Is gang culture a vestige if tribal mentality?

Is gang culture a vestige if tribal mentality?

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Everything is, footbal, nationalism, preferring certain cars and being vegan.

It's scale model nationalism.

vestige? the tribal mentality is in large part instinct

watch & mute this:


no, 'tribe mentality' is meaningless

>XBox vs Playstation
>Mac vs PC
>Coke vs Pepsi
>Republican vs Democrat

You assign yourself to a tribe all the time.

It's why people go to great lengths to rationalize their candidates even when they hate them. Not to make this a political thing, but I know one guy who was vehemently anti-Trump, but since he won the nomination has started to appreciate the things he hated about him before.

Your brain will literally reorganize itself to protect your identity; that's why Coke drinkers prefer Pepsi , but only in blind tests - their brains will literally shut down the pleasure centers in their brain when they're conscious of drinking the "other" drink. People ignore information that contradicts their beliefs and seek out things that confirm their ideas.

Our tribal identities also grow when we can't overcome an obstacle by ourselves; people we hated suddenly become allies when we have no other choice. That's why the Soviets worked with Allies when they viewed each other as their greatest enemy up until Hitler upset the apple cart.

that has nothing to do with tribes. kinship precedes tribes. people will just say 'tribes' to justify the most ridiculous shit. it has no factual basis

yeah ok

True, but things like nationalism and footbal are bit limited. Preference for certain cars/food choices are even more limited in their ability to influence a person's violent behavior.

Gang culture is not really vestige but simply a tribal mentality that plays itself due to perceived notion of self-preservation. Gang members either think their self-respect is earned or want to live with others who share similar criminal behaviors.

k i n s h i p

why would tribalism come into play with free association and consumption of products? tribes don't just organise based on taste

Is this some new Pokemon Go meme to get dumb nerds shot by dindus?

Tribes organise based on shared identity, that identity can be based on pretty much anything

if you prefer something for any reason other than pure utility and necessity

then it's because of tribal mentality

>black people
but yeah, like pretty much every sort of group affiliation.


All ingroup-outgroup dynamics are vestiges of tribal mentality.

It most certainly is.
Only to feminized betas like yourself, it goes to show how much of a need for it we still have despite living in such """great""" civilizations

>Humans and monkeys lived in tribal groups for most their history
>somehow tribes don't mean anything due to cuck Mc numale here

No. Tribes are essentially a really large family, mafias are closer to tribes. Gangs are just criminal gangs, whose tensions are primarily driven by economic competition; their mentality of association is closer to a religion than a tribe, except when you get excommunicated it means there's a hit out on you.

No not really
"My clan against the enemy, my family against the clan, my brother and I against my family, myself against my brother."


No, it's a straight up manifestation of it. But then so are things like political [parties and religions, tribalism is very deeply rooted in our psyches.

>their mentality of association is closer to a religion than a tribe, except when you get excommunicated it means there's a hit out on you.

So you be sayin
*smacks lips*
We wuz
Pontiff's an sheet??

I was thinking more of Mexican gangs. Bloods and Crips don't have anything close to the centralization or code of honor that Nortenos or Southsiders have. Whites are also pretty together with their gangs.

Ayyyy cabron
Su estas hablandos wey
*mariachis internally*
El pontifico y mierdas?!

>Cholos are paisas
>not guey


Look m8 I'm just trying to have a giggle. But you're right I should learn some more proper Spanish.

[Spoiler]tu puta[/spoiler]

Somewhat, however if you think about it has good parallels with feudalism so it is a bit more developed then you are giving it credit from.

It is about dividing profit making territory and then guarding it. Then subdividing it for more effective management. Now days most of the money that gangs make is not from selling drugs themselves but rather charging rent from 3rd party drug dealers to work parts of their 'land'.

Not exceptionally, but yes.

Its more poverty culture though, most are just groups of friends.

Literally being human is tribal

>Gang members either think their self-respect is earned or want to live with others who share similar criminal behaviors.

In the areas that gangs are strong it is not just self respect that is earned but respect from near peers. They have a bit more money and a lot more friends then what others in the same age group around them have. They are also viewed by some as being brave for being criminals ( in those communities the view is LEO's authority is only based on force, and is not legitimate).

>live with others who share similar criminal behaviors.

It improves profit via scale of economy and by opening up larger possibilities.

Didn't know there are gangs in low Earth orbit.

Law Enforcement Officers.

Sorry I forgot which board I was on. On /K LEO is a commonly used term.

Literally what does any of this have to do with cucks or nu males jesus.