Fighting Games General /fgg/
Other urls found in this thread:
is rumble fish 2 a good game?
fighting games are for virgins
God dammit why is flicking gunflame so hard
I can flick like every other projectile in the game, but gunflame has a funky ass hitbox or something
DP YRC Character select
if you cant flick wakeup amorphous then get back to practicing
any booki players figured out the ibuki v chun matchup yet?
Overwatch is for kissless virgins.
Did you make that stick? I'm making one from a X360 PCB and using Sanwa parts.
I spent way more than I thought I would.
remember you have to get hit.
just like guilty gear melty blood uniel bb and sf
I completely forgot that was a move
I don't see like any Zato's use it
We both know you're going to sit there and do nothing until the cat decides on its own to get up.
>wake up
>walk downstairs
>Juri is now your mom
Wat do?
I ask my mom if I can cum inside her
so this...
is the power.....
of UNREAL engine 4....
what don't i do??
Reflect on the fact my mom is a lesbian.
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
>2016 not using an arcade stick
2016 not using an arcade stick
should i use the fightmoney grinding 1 round survival completion cheat mod
>chris g singing careless whisper
Worry because my mother has transformed into a violent psychopath
I don't think I'm gonna git gud with Balrog.
its been like two days pussy, already giving up?
So tired of playing gimped characters, KOF 14 hurry up and come out.
Yes, survival is incredibly dumb so don't bother
Sniffgirls fighting game when?
Why would I want to hinder myself?
I'm trying to learn May. One thing that confuses me is I'm supposed to make them switch sides after a vertical dolphin attack so I can continue the combo but I can't seem to understand how to do that consistently. What's the technique to getting it down?
think capcom will give a fuck?
Anyone has the Laura summer costume pictures without the t-shirt?
No, it's a second-hand razer stick.
If that's you in the webm you should've went further to the left. In Xrd you keep momentum when attacking out of dash so you want to basically slide under them as you're doing 5S
Am I suppose to be hitting combos on block until right the move right before it goes negative?
Reposting in new thread
Anyone want to play some SF5?
>floe doesnt know the difference between a trombone and a trumpet
Fighting game threads should be banned on /v/ holy shit, no one knows what they're talking about.
>near-naked, aged indian man teleports in front of alex and floats in midair
when do i even use TAP
At least they aren't filled with circlejerking tripfags.
walk back in forth midscreen against a shoto, when they throw fireball let go and pwn them
floe is an annoying fat fuck
stop with this eceleb garbage already
Waiting on the inevitable MikeZ shitpost
>push last two off of helicopter
>step off him self
>still floating next to helicopter
>oh yeah, teleport
No one knows what they're talking about here either
>decide to play a little bit of street fighter before I head out with friends
>go online and lose
>rage to the point of screaming and throwing shit
>keep playing and end up not going out at all
>12 hours later I'm still playing and every time I lose I still rage and break shit
>every time I play SF online this happens without fail
what the fuck is wrong with me
why can't I stop playing even though it makes me so angry
>it's a throw
Goobers explain this
I did it and nothing happened, actually funny stuff even if you do use the survival mod and do everything single player you can't even buy everything, most titles and costumes simply will remain locked because there isn't even enough money for those.
Still better than /fgg/. This general is infested with butthurt niggers.
you have anger issues, seek therapy for help
>Nelson's movelist
she should eat more healthy!!
floe cant beat are you smarter than a 5th grader
he failed a 1st grade question
>Ibuki sucks image to many old time hate
What the fuck is he trying to say
there had better be a piss yellow color for uriens banana hammock
/fgg/ is way more entertaining though and at least most of you aren't 09ers like me so the opinions voiced here hold more weight
Why doesn't Dhalsim just teleport to all of the pieces and take them?
post more fighter booty
I can't wait to annoy people with Nakoruru!
Skullgirls was a mistake
that he's got ptsd from the good ol' days
He can only teleport to designated places.
If Ken wasn't such a good friend and paid for Ryu's flights I bet Ryu would tatsu to travel
Why doesn't Dhalsim teleports to Bison, break his neck and win everything? Because its a fighting game story and nothing makes sense, just enjoy it
What's their excuse for replacing the best pixel art in the history of fighting games for the worst 3d art in the history of fighting games?
This kind of picture, with the body super defined and detailed, but the face flat and oversimplified, always seems silly to me.
Oh well, saved anyway.
Having 50 characters with no gutted movesets
The opinions expressed here are those of butthurt shills mad their game isn't as popular as SF. That's all this gen is now. They don't even talk about their games. Juat shitposting about SF instead.
>Urien is fun
>can't go into training mode with him yet
Does anybody know Urien combos that aren't off of the elbow yet
>buy an arcade stick
>still use my FC4
what do
You mean Third Strike to SF4?
He got mad when she 50/50d him to death all the time even though he played the same exact character except with a penis and less cloths.
Poongko is fucking pissed lmao
But SFV loading Too long This Is number TOP ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thres a demo to how to do that combo in the start menu, nerd.
He's ranting on twitter
I want Zangief to fuck me in the butt.
Go to bed, Mika.
>Lauras swimsuit was censored
thanks capcom
Do you honestly think that IV looks better than III?
Don't be an idiot. Whatever you want to think about the gameplay, 3Ss artwork was a thousand times better than SFIV.
SF4 is a fucking abomination in terms animation and models. What a step down from 3S. SFV has better animations but it's still not as fluid and effective as the 2D games. I don't think anything will ever be.
I bought this pad because there weren't any games on PS4 supporting my stick. But now they're supporting legacy controllers so I don't have to use it anymore.
how/why do I use TAP in SFV?
I think the demonstration skips it completely
shut the fuck up about sprites already.
Wonder why my house has stairs all of a sudden
deets required famo
why are you so mad about a controller