Second for talented and completely un-tire like girl
Jayden Barnes
third for divi-dead
Carter Morgan
Cooper Murphy
She has the talent of stiffening my dick.
Camden Brown
I like lolis! Also, Chuable Soft are cool guys.
Joshua Stewart
Boob pillows a best.
Jace Ross
I can't wait for maggot baits to come out so that people can flip out when they realize that the ending plays the protagonists winning with the power of love 100% straight.
Asher Bennett
Jaxon Walker
thats a cute boy whats his name
Easton Richardson
Nolan Ross
Just posting my fav vn comedy, bullying, maid, lovely full sister, and even a cute cousin!
Brayden Phillips
28 hours left until SP's panel at AX, who's ready for no uncensor patch confirmed?
Caleb Perez
I bet degenerates like you enjoy memes.
David Peterson
wow is this one of those hidden gem vns i keep hearing about
Carter Cook
I am ready for whatever that doesn't involve an enema.
Blake Morales
I'm reading for SakuSaku, AstralAir, and Otome all being confirmed for stolen, as well as a heavily censored Maitetsu.
And Dovac will end the stream by shitting on the ground.
Gavin Sullivan
>needing confirmation
Brandon Price
Wonderful taste, my friend.
Ryan Gutierrez
So is ZTD a disappointment? I keep reading negative impressions from random people.
Justin White
Kira Kira done. Kirari route was probably better in general, but right now I feel glad for a happy ending.
So, how's Curtain Call? Good, bad? I know it has a new cast of characters, but does the old gang get any progression?
Parker Morris
I finished it yesterday. There's a lot of problems, both with the plot and with the game as an actual game. I would say it's absolutely the worst in the trilogy and probably the worst Uchikoshi/Namazawa game that I've ever played, beating out Root Double. Whether or not these are bad enough problems to make you consider the game actually bad are up to you.
Chase Wright
I was pretty disappointed.
Daniel Cooper
i got half way trough curtain call and dropped it. After Kirari's route i couldn't be bothered with some obnoxious MC and the band shit.
Fuck I still feel for her and all the shit the poor girl had to go trough.
Cooper Edwards
whats the GoT of VNs?
Liam Hall
The fuck's that? If you mean God of War then idk maybe you could try Sengoku Rance
Brandon Green
Carson Phillips
Funbag Fantasy.
James Edwards
Muv Luv Alt because everyone dies
Jackson Edwards
No no no, he's talking about the god of terror, Deimos.
Logan Lee
>GoT When they had to atleast nominally stick to the books it was semi decent, now it's a feminist hell. sad, it was fun for a moment
Landon Ortiz
If you're talking about a very long, at times meandering series that's being made up as it goes along with a shitload of characters with a lot of time and effort put into each of their motivations forming around a dozen factions all competing against each other (with character motivations not necessary being known) with rather amateur writing but phenomenal use of motif all in a low fantasy setting then I'm afraid ASOIAF is more or less unique in that, due to GRRM's autism with regards to historical events like the War of the Roses.
Cooper Anderson
Undertale: 101% death rate eden*: 50% death rate
Evan Jenkins
Kayden Parker
>page 10
Grayson Morales
Mangagamer never fails to deliver. Will I see the day MG publishes a male dog title?
Ryder Hughes
>male dog redundant
Carson Cox
I guess. Just making sure they won't say "here take this wanko" and be done with it
Brody Rogers
So I was looking at MG's announcements and loaded up the thread prepared to meme about how Naked Butlers was the next translated kamige, but then I saw Maggot Baits. Is that actually something to get excited about?
Brody Jackson
If you're the kinda person who goes "I like black lilith games but wish they were more hardcore" absolutely.
Dylan Ramirez
Yeah. People has said Euphoria has one of the best twist evar and stuff so maybe I should check it out
Brayden Parker
when's Jast announcement?
Isaiah Ortiz
Euphoria is decent. Probably top tier as far as nukige though.
The main problem is that they wrap up tte true route a bit too quickly. Game really could have used a fan disc.
Christian Foster
[moe intensifies]
Ayden Sullivan
That fucking torso looks like shit.
Colton Taylor
You look like shit!
Jeremiah Jones
Jaxon White
Who cares they won't even be done until 2020
Austin Butler
So is Grisaia no Meikyuu going to get an 18+ release, or did SP change their minds on that?
Austin Anderson
im hype. 2 new moege coming with other fan TLs looming on the horizon.
Oliver Rivera
It'll get it.
