Kek Protestants took stuff out of the bible, they're not even real Christians

>kek Protestants took stuff out of the bible, they're not even real Christians

>the Roman government literally decided what books would comprise the bible

>God loves you user, he knew who you were before you were born
>woah woah, you can't actually talk to him directly, there's an army of middlemen and saints for that!

How do Catholics even justify this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Saints were mostly a trapping to make Catholicism an easier pool to swallow for the polytheists they converted.

They're just role models nowadays and a cool way to celebrate Church history, like a modern "Acts of the Apostles"

>They're just role models nowadays

[Citation needed]

As far as I knew, the rules for sainthood haven't changed.

>a trapping to make Catholicism an easier pool to swallow for the polytheists they converted.
does a church actually admit to this

Well, they admit they grafted church holidays onto the dates of pagan holidays to make it easier to convert.

Religion is a product of the mindset and traditions of the culture it came from, only oblivious cultists think their religion is actually true.

>woah woah, you can't actually talk to him directly, there's an army of middlemen and saints for that!

You can easily pray to God. Priests aren't necessary for that. And you don't pray TO saints, you basically address them and request their intercession to boost your own intentions along.

So could St. Anthony squeeze me in with Jesus on Friday at 4pm?

You don't have to justify the truth

You can talk to him directly.
The middleman are people that are holier than you, and odds are their line to God is a bit better than yours. You talk to them to seek guidance, assuming you can't hear feedback from God himself

u dummy, Jesus is already with (You)

It's called apologetic.

So gods opinion can be swayed?

Still haven't heard anyone say anything about the Roman state creating a committee to create the bible.

Why can't God just give me guidance? Isn't he God?

Praying is actually to motivate yourself, no one is listening.

>this is what papists actually believe

No, asking for help is a form of believing in God and showing faith. He rewards faith

And then there is the extermination of Dualist and Gnostic sects, e.g. Valentinians, whose initial popularity and emphasis on the congregational, democratic, guilt-free route to salvation threatened the clerical hegemony. And there is omission of gospels with Gnostic ideas, such as Thomas, as you elude to.

It is interesting to think of the shape of modern Christianity if the canon included such texts.

Catholics justify it because of indoctrination and ignorance, pure and simple

Your soul is not pure enough to communicate with him directly, i.e. you are not worthy. You don't live a holy enough life to have a better connection, you don't even attempt to improve your relationship with God. People who try every day to be worthy to God, and understand their worth, naturally get better feedback from him. You can't just expect to ask for shit and him grant it, you don't do anything for him. If you don't make an effort to be any better, he shouldn't help you

Seems suspiciously like some reason a huge powerful institution would try to use to justify their self-appointed exclusivity.

The Catholics, Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox pray to saints and for the dead, and we have archeological remains that prove poeple did it in the earliest times of Christianity.
As in tombstones in catacombs that say "xxxx dead person name, please pray for me"

and the prayers of very holy people are considered more effective than those of "average" people. "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much"
If you can just pray to God, you should wonder why Paul is always requesting people to pray for him, what are those prayers necessary for then?

the second book of maccabees have both praying to saints, and praying for the dead.
Protestans an Jews dont have that book, but then, Christ did practice Chanukha which was established there.

Maybe if you tried to live a holy life, you could become a man of God. It doesn't take an institution, just make an active attempt to live correctly and your prayers will also be strong

>Catholics/Orthodox translate their bibles from the Septuagint, while Protestants translate their bibles directly from canonical Hebrew scripture
>Somehow Protestant bibles are illegitimate

Paul asks for other living people to pray for him, not muh saints

but whats the point, how is that better than praying directly to Jesus?

Every religion is full of shit because people are, what's not to get?

This is some Gnostic tier shit

It's like a petition

>the second book of maccabees
The Apocrypha is more similar to the gospel of Thomas than the Bible, it's obvious it's not canon

So wait, people have faulty connections to God but perfect connections to the saints? Can God just not be bothered to fix his telephone?

Non Catholic here. How is it obvious it's not canon?
This is a good sermon on false gospels

Bible says that material belongings aren't important, and that the simpler of a life you lead the closer you will be to God. Sorry if you haven't noticed, Christianity is pretty spiritual

How do you know whether you really prayed to God or if it was all in your head? Do you talk to God? How often? What do you talk about?

>Catholic actually starts thinking critically about Catholicism
>Becomes Protestant
>Starts thinking critically about Protestantism

It's almost like religion makes no sense if you don't start off assuming that your particular holy text doesn't have to be logical because it's the Absolute Truth because it said so, making the "truth" bend to fit the narrative of something created by humans who lived in the Middle East thousands of years ago and making the church come up with excuses like "it's just a metaphor, bro" for the parts of the bible unpalatable to modern society and in direct contradiction of scientific discoveries made hundreds of years ago

>fedora actually starts thinking critically about euphoria
>becomes neckbeard
>starts thinking critically about cheetohs

It's like you have no argument whatsoever.

It's like you have no fedora whatsoever.

I do indeed have no fedora.

The defining characteristic of Protestantism is its emphasis on grace, ie that even though I don't deserve God's goodness, he gives it to me anyway. Grace means getting what we don't deserve.

>muh fedora
>muh neckbeard

Are you done?

It's not because most would consider them canon to varying degrees

Even those that claim it to be "non canonical" would cite them as Scripture. Athanasius is an example of this

Actually the defining characteristic of Protestantism is a deity that is legalistic in nature

God the father is pissed so he must make his son bear the sins of humanity to be able to forgive them

And amongst Protestants, this may include anyone or a group only known as the Elect

then how are you tipping so hard?


It's blasphemy

You've never read the Bible nor studied theology

That's bullshit and you know it

>the Roman government literally decided what books would comprise the bible
No it didn't

Polite kek.