>Character Planner
>Character Planner
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Is the Dark Sword still viable after the nerf?
yes, now kill yourself
How do we fix farron greatsword?
It desperately needs a damage boost, but if it gets one, you can bet people will flock to it even harder than on release.
No, it's terrible now
reduce recovery
reduce stamina use
Please stop memeing, it gets boring
It's objectively the best-in-class UGS, it doesn't need a buff alone as much as the rest of the weapon class does.
I've spent 3 hours on the character creation and I'm still not satisfied.
My autism is preventing me from playing.
>the only UGS that can be parried because you can't truly twohand it
That alone doesn't make it objectively better.
There's a lot of shit lighting as far as character's faces go
Get to High Wall before making final judgements on in game appearance
cool default character
give it a proper sprinting R2
make the R2 unparriable
a damage boost for the dagger would even out the lack of damage for the sword itself since it generally only does about ~10% of the sword's swing when it should do at least like 30%.
parrying with its specific weapon art when two-handing should grant a huge crit bonus. worsen the parry timing to make it the worst parry in the game to discourage spamming.
Alternatively it could be left as is and just allow it to be buffable
That's a man
>crossed eyes of the funless realms
Heysel is objectively better after you take the swamp shit off
Yeah, I gave up and just throw on a helmet all the time
and a proper sprinting L2, like the double dagger swing the Watchers have instead of the memespin leap
excuse me, but default characters do not come with that constantly worried look
I had to hand forge that
>giving yourself 600 of every upgrade material with cheat engine's item swap is completely safe when in offline mode
>directly modifying your held upgrade materials to 99 with cheat engine's highlighted item mod gets you WARNINGed
what a strange system
>worsen the parry timing to make it the worst parry in the game to discourage spamming.
user what the fuck, you might as well replace it with quick dagger slashes like the ones the watchers use
I'm pretty happy with how my swamp witch turned out.
She didn't look anything like that in character creation though
I'm new to playing Souls on PC. Should I play offline only?
I've seen videos of invaders modifying your save files. Is there no way to stop them?
>I've seen videos of invaders modifying your save files. Is there no way to stop them?
There is one.
Play on a console
Make backups.
it has a plethora of exploitable weaknesses in its move set. It is objectively shit
Itemswap has always been undetectable outside of flagged items, because there's no way to make the detection system discriminate enough to differentiate an item cheated in and one dropped from a friend or picked up in the world.
Direct inventory editing is detectable because they can detect the actual modification done by the injector.
It was like than in DaS2, too. Inventory editing triggered softbuns while itemswap was completely safe. Just don't itemswap in anything flagged.
It sounds like I'm trying to fuck you over and potentially compromise your experience, but hackers are not as prevalent as people would have you believe.
Normally I'd advise against an offline only run but invasions while leveling don't really add much this time around so you can go for it if you want. Just keep in mind you'd also be restricting co-op and messages, though.
I was thinking of including this wep in my dex build.
Is Arty's GS worth it then? As far as I can tell, arty's is the lamest of the boss great swords.
>get two darkmoon invasions back to back
>Fuck up both of them
Man, I need to git gud
where the fc
Aldrich, LL, Oceiros, Dragonslayer and Crystal Sage that high? What the fuck.
It's kinda lame. The WA will get you backstabbed if your enemy has a functioning brain, and it doesn't go anything else all that spectacularly. Decent quality scaling but might as well just go with a Refined Claymore instead at that point.
>tfw cant kill these giants in the black gulch basement
what the fuck i just want that key you dumb niggers
Just put a mask/helmet over her face, user.
>the wa will get you backstabbed
all parries can get you backstabbed??
and first of all if you mean the memespin combo, at what point do you actually get backstabbed? if you do L1 three times in a row you deserve to get backstabbed
L1-L1 back off
I've seen some stuff.
>Crystal sage not at the very bottom.
>Pontiff harder than Champion
>Aldrich that high
Welp. Won't bother with either then.
Wow you're a fucking paranoid pussy as nigga
There is no such thing as save file modifying in DaS3, and you cant be soft banned by CE users anymore ever since from patched it after he who shall not be named went ramp id. Not that the average script kiddie knows how to do this anyways. But the fucking chance of even running into a CE using is pretty fucking slim to none since they've really cracked down in 3 on cheating. But if you do? Who the fuck cares. Worst thing they do is kill you. boohoo.
I was talking about Arty's GS flipperino. But yes, parrying can get you backstabbed.
>under 5
>t. hacker
>darkmoon summoned to aldrich faithful area
>host is alone aside from me, and he's clearly fingered
>he's getting mobbed by 2 aldrich and a purple when I spawn in
>I join and we turn the tides and win the 3v2.
>another red has spawned in by the time I kill the purple
>and then another aldrich
>and then another red
>we very slowly creep our way through the area fighting mobs and perpetual 2v2s, 3v2s, and even up to 5v2 at one point.
>reds constantly spawning in so quickly I don't get sent home
>finally manage to make it to the AL bonfire and clear the last invader with 11 ears in my pocket and at least twice that number in dead aldies.
