League of Legends General - /lolg/

Summer Sunday of League of Legends

Old: Riot Did Nothing Wrong Edition






>6.13 Patch Notes


>Rize Update


>SoulStealer Vayne


>Urgot Rework/Get S+


>Champion and Skin Sales


>Rotating Game Mode: Hexakill, Twisted Treeline


Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyoson!

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Xth for the Yorick rework will be awful.

We finally /dead/ boys

get the candles and bagpipes


Breast waifu

what's everyone gonna be doing for the 4th?
no yuros allowed

is it okey or okay?

some faggot in my game keeps saying okay, i think he is baiting me


Ω Grim Reaper Ω : can i get mid otp zed
Ω Grim Reaper Ω : ban azir pls

>zed mains

dead game lol

>he didn't get mid and locked vayne


Get ready to join the greatest ship of all, Hobo Love (Name subject to change)

1: Bard is the Wandering Caretaker. Riven is the Exile. Therefore they both wander the world, and are both hobos. And hobos need to stick together. Often sexually to ward off predators, like Warwick or Cho'Gath or Vlad.

2: They both have white hair. Ain't niggas all about that hair color pairings and shit? Well they're fucking matching. Tristana doesn't count cause she has white hair from fucking Teemo all day long.

3: Riven is the only woman capable of taking in Bard's massive load. Bards mere presence impregnates nature, giving birth to the Meeps. Riven used to be a Noxian Commander or some shit, so her womb is obviously trained in the off chance she were to be captured and raped for information. This is a ironclad reason for why she is the only one who won't die after a single magical cumshot.

4: This is some more evidence to the tale. Riven sucks because despite being the only woman who can take on Bards spirit cock, (Tristana is just a midget whore, she can't take it), she is still human. So she's running around summoners rift with a huge pain in her crotch from non stop fucking. And shit, why do you think Bard is so chill to play as, just floating around everywhere? Nigga just had sex.

google it faggot

God I fucking want soulstealer vayne so fucking much. I've been thinking about this skin nonstop since they put it up on the pbe. I dont even like vayne all that much but I want this skin like i've never wanted anything in my life. I think the last time I was this excited for a league skin were the project skins.

Seems legit.

But it doesn't matter, since this is the real best ship.

not league of legends

i'm sorry user

>internet goes out on 2 games and I get a leaver buster
>get matched with literal bronze players (normals)
>vayne flashes on top of the enemy vayne, then condemns her away and goes back to farming

Holy shit this is awesome. Its like the holy grail of fun times and laughs

>tfw made the mistake of climbing out of bronze

>Sona is more tits than torso

how is this possible?

Not working on a holiday for once

Azirbro quit posting inferior emperor and sub-unit commanding champion.

xth for dodging

>Play some Zac jungle
>Enemy got Nunu jungle which of course steals jungle creeps all the time and took early red and wraiths even though I told my team to ward behind red
>Still win, steal last Baron before we win from Nunu and his team with E + Smite
>Nunu proceeds to blame his team for getting Baron low so fast that I could smite steal it
>Nunu fucking jungle blaming his team for me managing to steal it

And this is Plat II. It boggles my mind how a NUNU jungler can blame his team for enemy jungler stealing Baron from him. If you had your Q on CD, it was your own fault for not saving it up, same with smite. It confused the hell out of me how anyone can be so ignorant and in such denial that they refuse to accept that they fucked up. I shouldn't have had any chance to steal Baron at all.

Man Nautilus is pretty fun, also what the hell is that summoner Icon?

so lolgen im feeling pretty devilish today, if you guess the rank of the person i have in mind i'll "give" you something about him

Don't bother, it's not that great
>It's boring as fuck



wrong, but i'll give you some help, it browses lolgen


diamond 4

oh, bronze then

this is one of the main reasons i feel like quitting every time.
this game just daily reminds me how shit people are and the lengths they will go to blame everyone but themselves.
i want to believe its all children but we all know its not the case.

bingo i creep on people when i get bored, maybe the next one will be you

whats the point of this post

>its a que pops up 5 times before everyone accepts episode.
why is this a thing?


Who the fuck wouldn't know about Armstrong's rune page names by now.

Morde and Sona?
I don't know why but I actually really like that ship.

>buttslut mains

You only want it because it's near impossible to get.
Guarantee if that shit was 1350 you wouldn't give a fuck.

What is the proper place to request kindred lewds
Because I require user being sandwiched between them, going balls deep inside Lamb and taking it in the ass from Wolf

>Reddit pic as OP image

You're really running out of content, huh?

Too much muscle on that bitch. I don't wanna grab her and mistake her for a fucking guy.

You play fucking lane Lulu, the champion with the easiest, safest 1v1 laning in the entire game, with so much stuff to save your ass and so much harass you can easily deal with someone 1 entire tier above you in skill without feeding.

You have no right to laugh at or complain about anyone you are laning with. Begone.

>Tear/Cull Lulu

>the champion with the easiest, safest 1v1 laning in the entire game

Thats Azir

But she's just flexing, user.

At least he requires a minimum of skill and gets shat on by blink assassins.

Freezing my ass off at work.

not at alll

I have like 5-10 unposted webms

where do you work, user?

No desu. I would have instabought it if it was 1350.

Wew nice meme friend haha azir is soo busted amirite? narwhalsbaconatmidnight ;)

Are you implying his laning phase and farm isnt piss easy?

