Terraria General - Veeky Forums

Warm huts edition


>For new players getting started


>Terraria Servers

>Soundtrack DL

>Terraria: Otherworld

>MODS - Inventory editors, world generators, trainers and more

>TerraMap - map viewer

>TShock - Server client

>TEdit - World view/editor

>Block list, furniture themes and paint

>Fancy Builds

>Wave banks - music replacement

>OP pasta. Please use the info from this link when creating new threads.

Got cold

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First for I wanna fuck that Druid

>that terrible build
>""""warm hut""""
I guess it is when you burn it, which I would very much do.

>dumb frogposter
Opinion discarded

Hey it's pretty good for the first hour of play :^)

I like OP's pic, but I feel like the chest should go by the door, and the chair on top of the platforms so you can sit in it while you fish. Not that you can sit in this game, but it's nice to give the illusion that you could sit, if you wanted.

>ITT: stupid frogposters fighting with eachother

Post YOUR fishing hut, asshole.

>getting this overdefensive over your shitty build
I bet you abuse the nurse during moonman as well.

Noted. Will experiment next weekend when i finally have time to play again ;_;


Crimson vs Corruption

Which do you prefer and why?

What does Gel taste like?

flavorless with hints of whatever it touches, usually dirt or wood

>Summoner character was the least fun I had out of the 4 possible classes until I got to post moonman
>He becomes my main guy and I do almost everything possible with him
Should I be worried?

Good night.
Please don't be dead when i return..

It's "tasty and flammable" though, so it can't be flavorless

the gel itself when pure is flavorless
killing slimes for gel means that its been travelling and collecting little bits of flavor off the ground
i stand by my description of flavorless with hints of what it touches

Post Builds and WIPs

tastes faintly like fish

>tfw life long friend finally gets a working computer
>recommend terraria as the first game he gets
>first and only game for a month now
>playing it endlessly every day

Reminder, Veeky Forums, terraria really is a great game.

>Reminder, Veeky Forums, terraria really is a great game.
My nigga.


>didn't recommend the game to a friend because I thought he wouldn't like it
>he grabbed it on sale
>turns out he's enjoying the autistic gameplay parts as much as I am
We spent about 2 hours mining hellstone and making huge lava pockets. It's so relaxing.

>mining ores
>have to fill it in or destroy the rest neatly or my OCD won't stand that weird hole
having autism is suffering

I know that pain. Lexapro is your friend.

Tips on finding an enchanted sword shrine?

I want that blue slashing knife

Look for 1 wide deep gaps in the dirt. they are often under dirt overhangs hidden by vines

>Sunplate blocks and furniture have the same colour scheme as stardust stuff
>Sunplate furniture has sun imagery just like the lihzahrd furniture

Best use of hearts after hitting 400?


we goin back to conspiracy theories?

In addition to making lanterns, you can sell them.

Actually, can you place them and use them as decoration? I've never tried.

>Martian Conduit Plating has very similar plating too the Luminite Bricks
Fucking Ayy Lmaos bringing zombie cthulhu and his pony fleshlights back to life


What are the best pre-hardmode building materials?

Does that slime guy that made that huge-ass castle still post here? I want to make a slime build too and can't make it not look like shit

Living and Dynasty Wood if you ask me. Toss in some Smooth Granite for that wonderful starry look.

I honestly think all the pre-hardmode woods you can get look good, if used correctly. Even regular wood can look all right. Except for living mahogany, that shit is atrocious.

And I know it's hardmode, but pearlwood is shit. I don't know what they were thinking there. It's pretty much only good for making furniture.

pearlwood walls look alright

It's okay to use commieblocks if I'm roleplaying as a Tolkien dwarf, right?


We asked for better balance between Corruption and Crimson.
We asked for an expert mode that was more than just increased enemy damage.
We asked for better-developed summoning and throwing classes.

We got a bouncy castle.

First time doing Expert solo. What level of gear/ preparations should I have for Eye of Cthulu/Eater of Worlds?

And trees growing on screen! Also some crappy e-celeb pandering outfit!

Gold or platinum armor should be good, as well as a decent bow with good arrows (frostburn, jester). The meteorite armor and space gun are also great, if you've had a meteorite land.

>Space gun sound

Who is the creator of Wavebank Misc 3?

Realistic speaking since it is gel and flammable it would taste like a mix of rubbing alcohol, antacids and vinegar.

Like Nigga Close Your Ears Hahaha



I'm getting dunked on by wall of flesh :(

Molten armor, night's edge, demon scythe with bee gun and musket as backup.

Rip guides

Make a hellbridge and put campfires on it. Use a sunfury. if you get really desperate, do fishing quests until you get a rabbit mount.

