it's lit.
/srg/ - speedrunning general - crazy eyes edition
Friday can't come any sooner. Can't wait for Pie's run!!!!!!!!
Nope. Post another thread.
>when the soylent hits
faggot gave himself all that extra time so he could choke the whole run and still end up under estimate
why the fuck does this stupid paki terrorist cunt get to run Bastion or an even worse indie meme game every fucking year? how did he infiltrate the SDA club so deep?
summoning furfriends
If you've played DaS you'd know that magic in it is legitimately broken. It really does do the most damage in the least amount of time.
why does cosmo dye his roots brown? he has beautiful blonde hair
Sup losers.
Now that you're relevant again, what do you have to say for yourselves?
nice stream fuckos
>putting those SM3 carts to good use
>triggered 8gagger
cosmo actually looks fuckable here
Haha yes, best thread starter image. Fuck this attention seeking bastard.
Where le fug is the stream?
Friendly reminder that Suzie/russiangirl is the superior speedfu.
>hype........question mark
the PERFECT quote to sum up the complete stiffness of the event right now
everyone is so uncomfortable looking
What are the n64 games?
>that surprisingly good ass
Not bad/10
I hope she's actually a lesbian
Fuck off marathonfag
i love how the janitors are trying to make /srg/ a safespace for psychotic trannies and muslims
>heeeelp I NEED to spam offtopic shit on a videogame image board
*tips muh free speech*
why was OP picture deleted?
It's time for our holy mission to begin.
How do we, as a general, end the "HYOPE" meme and save the community?
i can see you've never been to /srg/ before
fug off marathonshitter
No degenerates or mentally ill people.
What the fuck kind of game is this?
>Using game cartridges to elevate a heavy as fuck projector
I thought the game lineup this year was the only problem, now this is making me think that they don't even give a shit about the games themselves if this is how they treat them.
How is cosmo not relevant to speedrunning?
is it bad I think halfcoordinated is cute
I miss pokeporn bro
It's SMB3, those cartridges have no value
Cosmo is dead.
do you not know how common mario 3 is?
Adam_AK is the cutest
because of this:
finally did it, did he?
I was in serg when you still shat your diaper on twitter.
I'm still around, just can't do my civic duty right now with all the whiny kids up. I think they banned my entire VPN or something, having some trouble dodging this one.
>It's Nintendo, those cartridges have no value
I don't give a fuck which game it is it could be fucking atari pac-man for all I care. Seeing this shit is almost as bad as seeing a friend just keeping their game discs all over the place and on tables face down.
No shit it's fucking common, I never said anything about the rarity of the games only their treatment here.
get some taste pls
The guy in the red shirt who runs games one handed because half of his body is too weak or something
lmao no you weren't
and you proved it with your previous post
It was good while it lasted.
Thanks for your service at least.
Meant to link to
Posting from a phone is hard
why can't srg be more tolerant of muslims and trannies? they like games too
>again no mischief makers
>he doesn't like skinnyfat weak males
>waa waa muh stuff other people own
relax sperg
You're the best btw
right general this time friend
>can you stop?
I'd like to be back later tonight if I can get it sorted by then
Because of le epik alt-right meme.
i am skinnyfat weak faggot so i like beefier guys
then why do they have to push their agendas and censors on us?
Good fucking riddance, bless the janitors
you mean y_?
>replying to copypasta
This goy.
Who's this faggot? Was he spamming porn or some shit?
don't you want to be on the right side of history user? xD
You'll see that it's not a meme when they deport your ass, faggot.
Unless... unless you're a cis-white male/female? But that's preposterus, right?
>tfw can't remember where i stored my old folder with cutie gifs of him
I need your help over in the other thread, friend
Dear Janitors,
OP here.
People post about Cosmo every day of the year, and not once have you banned and warned people for being off topic. Why now?
Is it because you're scared of the PC mafia who has eyes on this board during GDQ?
Here is the image again. This image is relevant because it is of a runner who ranks in the top 5 for OoT, one of the most popular, most notorious speedgames. It's relevant because he still runs games. despite his decent into what appears to be some kind of madness.
He still runs games, so what exactly is the problem?
Please explain why posting IMAGES of SPEEDRUNNERS on an IMAGEBOARD about SPEEDRUNNING is off topic.
yes, he was spamming furry porn in previous threads
>here is the image again
1 job dude
Can't really do much right now, they seem to have my VPN range banned or something, on my phone atm
I am a cis white male familiar.
I'm a spic that lives in Mexico though
they won't even let me post the image again. quality janitorial work.
Is Cosmo salvagable?
I mean, say he just pulled a full reverse on his mental break and started acting exactly like he used to. Would he be accepted back?
who is this hottie ?
Of course they banned your VPN you tard. Why wouldn't they? You should of saw that coming.
Of course
they've deleted many other comments about cuckmo and related stuff
the censoring has begun
just a file hash thing. crop it or paint on it a tiny bit.
Why this camera angle isn't used during the runs
why don't muslims have any world records?
I said skinnyfat, not chubbyfat
I dont remember, try reverse google friend
This is what cultural collapse looks like.
video games are haraam
Oh I dunno, maybe I didn't expect them to be able to find several specific IP ranges across twenty something different countries?
Hi lolg poster, i told you there how the things are
Tyler James Blair is his name, found it
Are Tolk and Sam salvagable?
I mean, say they just pulled a full reverse on Sam's mental break and they started acting exactly like they used to? Would ShowVideoGames be accepted back?
How many people from Germany have donated yet?
It's fine, they can't procreate anyway.
Actually they do through culture.