Isn't it cheaper to simply use transparent textures instead of tris?
Gabriel Nelson
Dominic Gutierrez
Demo Day 9 is in less than 6 days.
40 games will be featured.
Why aren't YOU participating?
Joshua Sanchez
Is gamemaker drag n drop usable for anything but simple platformers? How complex of a game could one make using it? Or is it just a gimmick
Ryan Ramirez
I dont have a game
Robert Reyes
I didn't even know about it before 30 seconds ago and also I don't know how to make games
Jose Rogers
I'm 0.05% done with a game and then reach an impossible roadblock. I give up for a few months then download another engine to see if it's better. I then give up again. Rinse and repeat for several years.
Samuel Gray
Lucas Gomez
I will not take part in an event that endorses bullying
Jose Rivera
Here's a quick comparison of the different versions.
Ryan Barnes
Made some more progress, managed to make it so that the player sticks to moving platforms.
Not pictured-managed to get Fall Damage working as well.
Ayden White
but really
Jayden Jackson
What's your game?
Xavier Nelson
12 easily looks the best
Carson Torres
Can't you just make the 12 tris fatter so they cover more ground?
Juan Myers
First person fantasy RPG with billboarded sprites for creatures.
I don't have a lot planned out already, want to see whats fun in game and what works first before committing to anything major.
Evan Wilson
12 is the only one without heavy aliasing.
Sebastian Green
Why is programming such fucking bullshit?
>Instruct the cube spin in 90degree increments on the Z Axis each time the script is called >NOT ACTUALLY SPINNING AT 90 DEGREES WHEN RUN
There are four frames of animation. It's a 3D cube that you look forward at in a 2D perspective and each side of the cube has a different frame. As it spins in 90degree increments, you're supposed to see a different frame, but it isn't working as intended here.
Nicholas Murphy
>First person fantasy RPG with billboarded sprites for creatures. Nice, I wanted to make something like this but I'm terrible with graphics, I'll just go with the regular top down rpg approach.
Cooper Cook
#pragma strict
public var speed : float = 10f;
function Update () { transform.Rotate(Vector3.right, speed * Time.deltaTime); }
Try that, its a script I made to make it turn.
Bentley Harris
>Why is programming such fucking bullshit? You're dumb
Jeremiah Williams
I sent it to a non-dev friend: >is this on a beach >or something >bottom one has too much grass >even >but the ground looks like sand
Jayden Collins
what is he trying to say?
Cooper Reyes
Jayden Wright
Oh, I am too.
Going to try to aim more for artistic cohesion more then artistic excellence, hope I can at least get it to the point where the graphics are at least not detrimental to the player.
Alexander Sanders
step 1: the machine is always right step 2: if unexpected things are happening, examine your assumptions
Leo Kelly
anyone else dropped devving and focus entirely on programming or art?
Grayson Scott
i don't know much about programming, but it looks to me like you are telling the cube to rotate on the z axis at a speed of 90
if i had to guess, i'd say instead of applying rotating, set it's rotation to be current rotation + 90?
Matthew Bailey
Austin Martin
I dropped devving and focus entirely on shitposting.
Isaac Mitchell
You could weight it so theres more grass closer to you and sparser farther away
Actually there are probably huge amounts of resources on this, why listen to amateur opinions
James Robinson
>It's a 3D cube that you look forward at in a 2D perspective and each side of the cube has a different frame. As it spins in 90degree increments, you're supposed to see a different frame congratulations on ur creative solution
Jose Harris
Best of my luck, my guy, I'm looking forward to playing your game when it's ready.
Ethan Long
following your dreams
Camden Carter
I recall reading an extensive paper on random grass blade distribution to maximize coverage with the least amount of grass possible
Jason Torres
Caleb Parker
Nigga, just paint the ground green. Slap some grass texture on it if needed.
Christian Baker
I'm still developing a small project on the side with a couple other people for the hell of it, but in terms of actual projects I've put everything on hold to try and figure out how to actually draw since I've always wanted to in the first place, and I'd like to be able to make my own assets for shit.
So far it's not going great.
Christian Cooper
grass LOD meshes perfect example of a dev getting caught up on something meaningless while their gameplay goes nowhere
Connor Powell
>90 degrees >4 frames are you actually retarded this is exactly whats supposed to happen
Michael Howard
Maybe its not facing the camera exactly I'd print out its rotation value every frame an ensure its not 'off', also ensure your camera is positioned properly
but really, don't do a hack solution like that
Mason Green
you could make a whole lot of games using just the drag and drop but it's actually shittier and more unintuitive than the language
GML isn't that hard, learning dragon drop would be the same thing abstracted
Chase Evans
p good
right is better
Hunter Garcia
I got it to work, but I used logic nodes instead of fagass python scripting since they actually work as intended. Guess what? Applying a 90degree Z rotation with nodes actually fucking works while the same command in Python doesn't.
I gotta screw around with the camera now. I need to figure out how to get a completely straight on view of the environment at all times so you can't see the side frames of a 3D object when it isn't centered on the screen.
Christian Miller
How many tiles could I shit out in a 2000x2000 room in GM:S before I run into issues? Would deactivating instances outside of screen make this a non issue?
