no one else created a new thread once again so here I am also thanks giveawayfag and hope you get better cancerfag and i forgot to add scott to this picture fuck me edition
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tonkor will NEVER be nerfed
First for...its dead jim
Filteranon, are you there?
Could you add op:no to the filters?
This keeps happening, I think due to the g-word being in many OPs.
How do I always post at the very goddamn end of the thread?
Ideally more than 160 range would be nice, but that's what I'm forced to go with if I want damage AND defense and to actually be useful. The only other thing I could lose to put Blind Rage on would be Streamline, and 55% effiency would be rough without an EV, seeing as the duration from P. Cont minus TF is only 26.5.
Build needs one more forma to fit the exilus, but this is what I'm working with.
Should I buy the Trinity Deluxe Skin Collection or just the trinity smegma skin alone? I like the doggie and BO skin but I don't ever use them but they look so damn nice. I have like 570 plat.
xth for Ivara
Loki stealth speed nerf when?
Why am i such a shitter??
Because you watch anime.
Only bundle worth buying is Hunhow's, unless you already have War.
Hey! There are great animes too! Like Homestuck! And Bionicle! And Game of Thrones!
Thanks man, I really appreciate it.
Ign EXlineEX
pic related is the basic skeleton for my Zephyr build
BR >>>>>>>>>>>> TF
Not only does BR provide more power strength, it also doesn't shorten Turbulence's duration. The efficiency loss is no problem because you are casting ONE ability once every 30s, you don't need efficiency for that at all. Have you ever had trouble with needing energy casting Turbulence??? And if you have Zenurik this is even less of an issue.
pic related also leaves you 3 free slots. If you want to go QT+Flow+Stretch you still can.
And What Stalker
Remember that one time you met a dragon dullahan amputee?
kys anime dork
He has a point. Cory in the House is pretty good too.
and jojo's bizarre adventure
>teammates and I work together to capture synthesis target
>+5000 Simaris points
>check results screen
>I only got about 100
Should I get that instead of the deluxe collection? I could probably sell some shit to get both, but I don't know.
It's was optional for a reason.
Just delete it or put the hashtag back in front of it
I haven't played in about 2 months, is there anything new that's worth getting? Even just one fun frame or weapon?
Daily cap.
nth for DElayed vault tumbling down update
Nope, I almost never do synthesis targets and this was the first target after today's daily reward
Did that guy copy the Warbros logo? Couldn't they actually steal one that looks good?
>he has to post 3 times for people to listen to him
Just give up and start anime posting again tierqueer
i will [DE]stroy you if i dont roll a 7
nothin... personnel... kid.
>Really? ZERO utility allowed?
You have no idea how damage works in this game.
You need all your slots focused on damage in order to maximize it properly. Anything less, and your damage will only be a fraction of it's maximum potential.
Compare your build:
With a damage focused build:
Click "Primary" next to the Details button to get it to show the explosion damage insead fo the grenade impact damage.
You'll see that your build does almost ONE QUARTER of the sustained DPS that a damage build does. No amount of utility can make up for that raw killing power that you're lacking. The only time your build would be useful would be cases where damage isn't important, like low level missions.
Bottom line, until DE gives us Exilus slots for weapons, utility mods will never be viable.
is that warbros prime? or a ripoff emblem?
how do i join warbros?
>tfw it's samefagging again to promote zephyr this time
post grandiose vistas
>everybody is samefag
don't you ever get tired of this argument?
I wouldn't trust WFBuilder with sustained damage for explosive weapons, and Tonkor especially is notorious for being inaccurate, but your point is still right. A damage build's grenade has 3x the base damage of his utility build.
How am I supposed to look at the beautiful skybox when you shove a fat ass in my face?
Prove it
Except that needs Power Drift instead of Cunning, and 160 range is already really on the low end of acceptable for protecting an objective.
Here's what I could aim for. Lot of forma for a little bird, but if it's what it takes, fine.
8/10 TF is the only way to get that same strength without using two slots, but it's still a 26.5 second ability that costs 93.75 energy, and maxed Zenurik can only regenerate 106 energy in that time, so if an energy leech comes along I'm screwed.
But HEY. It means I can put more damage on Tonkor, which seems to be the only thing that really matters.
Are you blind? His Zephyr has 3 forma and my Zephyr has 0 forma. He also has unmaxed mods while all my shit is maxed. Our Zephyr pics are entirely different.
The first time some asked him to prove it and he just ignored it. I mean it was obvious but to straight ignore it means every claim will always and forever be correct.
you're entirely ignoring the fact that energy drops exist
if you really want to use Cunning Drift, you can replace Streamline in my pic for it, still gives you 160% range if you're really set for some reason on protecting the objective
I don't even use range on my Zephyr
Because there's no way to prove you're not samefagging JUST AS THERE'S NO WAY TO PROVE YOU'RE SAMEFAGGING. If I screenshot my monitor I GUARANTEE you people will be calling it photoshopped. This entire argument is fucking stupid because it's just "I said he said." Actually, this is one of the rare occasions where I can definitively prove I'm NOT samefagging because our Zephyr pics were so different
you know people are getting desperate when the only argument they have is "samefag xD"
While I'm flattered you took the time to pump my build into Builder to prove how stupid I'm being, that's not exactly a fair comparison. It doesn't take into account the shot economy of Firestorm's larger blast radius killing a large area of trash that might otherwise take both shots, but I'm not gonna try to defend Firestorm, that's a horrible uphill battle I don't want to fight.
