucio with speed toggled on.

>KOTH bug still not fixed
>Dedicated to not playing comp till it is

To be fair Widow was kidnapped and brainwashed and fucked with super hard.

Reapers whole deal was that he had a "small man" complex to Morrison and felt jealous

Good luck convincing them to switch to team voice instead of group. It would help if they at least could hear both channels at the same time but Blizzard doesn't seem to understand how to create a fun game people who don't always have a 6 stack to play with.

>McCree tries to tell me it's my (Pharah's) "job" to kill torb turrets

Not only is it everyone's fucking job, but he's playing one of the best heroes for it.

Torb's gun is really strong. If you can get one that will place his turrets in good areas he can get decent assists from his gun, make armor, and use his turret so you dont lose ground on a failed push.

I just had an experience
>Playing competitive
>Pick Genji and do well (2 Golds, 2 Silvers)
>Say that I did really well for a character I dont use often
>Guy FLIPS THE FUCK OUT in Match chat
>Calls me every name in the book, tells me to kill myself and I am disgrace to the game for picking a character I have not good with
>Tells me i should have at least 25hrs of practice on a character before trying to use them in competitive
>Spamming on the mic about how I am a retard

Jesus fucking christ dude its a shit game dont get so bent outta shape

>tfw top 1% damage as lucio
>tfw top 5% healing as lucio

i always feel like i could do so much more damage too, how the fuck are other people playing him

if supported by the team, symettra and torb can help during koth
symettras teleporter makes a huge difference if the enemy team cant spot it, on top of that few people push farther than the point/ mid area so they usually wont hunt it down

torb turrets are incredibly distracting towards enemies and will ignore the point just to kill a turret

>defense heroes only work well on defense
that .webm doe

gg ez fags btfo

>play comp
>last three matches were koth

Blizzard is going to make me kms

no, you are
youre playing one of the best heroes for it

Crashing this game with no survivors

>Mc"Damage falloff"Cree should be the one taking out turrets
>Not 120 damage exploding rocket lady who can kill Torb and his turret at the same time
Yeah user, that's your job

I thought they said they fixed it?

Dude, the latest patch is still the one from the 28th

The mass rage quit and the 1 person who refuses to leave and accept defeat meme.

It's funny how Blizz is really scared of people dropping the game so they give us as few option as possible so if that happens the ones who continues playing keep having low queue times.

They have 10 gorillion players, have a minimum of faith in your own game, solo ranked and premade ranked won't kill it or make queue longs (well, it'll for premades, but if they don't want to deal with it, quick play is there).

>3 minutes
The game is over in 3 minutes what are you smoking

Actually Pharah, Widow/Hanzo, and Zarya are best at picking off turrets. So yeah, it was your job to basically just corner peek in and out of cover and take out his turret EZ.

>Not using le Direct Hit woman to bully midget Swedes.

If you actually think McCree is one of the best heroes for it, just uninstall and save yourself some grief.

That's a long sword

>now rank 37

Am I good at Overwatch yet?

>join quickplay because I'm tired of comp matches
>two guys on my team don't even pick a hero the whole game

Was QP always this bad?

anime was a mistake

You're literally the best hero for it. It's your job.

>haven't played since competitive
>everyone's complaining about leavers and bad matches

gee no one ever saw that coming

this is what happens when your MMR depends on wins/losses and your team is built with an AVERAGE MMR, so your teammates can vary wildly in ability just because their MMR win/loss is a certain number

what a joke

if they can't match based on player ability they can't match period, since teams aren't built based on ability and only their rating, which comes from whether they win/lose against other averaged MMR teams

MOBA-style matchmaking is murdering this game, don't even bother playing in a group unless it's a full 6 player team

Reposting because I want you all to judge me