Esports-tier marathon edition
/srg/ - Speedrunning General
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noir when
/gbfg/ also known as cuckold general reporting in
fifth for the eventual inescapable heat death of the universe
My Pappy caught me watching SGDQ... how do I explain myself at brunch tomorrow...?
man sm64 looks like the best speedgame
/v/ here posting a reminder
Trying way too fucking hard there, Spike.
/ffg/ here.
I'm always so glad to be part of the GDQ finale.
did spike get fatter
i hope this happens again
What the fuck is wrong with his leg?
for fucks sake not again
/d2g/ reporting in.
What general you guys coming from?
No but CoolMatt did.
dat leg
the fucking word cringe is banned LUL
i want edo to smoke cigarettes and then whisper speedrun strats in my ear
Shoutouts to CoolEggplant
So I get that the pre-show and interview shit is supposed to be filler while they setup
But holy fuck is it stupid as shit
Just throw on music or something like previous years
Does that guy have a club leg?
>we were heavily involved with the ebola epidemic
top beb
Oh my god this guy is so nervous
his eyes are twitching and his voice keeps cracking
how long do you think it can go on
before they all die from depression induced suicide
dis nigga got blood clot in his leg?
I can't be the only one in this thread that can't stand Spike Vegeta, can I? Year after year, he inserts his smarmy, cumcaked vocals over every run. I wish I could get over his voice - he seems like a nice dude, but I'd love it if he'd take a back seat and let runners speak.
Him and Peter Dinklage on the couch are a recipe for me to mute the stream.
I don't care about this.
Show the fucking video games.
His body is just one big science experiment
does GDQ have a staff of writers now
god damn, cool matty in worse condition than mike. that leg is fucking HUGE.
>tfw have this game
>could never beat it
it's one of the best for sure.
really makes you think....
This is all about saving African children user!
No you're right. He seems chill but he's given too much spotlight.
I want to die
Velma please leave
panga is a cunt
he's a shape alright
>those 2 girls from last event
>that guy that JUST randomly shakes their hands
>that cringe
>you will live to see the day the GDQ bubble bursts
I legitimately have no idea who the voices are, but if he's the loud one then I can agree he interjects a little too often.
Thankfully he talks fast.
>people that dont use live streamer and ctrl+h VLC
Why do speedrunners say "dude" so much?
dat donation voice..... hngggg
he's a memester.
dude lmao
Why do english speakers say "um" so much?
It's just part of american diction, dude.
where's the schedule of the announcers so I don't have to listen to the shit ones?
welp now i have to fap
Muh Dick
here we go again
Holy hormone imbalance syndrome batman
Can you imagine how juicy his nipples must be?
omg QTbean
grab the tissues
I don't say dude or um
Stop using filler in your speech retard
please more "greetings from germany"
"my wife's child"
>tfw no snacks
>dont want to miss anything
what do
glottal stops are natural and automatic
she has a nice voice wtf? just watching this shit until the euro game starts anyways so.
>hand pains
Shitty run for the first run is tradition for GDQs
>don't want to miss anything
are you for real
>Greetings from Germany. My wife's son introduced me to this marathon during AGDQ 2013 and i've been enjoying watching it ever since. Let's kick cancer's butt!
these events dont come often
no she doesn't lol
for the love of god, tell me she isn't in this sgdq
What are people going to complain about with the stream layout this time?
>choking already
first mercy kill incoming
She's literally talking right now
are your ears broken or are you just a retarded /v/ migrant?
fill the mouth
This is literally the worst Mario game and the worst objectively to watch.
>not MPC-HC
Does anyone else find it weird that people sit down to watch this, and spam shit in the chat the entire time? Like holy fuck can't people sit still anymore?
Streamers who choke should be shot in the back of the head immediately so other, better streamers can play.
i have it muted right now
MPC-HC master race here.
He might be using Gentoo though.
i think the 2d ones are worse to watch, movement isn't as visually impressive
So how far over the estimate will this guy go?
wait it works in MPC?
>This is literally the worst Mario game
sunshine isn't that bad, you manchild
is blechy here? this sgdq cannot achieve maximum comfiness without blechy
>using a distro that doesn't respect your freedoms