Secondly, I KNOW my Tonkor was gimped to make Zephyr's build more flexible. Sacrificing one mod slot to make that easier. Look a few posts up to see how much work I'm putting into getting that mod slot back.
autistic neets need to be purged
reminder: The steam sale is going on so if you need platinum, buy the warframe DLC's at a discounted price
$10 - 300 Plat
$20 - 500 Plat
$30 - 750 Plat
$50 - 1500 Plat
you only need 3 guns
synoid simulor
soma prime
thank me later
Thanks, DE.
>firewalker for $12
But a 75% off ticket gives you $5 for 375 plat.
I could pay a russian 10 bucks and get 1000 plat out of it.
Fuck that.
4 guns
You forgot the best secondary the lex prime
>buying plat
wait what
>Primes are already cancer and just about the lowest quality content imaginable
>now they're doing it all over again with Umbras
>tfw you BTFO samefag accusers
Russian plat has a 75% discount by default which stacks with the 75% DE hands them out extremely frequently so they would donate.
If you're good friends with one you could get the 4300 plat pack for 20 bucks.
So when is the next update coming out?
now let me kiss your tummy
Well yeah Range is a straight up dump stat for a Zephyr build that's just about keeping yourself alive, but what's the fucking point of that? I could play someone who's invisible or someone tanky if that was my objective. But if you're replacing Frost in a defense mission, you can't cut corners.
All I fear is that it's not possible to have a Jet Stream build at the same time as a Defense build, which is why I'm dumping all this time and forma into her.
And yeah, EV/Energy drops exist. With P Flow on there I should be able to have warning if I'm not able to recast and drop an energy restore or something in an emergency.
The biggest problem for me now is just that I'm forced to max Blind Rage next. I don't do Draco, so I hardly have any use for it in any of my other builds.
Could I download steam on a virtual machine on my pc and use a Russian proxy server so my location is like saint petersburg? I know my ping will be cancer, but technically I'd be using Russian internet
>no V Hek
I've no idea, I just ask my friends that live there. Never tried any of this myself.
>using shotguns when tonkor exists
probably after tenno con, makes sense.
Jesus fucking christ, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by having this Zephyr conversation with you as if you're an actual respectable person instead of an attention whoring avatarfag, can you please not antagonize people even more than you already do?
meant for fuckface here
I'm pretty sure you don't need max BR. In my pic I had 244% power strength, which is 10% more than the required (wiki says you only need 234%). An R9 BR will still get the job done and saves you 200+ cores from R9 to R10. In fact you can argue R9 is better than R10 since it gives you better efficiency. The extra 10% is just for going faster.
filter him and forgot about it. Nothing is going to change unless vg gets ids
> treating tierqueer like a human
he doesn't deserve even the tummy kissu posts that he gets, much less any actual shreds of respect
_n o_
Ah frick. Jumped the gun and maxed it just now. Whatever, guess it'll be nice on EV trin.
It has more than twice the single target DPS of Tonkor. It's not as useful against groups, but it's the best weapon for popping single enemies, and you don't have to worry about aiming issues.
did I get good loot for a single run? + 2 dual kama prime handles.
Has anyone else made a Twitter solely for this game? I have to admit it's pretty wonderful to get item alerts on my phone
Am I the only one who thinks warframe cosmetics are seriously lacking?
Also who's the next premium skin?
>only 28 cells and 223k spores
fucking shit kiddo
You could just use the warframe app and get alerts
I got so many fucking argons, but I have no idea what to do with them before they deplete. Fuck this game.
do we have concept art of that yet?
Is it worth deleting a load of porn for?
>Blueprints Requiring Argon Crystals
You're welcome.
It's not a problem
remember it's not a problem
Buy an SD card you mong.
No. Don't get that one. Get the unofficial one, WF Alerts or whatever. The official one is a horrible data hog, and as glitchy as Warframe itself.
What's the best combo of Syndicates to raise?
I just started leveling Steel Meridian since I want the Vaykor Hek. At first I did Red Veil too, since they gain standing from SM and have Loki's mods. But now I'm wondering if Cephelon Suda would be a better choice.
Is there a standard "best" option that everyone picks?
Why don't people read the wiki? Why the fuck is it hard?
did that guy steal the warbros logo too?
So should I delete my porn webms for this?
Red Veil/Loka/Perrin is the least common one people choose so it seems more in demand, marginally. Steel/Suda/Arbiters has better weapons overall, but they're tradable so who gives a shit. Choose the one that has the Syandanas you like.
Choose based on who has your favorite syndana. Trust me
Just ask russians in the thread to do it you nignogs.
And if you think there aren't any here - you're fucking wrong tovarisch
Ne pali kontoru, comrade.
How good is tons of radiation damage?
Just as useful as Oberon loki and nyx
i think it's illegal to use those frames in the same sentence
So very? (bar oberon i suppose)
>lumping Loki with those shitter frames
>Its a tierfag antagonizes anons episode.
>guy implies Loki is as shitty as Oberon
>somehow I'm the antagonizer