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muslims are disgusting

even d.va would laugh at you for playing d.va

This...is my curse...

fuck Junkrat threads

4th for Seagull is shit and you should feel bad if you think he's good

roadhog is a transman and if you disagree you're literally hitler ~~uwu~~

who here spams all the communication lines until you get the one you want

fuck junkrat in general

fucking reddit hero

Why do people try to get close to reaper?
This is a bad idea.


>that aim
I hope that's on console, user

So waifufags, who's your waifu?


What is your beef with Junkrat?

I seriously really enjoy playing Reaper every game because it's the only way to stop the fucking Winston abusers you find in every game.


Tracer 2bh

I'm watching some vods and the pro players shoot at the ground instead of trying to get direct hits with Pharah

Is this more effective?

Would you believe Ball mouse?

Symmetra's voicelines make me feel funny.

Has anyone experienced weird lagging/stuttering since the last update? I's strange since the FPS counter stays the same, but aiming/turning around is all jagged and fucked up. It barely lasts a second but it's still annoying.

Rank 44. Give it to me straight. How shit am I?



>I get yelled at for calling attack Torbjorn useless


below average

>hatin on junkrat
howdy reddit

Alcohol was involved.
Lots and lots of alcohol.

Tracer anyday.

This might not help but it seems to be a fix with most people's connection issues, try running the launcher as admin. It stopped me getting Dc'd.

V-Sync causes input lag but does limiting the FPS to your monitor cause any? It doesn't feel like it to be. I'd rather it be 80FPS instead of 140FPS and my GPU heats up more

>attack Torbjorn
I have never seen this happen


He's braindead as fuck, nothing to be proud of

What the fuck is the range on the mech self destruct, I was a million miles away from the cunt and it still one shots me.

doesnt matter if you didnt play the beta and have no history of playing shooters with projectiles

The funny thing is he actually has a use on attack for certain maps but that's setting up a turret at spawn and pushing the defense team back and then switching to something better for attack. Of course attack Tors never fucking switch.

How are Europeans so fucking bad?

I'm level 64 on NA, I swapped to EU because the NA server keeps DCing me and I get matched into a level 75+ game, but nobody is talking and everyone is fucking terrible.

Thanks, I'll try that.

It doesn't.

My waifu is the embodiment of purity.

Europeans are afraid to speak lest they get arrested for saying something against EU speech law

Junkrat has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game

I remember you
Your webms have gotten better.
I mean, kinda.


>somebody on the enemy team ragequits cause your team is shitting on them
>you now only get like 10% of the ranke
Simply EPIC!

>game on hollywood
>our mercy calls gg from the first push we make
>keeps saying its over, being a whiney cunt in general
>we lose
>queue up again
>its numbani
>hes on the other team playing reinhardt
>we dont let them take first point
>we steamroll them on our attack round

feels so good to make that cunt take another loss which he deserves

>dying to d.va ult
like haha dude just hide behind a frozen mei or some shit like wtf just walk away haha

true only bastion is higher

love these blogs, good work keep it up

Mercy is for romance stuff only, as is fitting for God tier wife and mother

How much does it cost to order a pizza and having it sent to your place in the states?

yurobois are more interested on having a life and fucking girls instead of playing uzbekistanese individual chore RPGs user

just jump my shit up

>Playing Mercy
>Tank is treating roadhog like genji and we have no front line
>Yell at him
>Tells me to be a good mercy and go back to sucking his dick

....I thought bullies weren't real >.>

so this....... is the power...... of no...... hero...... limit,,,,,,,,,

Hana is the only correct answer.
For me obviously
Only for me


>lose first game on Ilios
>teammate declares that we lost, switches to a hero somebody was playing already, then states that he is glad we are going to lose rank

I fucking hate people. If you quit on your team after the first round, you are a piece of shit.

>implying mercy isn't secretly the most lewd of all and packing a hulking 15 inch dick atop a fat, meaty set of balls


This is ironic right?



holy shit my sides

I will poot you in your place!


>watching grown men play video games

holy shit, what a cucked faggot.

you didn't go back to sucking his dick, right?

We are not all fat.

I mean, we have several languages.

t r a c e r ___
_ t r a c e r __
__ t r a c e r_

This is probably the first (unintentionally) decent argument for Highlander rules I've seen.

Also leavers mmr pool when?

umm owtards?

pure waifus don't like anal

Why do you struggle?

Why does no one ever talk on EU servers?

When the game first launched I kept getting games with yanks. They spoke n tried coordinating things. EU? Literally silence for 3 weeks. Thank fuck I play with TS but ingame is dead.

>10 pixel pharah is shooting rockets behind greek palm trees that she is hidden behind
i really hate this map

Teabagging is a lost art.

they dont invest as much time, while raging for no reason also everyone is self-centred here and takes every joke or slight trashtalk as personal attack

they dont respond well to shitty memes or dumb talk either so they are just paralyzed by confusion

t. german

>We are not all fat.

A true NEET forgoes eating desu. Food aint free.

is 'vs AI' quicker XP than quick play? just picked up the game a couple days ago coming from ded gaem quake live and trying to get to 25 fast.

$15-$20 probably.

Jokes on you, that's the only waifu i'll take.


Go into the weekly brawl. That's where most of the people who want to have fun are.

Thanks for posting gay men roleplays on here, it's very interesting.

>wanting to hear random people "communicate"

but why?

>28% accuracy

learn to aim you spastic retard.


Ilios and Lijiang Tower are the bane of my existence.

>join le reddit discord
>they try to make meme jokes in weird autistic eu accents

>everything I hate is reddit

t. tracerfag

why am I not allowed to have fun in qm or ranked? wrong post?

it's a shame she's so incredibly niche or i would play her a lot. i love her character.

Does it count if instead of wanting to date Mercy I want to be Mercy
>t. unifag hoping to get into medschool


That line...So dominant.

>not spamming chokes with torb

You might as well play quick play so you don't suck as much when you get to 25

Not everyone would speak English on EU, right? I think Blizzard should invest in UK + Ireland servers. For all those poor English speakers stuck with Russians.

You should gain more xp for your rank if you make a whole team leave. Tell me this isn't a good idea.
>protip: you can't

It's pure if she doesn't know she likes it yet.

Didnt they delay competetive in order to balance sudden death?
Theres no way that can be true, its the most broken thing iv ever seen, and its glitches too, says im defending then puts me on the attacking side

i-its really hard to aim with him tho ;_;