/r6g/ Rainbow Six General

True Operators kill hostages Edition

>Steam group

>Teamspeak for Veeky Forums operations
The password is: Operations

>Official news

Choose Spetnaz for hostage edition



>Developer AMA Recap

>Maps and drawing tools for all available gamemodes

>Weapons and Armor damage comparisons

>Known Issues:

>Basics of CQB Pastebin
pastebin.com/ECbQGdVk (embed)

>Steam group player list

>Console group
PS4: Add dazint8 or Omegaplaya and join the /r6g/ community that way
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI (the 'I' are capital 'i's)

>All the Classic Rainbow 6 games running on the latest engine, compatible with current windows, all maps, all modes.


>WIP /r6g/ guide for crosshair overlays, tactics etc

Other urls found in this thread:


Does this look right?


Can anybody tell me if that looks like the right way to port forward?

>tfw blackbeard and everyone died


*blocks your pacth*

not today , kid ...


Is there a way for me to delete all my settings for the game including internet and connection ones?

Yes. Wipe your hard drive and reinstall everything!

I was having such a good time playing this game, but the really bad rubberbanding and almost instant lag kick for every match has put a really bad taste in my mouth. If anyone know how to approach these kind of issues it would be much appreciated.

Someone last thread was asking if there's a reason to mark people at the start of a round.

It reveals the Operator they're using in the top bar, so you have an idea of what you're up against, and who's left.

you don't have to scan them to identify them.

>4 roamers
>I'm the only one in the objective room
>they all die without getting a kill

I'm strongly considering getting this game and I wanted to ask some questions related to the longevity. I like the game, it looks fun as fuck, but has the game itself aged well? How well has the game been treated by the devs?

>1 roamer
>everyone else sits in objective room and gets rushed by the enemy getting better angles

This is easily one of the best shooters to release of the decade.

The problem is the publisher- Ubisoft has given this game little attention, marketing it scarcely during its infancy then completely switching to The Division in order to rake in as much as possible from it. Shame, since this game is so good. The devs push out updates probably once every three weeks, long waits are common. But the game is fun as fuck, and despite all the bugs, I guarantee you'll have a good time.

The game is full of cheaters.

>The game is full of cheaters.
How badly exactly? Is it pre anti-cheat Dirty Bomb bad?

It's not THAT bad. But the anti-cheat only functions on the most basic level, so that only the blatant rage hackers end up getting caught by it.

Most hackers can get away with trying to hide it, yet many of them reveal themselves and can get banned by reporting and recording.

Gonna ruin your drone spot to get 5 points

>5 points
>not racking up upwards of 200 points by scanning everyone on their team repeatedly off of all your team's drones

So now that time has passed, how happy are you with Kapkan's buff?

Still rarely get kills with it.

really? I've been getting plenty of kills with it, at least as much as could be expected of traps

>dirty bomb general refugee

Welcome brother

Just got my first two EDD kills today in the same round after 75 hours in PvP. Although I usually don't pick Krapkan anyway.

Who else /dbg/ here?

just put 'em in a double doorway near the objective, when the round is close to ending they'll buy you a shit ton of time

Brother! It's been too long!

It's alright, good when the enemy is rushed to the objective, but due to its nature it's still easily avoidable.

I have not seen one cheater

You bet

Git gud and play ranked. Plat and higher is full of hackers, and blatant ones.

>kept getting shot at as defender
>no idea where, directional indicator shows the hard wall
>killcam shows enemy shooting me through a castled window
>the barricade was merely a figment of my mind
>tfw front developing ptsd


also when placing an edd keep in mind the angles the enemy will have when entering the room(s).

Placing it on one side might let enemies entering from the opposite side of the room easily destroy it. It can also force those trying to destroy it to move into a compromised position.

>tfw playing with a scrub friend
I really want him to get better, but jesus christ I have to not only explain where the enemy is, I have to explain the layout of the room, and then how the room the enemy is in is connected to that room, and THEN where the enemy is in that second room's layout

jesus fucking christ

>tfw he asks where the enemy is and you don't even bother because he would still have no idea if you told him

train him in terror hunt to get the layout of the maps, then bring him to actual pvp. If he's not an actual retard he'll get the hang of it after a while and be able to learn maps quicker

>tfw when you're on a 3 hour win streak with the same rando's you got matched with from your first game of the day

This Rainbow Six community is a paradise for the puchis

what's this one called?