Within 6 months.
Owen Reed
Man, Moege and VNs in general made me soft, and not in a bad way. I look at cute things and girls and affectionate shit and I feel like i can appreciate it now, where in the past i scowled and mocked it.
I feel like I am a better person for it.
Leo Morales
Doesn't make it any less cute you baka
Joshua Turner
Bentley Hernandez
I think you may have replied to the wrong person, friend
Parker Cooper
literally fucking who
Charles Wood
>misogynistic as fuck >drawn by a hot babe illustrating her sexual fantasies also literally who is this
Asher Martin
I did, sorry
Isaiah Barnes
I want to mold her ass to the shape of my dick.
William Thompson
If anything the more traditional games with gender roles and tropes should be more offensive if they were intellectually honest. This is obviously a fantasy game...
Fucking SJWs
Eli Bell
oh no what will we do without her
Michael Rodriguez
>page 9 Why we so dead
Luis Gutierrez
Its the weekend, this thread is full of normies.
Cooper Roberts
Maybe we're all just busy reading Visual Novels.
Amorous Professor Cherry is okay. Not a fan of those retarded twin-tails on the friend heroine.
Wyatt Richardson
Opinion discarded, especially once I saw her posts insulting the Jews.
Jacob Mitchell
Jaxon Fisher
America weekend.
Camden Edwards
Trabulance is my favourite VN company
Luke Martin
FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY TO LOVE THE WAY WE WANT! USAUSAUSAUSAUSA Even if it means cute lolis, unlike those anti-freedom canadians.
Blake Lee
just picked that up. Fun as fuck.
Zachary Gonzalez
>start reading Princess Evangile >plot is exactly the same as Shomin Sample
Easton Kelly
Princess Evangile came like 4 months before Shomin Sample started being published
Jordan Barnes
I don't know what the fuck is going on in the Rewrite anime but I like it. They're not staying faithful to the VN at all but it's heading in an interesting direction. Hopefully it's not 13 episodes.
Jaxon Flores
>wake up >see this
wat do?
Adrian Ramirez
wrong thing, but whatever
Lucas Stewart
> MG's announcements.
To absolutely no one's surprise Maggot Baits and Watashi ga Suki nara 'Suki' tte Itte are licensed. Dal Segno is a decent, but I was expecting a moege from Minori instead.
Two moege, Euphoria-esque pseudo-nukige, something that was already translated, and an otome game that I will play. Decent haul, but nothing to phone home about, even if you're a pleb and adore moege like myself.
Christian Ramirez
Do you enjoy this? Being the only one on a chinese video game cartoon porn image board?
Logan Sanders
Comparing this year's announcements to last year's, I think this year's announcements have been better so far. I think this year's Otakon will beat out last year's as well.
Yes, me. I sometimes reply to myself. We are happy here.
Jaxon Long
When does SP announce their stuff?
Jacob Scott
I hope Perseus gets announced at Otakon, but knowing my luck it will be Supipara Chapter 2. The Steam sale will likely cause it to hit its goal.
Asher Phillips
The minori guy probably doesn't want the west to get their other games, just the all ages flop supipara
Colton Miller
They brought over ef and eden*. It's more like they're going in the Japanese release order, so we might not get more until minori licenses out Supipara Chapter 2. Perseus likely won't be announced until at least next year.
Luke Peterson
Tomorrow at their panel.
Benjamin Jenkins
>donations streaming in to some cuck playing a shitty game poorly and making le ebin reaction faces to his lack of skill Why is this allowed, and when is the extinction of mankind due?
Michael Bailey
>wake up from dream within a dream I knew I was too smart to try to fight Izaro on 2 handed mace day. Nobody is that retarded, right?
Colton Sanchez
Jesus, by the time I actually began having any sort of opinion about the characters, Karakara was already over. The duration on the damn thing is 45-60m, even shorter than nekopara.
Leo Cook
It lasted me 3 hours, granted Im a slow reader.
Hope they do more of it. I love the art.
Samuel Stewart
are there any VNs worth getting in the steam sale? I like getting achievements for stuff because I'm a retard but am also aware that a lot of translations and companies selling that kind of stuff on steam are terrible
Brayden Sullivan
Tomoyo After if you want to hate hope for the rest of your life. kindred spirits on a rooftop.
Jaxon Campbell
get nekopara then. You might be able to craft some cute profile shit.
Kevin Long
>tfw you finish a VN and the bittersweet feeling sets in