Godamn i can't get past Plantera he deals so much fucking damage.


>We asked for an expert mode that was more than just increased enemy damage.
Multiple enemies start dealing new status ailments as well. You're otherwise correct though.

Some bosses and enemies do new stuff though. The eyes zigzag. Skeletrons defense. The worms projectiles. Fishman making the screen all wierd.

I just got this game on sale after playing a pirated version in 2014, What am i in for?

>feeling a bit of buyer's remorse for buying a game i already played

I honestly forgot most of those changes. There comes a point in the game where changes to random mooks' behavioral patterns becomes difficult to notice due to the clusterfuck of bullets/spells/furious slashes you tend to spray out. As for the bosses, I've always overgeared myself for them, so I dunno. There's that.

Was the last time you played in 2014? If so, you're in for a wild ride in hardmode, bucko.


>that grave on top of the house

Some things I learned from fighting the twins for the first time just now.
1. It looks WAAAAAAAAY easier than the destroyer, all you do is build a skybridge and get a unicorn, then hit em with a yoyo or something.
2. Geez, this looks pretty eas-oh fuck flamethrowers
3. They can despawn in space. Whoops.


If you could have any piece of furniture from terraria in your house, what would it be?

Waterbolt is really good when aiming it at an angle at the ceiling so it bounces and deals damage multiple times to WoF segments.

Just got to hardmode on ps4

Time to die horrible deaths

>start up new world
>corruption made a gigantic upside-down cross in my beach area


Not a massive fan of the style, but I like how things flow together organically. Wish I could make the same size of a steampunk town, I'd make the lower level a sewer probably.


i began playing Terraria with the first released version and that's the only true "dead area"

I like corruption, it's spooky without trying to be.


Putting aside the ergonomics of it, that's quite a precarious place to put an anvil.

What are those chests on the far left and right on the third last row?

looks like slime chest on the right

Far right is crystal, no clue on the left, looks familiar to pirate drops.

> buy terraria a few months after it's released
> no absolutely nothing about it, just bought it because a friend wanted to play with me
> mfw playing it for the first time, exploring caves together, building shit together
> mfw mining deeper and deeper, feeling an oppressing sense of dread as the monsters and music change
playing terraria for the first time is a special experience

I really like the integration with the natural landscape

tei a qt

Golden/Crystal chests, unobtainable as of now.

>pink grass
Hallowed counterpart?

prolly just painted

I wish you could make a base in crimson/corruption.

Me too, user. You can plant some sunflowers and you'll be able to have a few corrupted blocks around, but that's it. I think for each sunflower, you can have a bit more than 100 blocks of corruption or crimson around. I don't remember the actual number.

Paint grass red or purple


well at least you fixed the third pole, so it;s not quite as shit


You paint it brown?

Don't know what else i can do to improve it. There's no other wall type that looks particularly good with mahogany, at least not available to me at the moment, even if i paint it red. I'm not a fan of the planked walls, but i don't know what to replace it with.

Nah, i want to use plain mahogany for once. I agree it would look better, but fuck it.

Do minions inherent my critical strike? Is Lucky prefix doing anything?

IIRC, minions can't crit

Would you outrun the twins with spectre boots on asphalt?

spectre boots, no
frostspark boots, probably
but just use grav potions senpai

I hate Rod of Discord, on my first 1.2 playthrough I found it randomly when exploring, on my 1.2.4 playthrough I had to farm it for several hours.
And now on 1.3 I just can't fucking find it.

After 15 minutes of farming:
Bats: Over 300 illuminant bats killed
Slime: Over 200 illuminant slimes killed
Chaos Elementals: 5 chaos elementals killed

What the fuck, why are they so rare on AFK farms but when I move around to collect the souls they just spawn.
I killed more Mimics and Hallowed Mimics than Chaos Elementals, they just refuse to spawn.

Not to mention skeleton merchant, fuck this nigger, stuff he sells is just so fucking useless after a certain point in game.

Why is it 1/500?
Why is it not modified by expert mode?
Why can't we craft rare drops from mob banners and souls?

Not to mention, I also found a Hallowed Key on my farm, but not Rod of Discord, why...

>grav pots
Never used these. Isn't it kinda barfy?
I've only ever built bridges and shoot behind to kill the pair of eyes.

You won't feel a difference if there are no blocks around you, just zoom out the minimap and shoot in the general direction of the boss.


I have a serious book hoarding problem, so pretty much all of the book cases are something I'd want in my house. Except for the pink dungeon one. Pink is my favorite color, but the pink dungeon stuff just doesn't do it for me. It's too Pepto-Bismol.

>crystal chest

I noticed a crystal table on the wiki the other day. It looks like they're going to be adding that in a later update.