Liam Fisher
You can have infinite tiles as long as there's enough ram, all you do is only draw the ones on screen
Joseph Rodriguez
what the fuck am I doing wrong ;_;
Asher Foster
>making a game in blender >crazy workaround instead of just animating the texture
why do you do this to yourself?
Juan Long
probably the python command is in degrees per second and the node in degrees per frame
Charles Campbell
is there a Veeky Forums script that can hide posts including their replies?
Gavin Wood
>another dev fell for the grass meme
How horrible
Kayden Rogers
>First person fantasy RPG with billboarded sprites for creatures. THIS IS MY JAM
please post more about it i would like to hear some more thanks sempai
John Evans
Yes, 4chanX has recursive post hiding. I keep suggesting to Veeky Forums they implement this in the built in extension because it seems like a very basic feature to me but they never do
Eli Johnson
What was limbo made on? Did they made their own game engine or did they use an existing one?
Carson Rodriguez
they just used flash
Kayden Myers
So uh, how are you going to use this asset.
Kayden Ross
I got hired by a real game dev company, so now I have no time
Daniel Ramirez
oh the last thread just died so I suppose I can post this again for anyone who missed it.
Joseph Cox
works like a charm, thanks
Ryder Evans
Weekly Recap=~~ We have a total of 24 games. 13 games have returned from previous recaps! All this progress is great! All these games had best be submitted to Demo Day 9. Reply to if you want to make it in this week's recap!
~~=High Scores=~~ (6) [Placeholder Title] (6) TacticalRPG (6) Knightly Terrors (5) Zero Quest (3) Dark Elf (3) Idol Comm@nder (3) Stellar Jets (2) Game (2) God is a Cube (2) Unnamed pixel platformer (2) Vagabondia (2) Vampire's Bit (2) Vindis Saga Tactics
(Score is calculated by number of recaps in a row)
~~=Feedback=~~ Notice the scraper has made an error? Ideas or comments?
Carson Gomez
Logan Robinson
That's very close to what I wanted the graphics to look like from my game! What are you writing it in?
Adrian Mitchell
nah, I'll continue posting my hobby project and there's nothing you can do about it but flail around in your shrinking pile of neetbux.
Brandon White
Hey I haven't seen you in a while. It's great to see some npcs. What do they do?
Jeremiah Sanders
This one will wait until you swim above it and then jump up to snap at you. I think if I do keep any talking mechanics (which now seems rather unlikely) it would only be fellow jellyfish that do it.
Jason Lopez
Interesting observation.
The new mesh is reduced to 8 tris but is is larger and has more grass straws per mesh in the material.
This actually reduces the performance with 7 fps, showing once again that triangles are not the problem.
Ayden Reed
That crab is very cute but he doesn't fit in with the rest, namely his small pupils (this isn't as big of a deal as the next) and the fact this one has outlines and the others don't
Ryder Martinez
What should I use for vector art? Is Inkscape alright?
Isaac Butler
What the hell happened? the last thread died, but half of the posts here were in the previous one.
Kayden Carter
Not much to talk about right now, just some really early prototyping.
I am going to have to try my hardest to make melee combat fun from a first person perspective though, I don't want to resort to it just pulling a Hexen where the player uses a magic wand like a gun.
>Melee range is buffed significantly to almost Halo Shotgun range if you are using a 2 handed weapon, having a large arc like in Strider on the Genesis.
>Attacks are overall much quicker then in games like Mount and Blade, avoiding damage will be done through a very short windowed counter or a block.
>Short range weapons like Daggers compensate for their range by being able to break a opponents block with a lot of very quick attacks and having a very short counter timer.
>Dark Messiah of Magic's Kick and Crysis's Grab n' Throw
>Magic is less focused on magic missle and more fun stuff. Can summon lots of skeletons, become a skeleton or transform your enemy into skeletons etc.
Dominic Johnson
>spend all day making sprites >put them in-game >realize they're way too small
use a particle shader or a geometry shader at least
also billboarding save dat fps nigga
Luke Thomas
Can someone write a 1 sentence description of what a "stat" is?
Nathan Carter
They made their own engine. Their newer game, Inside, was made in Unity because the Limbo engine was only capable of doing monochromatic colors and they thought it was also just way more work than it was worth.
Jason Richardson
yes you fucking retard, overdraw is the bottleneck on alpha tested materials
Christopher Martin
Your character's attributes.
Hunter Lopez
a measure of how strong you are in a certain discipline
I guess this doesn't cover when you have stats like "Luck"
Carter Garcia
at that scale just model the grass blades outright and don't waste perf on alpha, it'll be a lot cheaper
alpha is only cheaper when the amount of pixels to be tested are less than the amount of verts you would have with a full mesh. Such as in very dense, realistic or distant grass
Easton Reyes
>Spend time making a health bar >Too tired to actually implement it
Leo Kelly
A stat is the amount a character has of a particular ability.
5 units of strength 4 units of defense 6 units of luck etc.
Josiah Harris
Reminder that you literally cant write bad videogame music cause music is subjective and what is good or not is literally all up to opinion
William Jones
t. industrial noise listener
Carter Lopez
Doesn't that mean you can't write bad video games period?