Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Previously on /tosg/: >Can I play the game now?
YES YOU CAN (Get it on steam!)

TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding.


>Cards List:

>English patch for kTOS

- kTOS - Server : Vakarine (Upside down "A" in gookspeak)
- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA), Fedimian (EU), Telsiai (SEA) , Orsha (NA)

>Official Translation Project -
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.

>/tosg/ Guilds info
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena/Silute, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a templar.
If your guild is recruiting, please post recruitment notice in the thread.
Futureproof (Lolipan)
FOE (Jinsae)
Clover (Karga)
Cake (DeliciousCake)
CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica)
Empire (Louvain)
TakeItEasy (Moonie_)
Kotatsu (Colyo)
CoffeeHouse (Capyba)
Comfy (Katzenberg)

Good builds :
>Wizard and Archer still unedited, Discuss in thread before using

Remember to REPORT and IGNORE shitposters instead of giving them the attention they want and helping them shit up the thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Remember to REPORT and IGNORE shitposters

Are there any open guild slots? I'm so lonely.

>remember to kill this general
Nice try, shitpost double-agent. Report shit way off topic and the "ur mum xDDDD" posts and leave the rest.

inb4 don't join takeiteasy


but thats moonie user

Join takeiteasy with the rest of the lonely ERP degenerates.

>Trying to level alt
>Get to constructor's chapel
>Some fucking warlock is ruining it for everyone
>Someone with an oracle alt tries to CS it

I didn't want to hit level 90 tonight, anyway.

Wait, what happened?



This game's cross-guild drama is so lame. This is literally nothing.

drama out
cute in
drama out
cute in

Show me the CUTE!!


When the HECK are you taking boy requests?????????

Skeletons are cute.

I'll show you some cute butts

Doing the goddesses' work.

valhalla also has bots, so it's not that surprising

>really wanted that short green hair
>but also wanted that new fluffy hair
>only 300-ish TP left
Shit. Here I go.
0-3 = short
4-7 = fluff
8-9 = don't buy any


mia's ass and ____

same as this user let the luck guide me

Maybe that's mia & moonie

wtf did you waste all your shekels on, user?

Don't bully Bokors or I'll put a curse on you!

What's your favorite build you've played so far?

I'm completely in love with my QS3 SR2, it's just so fun to clear maps at lightning speed

I love cryokino way more than tosg thinks I should.

I regret going falc musk instead on sr


Or else what?

Who are you going to marry, tosg?

My literal who schoolgirl cow of course.

May also kill Evergarden if you wanna take it in a fuck/marry/kill direction.

So I'm currently Cleric 1 -> Priest 3 -> Chaplain, taking Cleric 2 next rank obviously, but what about rank 7? Plague Doctor seems the popular choice, but Oracle has Counter Spell, which is limited magic immunity and hard to ignore. Has Prophecy as well, which isn't as good as Bloodletting but is worth noting. Is this viable, or would I be gimping myself?



Me? But I'm a boy...

>Implying you can


Bitches love Ein Soph. You'll be drowning in pussy if you use it.



I don't have a /tosg/ crush yet but when I walk through a new area I imagine me and my future crush getting game married and sharing our first kiss as wife and other wife in all the cool spots I find!

Who would you fuck then?


I can buy a slot upgrade desu


That's a tough one. Probably Lala, if only because I have a weakness for cows. But I wouldn't call her after.

I'd have to be a jew though.

But aren't these slots expensive?

This one is helluva healbot

>But I wouldn't call her after.
poor lala

The F.O.E. fuck from Discord that stole Trap's name is currently trying to get Antler Horns from Panto Spearman. It's a ridiculously high DKP drop and he is abusing the no-CD exploit on Resetting to quickly go through the loot. If you want some free ears, either for yourself or to sell for 15m, you can just sit back and kill it when it pops up in the Forecast

>stole Trap's name
Shoulda been faster.



yes but tower just leveled up and there is 1 point to use

What gems do magic dealers go for? MATK seems really bad scaling on MATK per gem level.

>abusing the no-CD exploit on Resetting
Since when is this a thing? Can I report faggots for it?

It's an overheat thing. You just ask Simony how to do it.

Cows are the best waifus

just kill yourself already, you're probably behind all the drama that's been going on since the beginning


>Sight another day alone
>Sitting by myself again
>I wish someone would join my guild...
>How come no one comes and talks to me?
>I wish Mirina would join my guild

I'm not asking how to reproduce it.

This is cute, but not a happy happy cute, it's more of a "this is sad, but adorable too"

Like a lost puppy

>tfw she'll never be in your guild

It's pretty big since it lets you go through dpk very quickly and makes farming all sorts of rare stuff easy. Every time you reset it counts as if one of that mob has died for the dpk counter and since you can spam it with the exploit you can knock thousands of otherwise very rare mobs out very quickly.

This Fujisaki meme breaks my heart.

On the plus side she will be surrounded by people next meet up because of it.

>thousands of otherwise very rare mobs out very quickly
define very quickly

why didn't you post the link in the other thread?

Way quicker than waiting 10 minutes for the repop on panto spearman at the very least

spearman actually spawns faster than 10m though

600 every 6 hours

This says 600s.

>He hasn't tried to farm them
It's actually much less than 10m.

From experience, its about every 4-6 minutes

You could just channel change and get more than that.

"B-But it says..."

And it's wrong. You faggots are also using listed ??? drop percentages as "proof" that dpk is a thing.

Go figure.

time to choose

Someone link me something.. raunchy... to fap to.
I haven't had release since Tuesday and I feel like doing some edging


Buzz buzz.jpg

.... Nice ...

Dog! Dog!
>tfw no dog girl(boy) to marry

DPK is different per channel.

You'd be splitting it between two channels and risk losing the mob to random faggots


Umm... so naughty ....

Don't mind me
Superior taste passing by

I love the Warlocks who let other people into the party while they do the thing.

I fucking loathe the warlocks who hog multiple channels on their fucking own just for the Golden Anvils / silver.

But if I invite others I won't get all the silver since the fucking loot options are broken.

guys, who drops clover feather hat?

Oh, the thing where you use one use of an OH skill and change channels and then you have both uses back? I noticed that sometimes when I was cross-channel farming on my Ranger alt with Barrage, if I didn't use all 3 charges and CCd, I'd get back all 3 uses.

I was never sure if it was just the skill finishing its CD or if OH skills just got back all their charges on CC.

A moment of silence for all the fallen icbt2friends.

TP shop :^)

It's not even good fucking silver man

It's like 100k per hour and you don't even get to AFK

You can do so much better


thanks anyways user.

is valia the best weapon for a chaplain?

they get like 5 lines, right? that's 250 holy extra holy damage from the weapon alone.

It's not, Mia doesn't have the long hair


It still took a full week to get antler horns.

Also ? mark does not mean DPK drop, ? mark just means they couldn't datamine it. I am pretty sure that white mobs drop all their loot that has a 1% or higher drop rate because the red drakes drop drake film when they have the jackpot buff (1%) while the black drakes do not (.85%), and some mobs drop their ? mark loot when they have the white buff such as beeteros dropping the five hammer recipe while others do not.

Also I got two blue spion leathers in a row today while farming for Grynas, I'm pretty sure DPK is just a meme.