
>I'd reckon the prohibition saved tons of lives during those short 10 years
Not sure about american prohibition in 20s, but when Gorbachev did his anti-alcohol campaign in the 80s the result was million saved lives (at the cost of further damaging already dying Soviet economy)

It's a narrative

>"Y-You can't just BAN stuff! People will always g-get it!"
Funny, China had a rampant opium addiction problem. Then when the communists started massacring them they suddenly went sober.

Singapore banned drugs, and what do you know? No epidemic

The Taliban cut global heroin production by 90%

>prohibition of alcohol resulted in steep decline in deaths/violence due to alcohol
>steep decline in deaths/violence
>due to alcohol

No fucking shit mate. Banning cars would reduce the number of traffic accidents as well

B-but m-muh d-draconian l-laws

You can't secretly brew a car in your bathtub and drive it around your house.

argument against prohibition is that people will turn to moonshine/other substances which ultimately lead to bigger death toll due to poisoning and criminalisation of alcohol distribution

You're forgetting all the deaths and other negative effects of increased crime. It's main goal was to stop drinking all together but it didn't.

No, the argument against Prohibition is that it pushes alcohol to the underground, because regardless of whether it's illegal or not there is going to be a demand, and then someone will supply it.

And the during the Prohibition Era, it was the Mob who supplied it, making themselves rich, and buying off judges, politicians and police officers by the hundreds of not thousands to turn a blind eye to what was going on.

>prohibition created criminals
Another myth.

Wouldn't the mobs have gotten rich anyway by threatning and buying off judge regardless?

>Wouldn't the mobs have gotten rich anyway by threatning and buying off judge regardless?

How? Where would they get the money to buy off judges, if they didn't sell illicit substances?

>A law is unsuccessful unless it leads to the total eradication of the prohibited activity

Better get rid of those failed laws prohibiting murder then.

Drugs? Prostitutes? Gambling? Weak law enforcement? Protection schemes? Prison culture? Money laundering?

Its not that hard to imagine what a criminal gang would do to make money. These things are always a constant

Think like a nigger user

>Drugs? Prostitutes? Gambling? Weak law enforcement? Protection schemes? Prison culture? Money laundering?

All of which are things that are mostly also illegal activities, which alcohol also was at that time, with the exception of weak law enforcement.

Wanna bet?

>A law is unsuccessful unless it leads to the total eradication of the prohibited activity

No. Alcohol shouldn't be illegal, any more than any other drug should be illegal, because the state shouldn't have any say which chemicals do or do not put in my body.

In most states in the Western world, it's not illegal to commit suicide, and you could commit suicide by drinking bleach, which means in essence that the state considers marijuana more dangerous than bleach.

Shitty puritanical American laws made Drugs, Prostitutes, Gambling illegal way before alcohol prohibition my friend.

Thanks for the info.

So I'm guessing before these "shitty puritanical american values" were a thing, life was fine and dandy with no crimes and criminal gangs?

Its illegal to commit suicide, but "aiding" it still a crime in most states. Only under medical supervison and having terminal diagnosis, is it allowed.

In the same sense, drinking was allowed for medical and religious activities during the prohibition act. On top of that, alcohol prohibition was mainly about stopping the manufacturing/selling/distributing of alcohol, not consumption of it.

>>prohibition of alcohol resulted in steep decline in deaths/violence due to alcohol
And meanwhile organized crime in the US made gorillions of dollars, engaged in violent drug wars, vastly expanded the scope and breadth of their activities and corrupted large chunks of federal, state and local government.

I'd rather have a public health crisis than the rise of organized crime.

Now the Taliban is most of the global heroin production.

US military isnt even allowed to destroy poppy fields in Afghanistan. They would rather have people in the fields growing poppy .Then fighting with the Taliban for money.