5th for cats Post your cat characters! Argonians are allowed too. Altmer may look beastlike but they don't count.
Tyler James
She was always kinda cute to me so I don't know senpai. Maybe its just the new version? Clones walked him through some edits. She looks a little older I think.
Liam Anderson
Tell me about your latest adventure.
Elijah Robinson
Mason Wilson
Ian Morris
>hitbox chat when tesgw
Jack Cook
Jose Scott
>apply a face tintmask >save colour >apply a body tintmask >load colour >colour is completely different >can't get as much saturation as on the face at all
Dylan Diaz
>that guy in the back is he okay?
Ryder Scott
Why does ENB make ebony look yellow, but doesn't effect ebony mail?
Brandon Gomez
Owen Bennett
It's his blood on the blade
Ryder Diaz
nth for ELFX looks like shit SHADOWS is best LIGHTING MOD
Jason Collins
Jayden Miller
The hype fills me with joy
Justin King
What's everybody looking at?
Ethan Kelly
Christian James
Been searching far and wide for the elusive Argonian Ale. As luck would have it a bottle was sitting right in Whiterun.
Benjamin Harris
I should get a cat friend, would help business to have a familiar face
Dominic Baker
>orcs are the dindus of elder scrolls >74% of orcs grow up without fathers >that one dunmer vaping *tips kasa*
Nathaniel Williams
Juan James
My family was wondering if I was okay due to all the screaming.
Leo Sullivan
are you familiar with the secret ingredient?
Juan Garcia
cats are DUMB
Owen Young
Hundredth time I've posted this cat but I don't have any more shots of her wait, what match got you THAT excited?
William Roberts
>Not using them both together They're compatible you dummy
Eli Bell
Jeremiah Martin
Jeremiah Barnes
kill rape and rob.
Camden Anderson
ELFX looks like shit though, I use it together with RLO
Tyler Lopez
Here's a cat that I have.
You definitely need to make more shots though. She's really awesome.
Chase White
Nah, It looks pretty good actually.
Ayden Moore
Nah man I just know it tastes good. Do I want to know what it is? Not him but I got quite vocal for the Mord vs Ra match. Shed a tear or two at the end.
Bentley Kelly
>the Nerevarine just chilling in the center every time
Hudson Lewis
No, it looks like shit. Your turn, pal.
Hudson Clark
Ryder Taylor
Jace Lopez
that's racist
Lincoln Price
>implying racism is bad
Dominic Torres
Go to bed pelinal.
Ryan Kelly
"lol"? What the fuck are you lolling about, you little spastic?
Josiah Foster
Go ahead and post butts. I dare you.
Zachary Allen
Didn't I just stuff you in a sack?
Ethan Miller
Blake Gomez
Kaarina getting KO'd Erin comeback Count getting his flakes frosted Mord and Ra (the entire fight pretty much) Count burying Ser Knight
Easton Anderson
Jordan Russell
Posted in last thread because I am dumb and didn't notice new thread.
Here's how to properly DynDOLOD. I do this and still have "decent" LODs at 55FPS (which is capped).
0. First, ensure shit works before installing DynDOLOD. 1. Install the latest development release of FO4Edit and rename it to TES5Edit.exe. As of right now, that would be FO4Edit 3.1.3. 2. Install TES5LODGen, plus any of the optional components. I use Skyrim Flora Overhaul and Simply Bigger Trees, so I use the corresponding optional downloads. 3. Install DynDOLOD. 4. For easier updates, save the following in MO/mods/DynDOLOD/POSTUPDATE.bat: > move DynDOLOD.esp "..\DynDOLOD - Output\" > copy DynDOLOD.esp.bak DynDOLOD.esp > pause 5. Make a copy of DynDOLOD.esp called DynDOLOD.esp.bak. 6. Add TES5Edit to MO with arguments: "-tes5 -edit" 7. Sort your load order with LOOT. 8. Fire up TES5Edit. 9. Uncheck everything that you KNOW does not contribute things to LOD, plus anything after DynDOLOD.esp in the load order. 10. Hit OK and wait for the background loader to finish dicking around. 11. DynDOLOD.esp > Apply Script... 12. Select "DynDOLOD Worlds" and hit OK 13. Select Medium or High. 14. Choose Advanced 15. Output Path: MO\mods\DynDOLOD - Output\ 16. IMPORTANT: UNCHECK GENERATE DYNDOLOD. This will prevent script spam and performance drain 17. Check Tamriel in the list. 18. Save Preset, and hit OK. 19. After it's done, Exit. Save DynDOLOD.esp. 19. Run POSTPROCESS.bat. 20. Restart MO and enable DynDOLOD - Output. 21. ENJOY
Cameron Rodriguez
>Do I want to know what it is? Not really.
