/hsg/ hearthstone general

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why isnt tunnel trogg a 0/3

why isnt mana wyrm a 0/3

Even at 0/3 I would play 2 mana worm.

First for shitty OC

Give me a reason not to concede right away after your first 3 turns are shit and your opponent has a massive lead already

and that would be fine

Get ready for a whole year of zoo since it only loses Imp gang in the rotation, which I guarantee will be replaced by something else

2nd legendary in 2 days

Bets on who it is?

[angry dragon noises]

Got a Poisoned Blade from my last arena run, should I bother keeping it?


I can wait and fish all ḑ̥̙̥̠̬͆̎̅̐a̦̼̲̱̼͒̓̉̂ͅͅỵ̺͔͚͇̹̖͢

So what's your absolute favorite class to play with and why, /hsg/?

Have always been curious how many other anons favor Mage.

Post fun decks

Ding Ding Ding!

Your opponent is overextending and one AoE card can solve it

You're playing Rogue and turning the tempo around is exactly what you do

You're playing Control Warrior and you don't expect to be doing anything for the first five turns anyways

If you do end up winning a come from behind victory, you'll enjoy it more, because isn't winning hollow if you're just winning the games that are easy and giving up the moment it looks bad?

Pick one.

soulpriest+ Circle




There's always a reason to at least try. Only by quitting do you accept defeat.

When is the next expansion or adventure expected to come? I have 100 gold and I'm not sure if I should start saving now or buy one more pack before saving.

Save for sure

>it's the arena match where your opponent counterplayed all your card episode and it's not even the dreadful three

Sometimes, this game is too funny.

Save 700, then start spending. You need 700 per week for the adventure wings, which you should easily achieve.

After the adventures, start saving hard for next april expansion.

So is Reynad literally retarded or just pretending? He makes $500k a year and just took a huge trip overseas and he can't find anyone in the entire world to fuck him? That doesn't even make sense.


he's native minnesotan, it plagues us all

When is Kripp going to stop playing Hearthstone? I hate watching him play the same shit for years and he's literally bitching every single game, he clearly hates the game, too.

How do we get old hardcore Kripp back?

You don't know how hard it is to get laid.

>hardcore kripp

world of warcraft and diablo 3 are not hardcore, user.

He makes over a million dollars a year now playing a child's card game. He would make 1/5th of that AT BEST playing any other game. So...when Hearthstone dies.

he doesn't make a million stop sucking his cock

Priest needs a non situational 2 mana burn spell.

Just got exodia lads

>deathrattle rogue, but with c'thun, brann, shadowcasters and blades of
>doing pretty well, I'm pulling cleaves and executes and shit from hucksters
>turn 8 I rev this shit up
>shadowcast brann
>warrior does grommash whirlwind coin for face, executes brann
>turn 9 play coin, shadowbrann and sacrifice his grommash for delicious 26/22 cthun
>he brawls and his korkron wins (of course)
>doesn't matter, turn 10 I coin, shadowbrann #2 and c'thun jizzes all over his stupid golden face for forty fucking nine

Lol dude his Youtube and Twitch numbers are public. Look it up yourself. He makes over a million on those alone not even counting sponsors.

>Drain Life and Mortal Coil in one card
>cheaper than Drain Life
>priest card
Re-evaluate pretty much everything about this card.

>Comparing Priest spells to Warlock spells

You do know that Warlock has the weakest cards, right? Like Dark Bomb VS Frost Bolt, for example. This is due to their Hero Power being the best one in the game.

Some classes just have straight up better versions. Another example would be Holy Smite VS the Druid one

>the card literally has the mechanics of two other warlock spells
>no it's a priest spell because I say so
>Dark Bomb is shit because Frost Bolt also freezes
>Dark Bomb should synergize with warlock's other uh... freeze... mechanics...
By the way, you pretty much shat over any respect you deserved by referring to a card as "the Druid one".

>this is 2-cost while Bash is 3-cost

Increase its cost and we will talk.

Mage has best spells and is OP, stop comparing other classes' spells to them

>mage is OP because I don't like it
Sorry, by posting OC for custom cards, I made the mistake of thinking people had the intelligence for a fair discussion.
Perhaps you would have a more meaningful exchange with with your dog.


How far will this go?

Fresh, superior OC coming through.

>Making OC for non-existent classes.

One of the worst types of OC.

Would be cool in a deathknight class.
Too bad ben 'HAHAAHAHA' brode thinks we should just buff shaman instead

The +3 is situational, and can even be irrelevant if you have full health. The armor from bash is guaranteed, even at 30 health, and it's used for shield slam. Bash absolutely should cost one more than that OC.

I wish all OCfags would die.

Their efforts are futile. They will never make a card better than this one.

>that engrish

Summer is still around, eh?

>that wording

I'm guessing it was made here:

>implying implications

This is exactly what priest needs, damage spells. Not conditional shit or cards you need to make combo like circle.

Draw a card is easily better than gaining 3 health, this card is fine

Armor is better than health, bash ALWAYS give the armor regardless of kill this doesn't it has to kill, plus it's useless if you're at full. It's balanced.


Fucking kek this generator is a goldmine


Does anyone have the link to that video that was circling here before standard arrived, it was revenge of the sith with standard only cards killing wild cards?

Threw this together one night and it's some of the most fun I've had in this game in a while. Though I have to say, Servant of Yogg is the most suicidal card in the game. In over half the times I've played him he immediately plays some nuke on himself and does nothing.

Also this deck is absolutely awful vs. Priest. No idea why.

>bringing a constructed level deck to arena

I could also post a deck

Which meme deck do you hate playing against most? I fucking hate Astral Communion Druids that always seem to have it in their opening hand

I never miss an opportunity to post this pic

Don't think this is the one


do i get to keep the cards i get given from arenas?


r8 shit OC v2.0

Never mind, found it:



This plus hero power = 5 mana mind control

Not broken at all

such a huge fucking tempo swing
if it made that minion's stat's equal to its own then maybe

It's not mind control because it's just stats

Also rate

Combo doesn't work off hero power.


This is balanced yes?

Yea this was disgusting. Easiest 12 wins I ever got. I'm not even good at arena at all.

Please note that this is just a straight up better Volj'in.

I like this card a lot.

Hero powers don't trigger combos. Apart from justicar shaman for whatever fucking reason is does thanks blizzard.

These are gold

Something's missing. I can feel it in my bones.

where are you finding these

>have idea for deck
>open up builder and start adding cards
>realize you don't know shit about deck building
>close builder and delete deck




Lets get crazy

these are pretty good cards

Oh baby.



fear the might of Loathblord Jaraxxramed
he summons everything that isnt a demon


we're making it happen boys


Holly shit op

Would be balanced at 4, I think

I'm thinking shaman here. what pick?

>Do I give 2 minions +1/+1 or summon two 2/2s with taunt
Hard choice


So this just makes the game a draw?

class doesn't matter

We yugioh now
>drop FOUR MANA 7/7

the best handlock counter