/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

>Summary from the latest Live Letter:

>Current Event - Summer DLC Campaign (June 14—July 4th)

>Patch Notes:

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

>Previously on /xivg/:

Other urls found in this thread:


naka bp

Why did she do it...
Why me...

Remember to feed your cats

I never knew they had that kind of relationship.

That's hot.

nori bp

Anyone wanna ERP?


What happened, user? Tell us.

xth for comfy sunsets

Buy me a fanta and I'll consider changing skin tones.


i would rather feed my pet lizard/dragon/void


*autistic shrieking*

moonie thread please
post moonies



Kirito Tia


Femroes in this piece

*throat singing*

Is this okay?

hey wanna erp? im on excalibur

>not having that kind of relationship with your sister





Rock lizard...
She broke my heart, and showed me how her hell burns. ;_;

xth for c@s


Please general give me a cute Lala girl to use and abuse!

xth for c@s, yes

>selzh will never piss on your EB

You can have this invasive voidsent instead.

cuz dat nigga permabanned

Haha hey nigga, 'eyo you got that green? Them green ladies. Yea I be scopin' them babes out. Might even make a toon to meetcha if you pickin' up what I'm puttin' down. Ya feel me, blood?


huh really?

>tfw no midlander sister to have that kind of relationship with

oh well, guess I'll have to make a peach garden oath or something

le cringe hour xD

such skills, only handlebeards could be behind this

Here you go.
shoot yourself

there it is, ladies and gentlemen

I'm gonna miss eyebrow cat...



So what is the item on the Mogstation you can buy and put on the Marketboard or is it something you have to trade a player directly?

Calm down handlebars
Who is she?


Stop this, Shattered Sun.

Please step on me!

send mental illness back to its urinal

More! I am going to cum all over you!

If you're going to be a pathetic grown man at least think of the scenery. Unlit, poor background, drab.


uh buh


im gurting buhhhhhj

Responding to yourself isn't something a mentally capable person would do.

Also, change your fucking eyebrows you heathen.

stop it paks

Off to a great start.

Do actual endgame players post or look here? Or is it just all shitposting and roleplay, I have a fairly simple question.

I run an FC and basically gear up jobs to bring to the table based on what we need to fill in spot wise for raiding. For the last year or so I've been almost exclusively healing and tanking, but i've always kept a monk geared mildly on hand.

It has a 235 weapon, but all of its gear is basic melded 200 crap, as I am now, I can only hit about 1700 dps on SSS dummies.

Is that around average for an inexperienced MNK? I'm not looking to be a stellar MNK or anything, I just need to perform adequately enough to fill the role until im replaced. It honestly sound a bit low for my ilvl potential

you need to be doing at least 200 more dps than you are right now

We have endgame carried people who shitpost and roleplay when they aren't being carried.

How hard is Nidd Ex? Can I do it with a 210 wep?

This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you. I'll spend a few more days on the SSS dummies figuring out what im doing wrong

Made it through the most lancer grind but now i'm at the:
Quarn, Cutter's, Stone vigil, Darkhold phase.
It's going to be over a week of roulettes until I finally get into aurum vale.

>this turboshitter doesn't even have a 220 weapon

Do I get to choose the tone?

I don't wanna

Yeah, he doesn't actually play the game with any regularity. He probably earned the lore for that chest piece over the last 4 months.

Yes, you can do it with a 210 weapon.


What's a good SMN/SCH weapon to glamour? I was thinking Moogle but want other suggestions.

Yeah sure.

Moogle, Ravana and the low lvl books are good

[moonie noises]


fuck off chemo

Post your favorite cuties!

Stone, Sky, Sea is a thing you know.

Y-you think I wont do it? Im a madman you know.

Garuda, Ifrit, and Dreadwyrm are the correct answers until egi glamour is a thing.

Book of Spades is also nice.

nice one putt

>42nd new ip
You underestimate him

>actually getting upset some people choose to play the game casually and not worry about getting the best gear and clearing the hardest fights

Favorite katt

Just tell me what specific skin tone and I'll consider it.

I wanna lewd this kitten!

I don't play this game, so here's a Summer DLC code for whoever wants it:


this kot is cute as fuck

im not cheap!

Column 6 Row 12..


I dunno, some chick who sat on my lap while I was sitting about.

If I move servers, should my hotbars/gearsets be fine or should I back them up? And if so, how do I back them up?

They'll be fine.


nori a lewd

Heres another good Nori


Nori's EB'd now, stop posting lewds.

I'll check it out when I get home. Who are you in game?