That's Yayoi

thanks pal

you're welcome

SHUT up.

does blitz flash work like stun grenade flash?
i.e. can you flash people even if they aren't looking at you?

I will fucking end your life bro

that's a yes? or a no, maybe?

Every time I die in this game it's because of some bullshit bug. Getting shot through client-sided bodies, getting headshotted THROUGH shields not over them, netcode lagging 20 seconds behind what's actually happening. I would be literally unkillable if this game worked properly.

I know that feel.

My boy is trying to tell you that your question is absurd.

Puchi is meant for /aceg/. Get that degenerate shit out of a good general.

Don't you die on me!

When does the ranked season end?

when brazil ops arrive

used to favor jager over bandit for roaming and spawn peeking, but man this MP7 is fucking awesome.


And puchis aren't supposed to be in /aceg/, either. They only belong in /@/

Anyone use the G36C with Ash or just R4-C all the way?

used to use it, but R4-C is undeniably better on all fronts.

I like the G36C

auto shotguns are overpowered

you are overpowered

I didn't know they still make machinimas

>Getting shot through client-sided bodies
Stop hiding behind bodies then

I don't dumbass. The problem is them being behind bodies that aren't there on their screen that I can't see through

You make it sound as though this is a common thing. I've never seen this happen at all.

I like the r4
>delicious ar15
>usable and shoots well
>fantastic irons

are you guys any of those guys?
all they do is say memes and be salty

no and I don't recognize any as 4channers either.

hey that wasnt too bad

What server? Never seen those names before

EU west




>Nobody reinforced that trapdoor

I've never seen anyone use this angle before

I like it when they're left unreinforced sometimes to basically serve as a trap.

>tfw escape route trapdoors

remind me why Blackbeard is a thing

>literal immunity when peeking around corners or windows

Who the fuck balanced this shit?


>it's a "platinum kiddie tries hard in casual and gets mad at you when you play recruit" episode

>Guy on team dies once to a perfectly typical scenario
>Spends the rest of the game typing in all chat about how good they are and how lucky the other person was

Its a video game. The casual mode of the video game, at that. Why do people care so much about losing?

>Bartlett University
Why does this map exist? It's the shittiest one in the entire game.

>herp derp, lets put a permanent smoke grenade so you can't see shit!

Why is ranked so heartbreaking
So many leavers constantly

Buck is the best DLC operator!

Thank god I only had to play through that a couple times to 100% the situations.

>Every time I die in this game it's because of some bullshit

Keep telling yourself that

weird way to spell valky


people talk about being hyped for new dlc, or balance changes, glaz and tachanka can wait, i just want better netcode

That's a weird way to spell Hollywood.

has anybody played a game that has an audio distinction between above and below you? i might be retarded but i can't find one in this game so I almost never play near stairs if avoidable

netcode is okay, I would just prefer that the game doesn't matchmake me with Brazilians anymore. Them and people from fucking alaska.

>netcode is okay
so its ok you dump half a mag into someones head and he just turns around and headshots you by shooting into your arm

Just move to a first world country and get some decent internet, I've never had this happen in 350+ hours of play.

Not him, but seriously, git gud. If the enemy has low ping, play defensive angles. If they have high ping, peek aggressively. You have to play peeker's advantage, because high ping gives you an advantage when playing aggressively.

i live in america and not infrequently i get the little screenshot of them when they killed me with their head recoiled and blood flying out.

Pretty common angle in high silver low gold, bit it gets countered easily by leaning left from spawn and peeking fast with a 3 speed operator (ie. Ash). Still, it's not a bad angle after about 30 seconds in. Just be careful for those spawning in the front. Try crouching or staying to the side, and then occasionally peeking every few seconds to kill them as they leave spawn.

It hurts their e-egos.

Dude, bandit, rook, doc, and valk (especially with cams) all counter him. A good SMG with an ACOG wreak nigbeard. It's all about shooting above his shield to hit his head over it. If he's upside down peeking a window, just crouch/prone and you have easy headshots.