Sometimes bein' gud has its perks.
Dried finger runs always get pretty fuckin' dicey post-Pontiff.
I'm still mad there's no option for 100% white hair
Most of the hair colors in this game are ugly as fuck.
>It's a (you) vs. host and three phantoms episode
Just cheese them with poison throwing knives from the elevator room.
>Pontiff harder than Champion
Chump Gundyr is piss easy dude
>It's a (you) vs. Sulyvahn's Beasts and three invaders episode
i dont have any poison throwing knives
not to mention i would probably need close to 6 gorillion of them
>get summoned to someone's obviously NG+ Dragonslayer Armour
>there's just the host and me
>it's on its last legs
>host dies
>I rush in and frantically whittle down its last health
>get souls as I fade out
>send the host a message, "I hope you got the win!"
>"I did, you're a fucking star"
Best feeling.
i dig it
Poison is actually good in DS2
You'd need to throw like 12 apiece.
Poison is fucking stronk in 2. IIRC it's like 6 or 8 knives per giant to poison them and 2 rounds of poison to kill them.
Just give up and make man faces instead. Much more fun too
She is cute
.guess it's time to go find some poison knives
>advance papa onion's plotline until izalith
>free daughter onion from crystal
>talk to daughter onion in firelink
>do papa onion's last section and he survives in the end
>nobody is around in ash lake
what's the happening here
Could someone on pc drop me the life ring+3 havels+2 and favor+2?
whats with all the fucking bitch oys saying the nameless king is the hardest boss? He's not easy but he\s not that hard. I'd pontiff sullivan or champ gundyr are way harder
You have to talk to Sieglinde again after Lost Izalith, she says she found Papa Onion and he's off for one last adventure
Visit Rosaria. I turned my fugly face into a beautiful one.
The before and after was staggering.
There's still more work to do.
I'd call her cute and audibly lament that I have to kill skinny little heretics like her
>summoned to a pontiff fightclub around level 70
>guy on a winning streak has his stats hacked to max on a low SL
Aren't people supposed to get bunned for this or something?
So, why do you turn into a slug when you rebirth too often?
You do? I only did it once. It says I can do it 5 times though. So I'm pretty sure you're safe if you don't go over.
Why did Heysel rebirth so much?
She was destroyed!
You don't. It's a joke about Heysel's inevitable fate as a maggot.
Insecure about her appearance, maybe? She does wear a bunch of cloth wrapped around her face.
Password rings
At the high wall
Mine's got a fucked up neck for some reason and I can't seem to get rid of it, so helmets it is
>summoned for Dragonslayer
>spawn in to see host getting twoshot by a buffed greatsword Lothric Knight
You sure it's not the clothing fault?
holy shit what is the point of having a shield if youre fighting something you can't even fucking block
I dont care that it's completely unfeasible to block like 20,000n of force from a 5000kg giant wielding a 1000k mace, i don't want to be forced to change my playstyle this shit what the fuck
What SL do /dsg/ fightclubs happen at? I need to know for my next build.
It's mainly shows without clothes, so probably not
Only thing you can't block are grabs though.
What are you even referring to?
Anywhere from 80-120 iirc.
And on the other end, there's certain enemies/situations that are hard to deal with if you only use rolls to avoid damage. Parts of the game will be more difficult with either strategy and so to be a complete master you really need both.
I'm blocking not-Ornstein when he's twohanding, though, and I'm not even using a greatshield. Just gotta know when to roll away, your stamina isn't limitless.
Salad Snack will be SL 100 then.
Any you want, hosts stay at level 100 to not downscale.
She's a lot more chummy with other invaders, apparently.
Lorewise I could see the explanation being that she was mostly into the covenant just to kill people and didn't take her duties to Rosaria very seriously. She might've re-specced too often without fully understanding the levity of such an action and without a warning in-universe turned into sludge.
Or as said here. It's possible we never see the real Xanthous crown in 3, and that's why it doesn't look like a spoon anymore. As said in the set description, some people just wrap yellow cloth around themselves and call it a day. Maybe that's what Heysel did, and also why she used the Obscuring Ring. Didn't like being watched and feeling judged for looks?
>All of the colors look lame and desaturated as fuck for no reason
I guess they wanted to move away from people having neon purple hair but that doesn't make any sense considering they made it easier than ever to give your character a stupidly grotesque meme face
Is Rosaria rebirths limited to 5 per NG, or 5 in total for the character ever?
5 per NG
Keep trying to summon you but it's timing out
wew lad dont this is going to work
put your rss down
>lobos spent 1½ hour to roll yhorm to death with thorn armor
retards like you watched it
>no throwable item scales with luck
>luck builds are just locked out of using thrown items because they do 0 damage without a physical stat investment
This is horseshit, desu. I trade throwing knives with some quality shitter and take 50 damage while dealing 12. Fucking 12. Literally worthless, even ToDshitters will just regen-ring enough health back to survive that shit.
Thanks a ton matey!