A chain retailer. I stock the frozen section of the grocery area, so I spend a couple hours of my shift dicking around in the walk in freezer in the back.

gutted waveclear is not even fun


I'm honestly thinking about switching to support as a main role because even in plat these fuckers can't ward the map for shit.

How are you this morning, lolgen?


>stupid meme build

Try building him normally and watch him go. Still shit out damage, but he cannot be killed ontop of that.

Well with that webm you have a lot to live up to.
I'll be waiting, friend.


i've started playing support because i got tired of having to do everything and be everywhere as midlaner

alright gonna drop the secret op shit of this patch

ghost/flash tahm kench top or maybe mid full tank of course

Can someone give me some legitimate advice about something that's confusing me? I play Talon mid, and I can't help but notice that I fucking never get ganks despite Talon being like maybe the best champ to gank for in the game. But whenever I play against this fucking champion he gets a super hard camp and runs away with the game.

The thing is jungle is my second pick and I tend to get annoyed when people spam ping or constantly ask for ganks, so I don't do it myself. But I just played a game as Talon vs a TF and an entirely squishy teamcomp, Jayce top and full ad Lee Sin jungle, and our jungler avoided mid like it was the fucking plague. I can't for the life of me figure why he wouldn't just kill the shit out of mid over and over again except that I didn't really ping or talk in chat. I just kinda figured it was obvious but he ended up going bot over and over and getting nothing done. This happens every time I play this champ and I can only assume it's because I don't tell the jungler what to do, but I don't wanna do that cus it makes me feel like an asshole. I set up the ganks as well as I can, I don't push and I keep shit warded and try to blow their summoners if I can. This is in low-diamond by the way not bronze or something. Maybe people are still too bad here to assume that they will do the right thing, but I always get camped myself whenever I play against a snowbally assassin cus why wouldn't you camp that lane.

Basically the jist of my question is is it worth spam pinging and telling the jungler what to do? Is that what people normally do when they play easy to gank lanes? I don't wanna be an asshole but I'm sick of being the obvious best lane to gank for and getting nothing.

problem user?

on a loss streak now butt trust me it works

I'm implying it's highly overrated and that most viable mid laners can turn mid into a snoring 15 minute farm fest if they want to.

>Overwatch has dynamic queue just like League
>People hate ranked over there and are leaving by the droves

Told ya'll niggas it was a flash in the pan.

Holy shit.
I'm sorry for you but I get so much satisfaction out this. Please post more.

I ended up relegating m

Honestly I don't see what's SO bad about Dynamic Queue.

Is it because of smurfs and boosters?

It happens. I rarely blame others and try to look at what I did wrong so I can actually try to improve myself. Like, I didn't get ANY dragons for example and a recent match I wasn't careful enough when roaming as Vel'Koz with a Kata in the enemy team.

Also, fuck Kata and how snowbally she is, I know she isn't OP but she's annoying as fuck.

You're making shit up and it's impossible to tell how the jungler will react to your pings. If someone spam pings me and begs for ganks since early game I just ignore his lane, others may decide to willingly be your bitch.

That was weird, anyway I ended up relegating myself to the support position with my 4 stack and actually ended up having a lot of fun. I understand where you're coming from too, support is a lot more relaxing than mid lane pressure wise.

nobody focuses me in teamfights either

Reminder that you can flash during Illaoi's ult animation and the ult will land on wherever you flash. Use this to teamfight as Illaoi if you're unable to pull multiple spirits before a fight breaks out.

If flash is on cd just split push and force 2 or more to come deal with you.

You type in chat and give summoner information and shit and ping.
If he doesn't come then he doesn't come, he probably has his reasons.
But don't do some weird all or nothing shit, don't spam ping and don't just do nothing at all.

It diminishes "ranked integrity" which is really just buzzwording to say that there is no surefire way to tell if someone is actually good enough to get to the elo they stand at or if they have really good players as friends and they got the boost.
It just overall reduces the legitimacy of everyones ranks when Riot makes it very easy to pull people out from low elo.

Buffs when?

Fuck off

But he doesn't need buffs.

>enemy fiddle tells report on every single person who kills him
>ask him if he has autism
>steal their baron and finish the game
>get this
haah waaw i think i fell on some one with legit autism or just a poor foreign kid.

I'm sure they understand it doesn't work well given they pulled the system from HotS, but it's a casual shooter meant to appeal to the masses - of course it has group/dynamic/premade queueing available.

I have travelled the lands extensively and I have learned that in turkey it is halal to get kills

if they dont ward, then theyre used to not looking at the minimap. so your wards wont help

He has 48% winrate man. He needs something like crit chance on his turrets or turret autoupgrade when leveling up.

Pls respond

why dont you just git gud

Best references/guides/people to learn how to play Tahm Kench? I'm told he's worse off than Singed in reliability now, but I want to learn a real tank and not a bruiser or semi-tank.

He actually thought you wouldn't take it because he started it?
I don't even think that's him speaking a second language he might just actually be retarded.

you should try playing with a postitnote over your minimap

But I do.


>ally immune
>ally carry
>teleport ult
>shield and regen two life bars
>passive damage boost

What kind of retard told you Singed is better than Thomas Fagench?

>flash to secure the kill
>champ was super close to the tower and I misclick it instead


pings pretty much force people to look at the minimap anyway so as long as I'm looking and I ping they'll see it.
Whether or not they'll actually give a fuck and not die by overextending is entirely different. but at least the wards were there.

>Reading comprehension

You're american aren't you?

it is pretty easy to ignore pings

>tfw you get some dingo mid who underestimates syndras burst

I love it.

>people still continue to ban malzahar