>Not him but I got quite vocal for the Mord vs Ra match. Shed a tear or two at the end. Same here. I was going "OOOOH SHIT" during some of the matches. Especially when Jo pinned Chases.
Joshua Johnson
Your mer is kinda qt despite the faces she makes and the lighting. Also she has nice tits.
Julian Jenkins
see you in 3 days
Carson Green
Thanks. I guess.
Brayden Wilson
She has always looked cute user, I just made her cuter thanks to a few pointers from Clones and some anons here.
Cooper Martinez
>Start adventure as Warlocks Thrall >Get freed when a Argonian mage comes and kills my master >Escape the cave and journey to Riften, the nearest town >Get attacked by a pack of wolves and a necromancer along the way >Decide I want to be an a thief that relys on illusion and conjuration >Arrive at riften and go straight to the inn to buy food, then to Pawned Prawn to get a tent and cooking pot. >Spend rest of gold on muffle spell from court wizard so I can grind up my illusion skill.
And thats pretty much it so far
Gavin Brooks
>plus any of the optional components. I use Skyrim Flora Overhaul and Simply Bigger Trees, so I use the corresponding optional downloads. Fuck, time to check if I didn't fuck up anywhere
I'll try reinstalling if anything
Lincoln Green
Sebastian Martinez
did you know? throwing onions inside monkey compounds lets you fuck them in their asses
Jordan Bennett
Also to make things clear, is there any issues with DynDOLOD leading saves? I get CDTs loading certain saves. If not its probably a coincidence
Brandon Turner
Any good clothing mods for a mad telvaani wizard?
Asher Allen
What's wrong with the version 2 Install Guide on the DynDOLOD page that's written in plain English?
It's Hist sap isn't it?
Anthony Rogers
I made a blog post since I can be more verbose and explain things slightly better.
Clean your saves, DynDOLOD can spam the save with THOUSANDS of active scripts if you miss that step marked "IMPORTANT". I would also open the Mod Editor in Save Game Script Cleaner and delete all forms and scripts from DynDOLOD.esp, just to be sure.
The guide skips some things, particularly unchecking "Generate DynDOLOD", which can cause CTDs and memory overflows from sheer number of scripts.
Brandon Johnson
Something about building a furry ladder and a couple sky corpses or some shit, I dunno
Argonians are CUTE, especially morrowind ones. My first TES character was a lizard. Cats are SMART. Ra a CUTE. Play this cat more. Cat posters are the best. Your cat is CUTE. You cats body is lewd and sexual. Remember cats are not for lewd. RUDE. Khajiit are not altmer, they don't all look similar.
Sorry for my dark pics, was trying out a new enb when I took them.
Jacob Walker
It's for people who want DynDOLOD to work without spamming their saves with thousands of broken, useless scripts that shit up performance and cause crashes.
Joshua Ortiz
July 16th.
At least that I'll get a new monitor and graphics card after this.
Jaxson Powell
Cats are for doing copious amounts of narcotics off their warm and fuzzy tummies
Mason Nelson
I don't have a crush fetish.
Angel Moore
y-you too
Blake Green
Thanks for the tips I'll try to tweak things
Nathan Ross
So, toasters? Sounds more like you just fucked up at some point.
Ryan Cox
Nice clipping, nerd.
Isaac Sullivan
>You cats body is lewd and sexual. Remember cats are not for lewd. She gotta wear something comfortable whenever she's sneaking around.
William Cox
I do, post more
Cooper Cox
No fetishes allowed period. This place is the moral high ground of the internet.
Daniel Gray
She should wear a catsuit
Lucas Jones
Well that would explain why it never goes flat. >particularly unchecking "Generate DynDOLOD", which can cause CTDs and memory overflows Interesting. I never had to deal with that. Works on my machine.™
Aaron Taylor
This isn't wrong. Theres nothing wrong with skooma, nobody has ever died of a moonsugar overdose. Check your facts. Say that to my face and not on the internet.
Zachary Foster
No, I don't have anymore because it was a funny one-time-thing.
I agree, those "fetish" people are gross and should be arrested!
Landon Foster
You don't take skooma optically, silly brute
Nicholas Perry
>He doesn't know about Skooma eye drops Get with the times grandpa.
Luis Cook
>Large scale projects are RARELY ever finished and are always canceled >Some modders don't even release their projects
Why does this happen. They can't keep getting away with this
Andrew Thomas
I met someone with a heart today. In his memories, Merida's light touched me a second time.