/4ccg/ - /hr/ edition

Previous Thread: >Main Page:

>Stuff you need to read:
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>/ag/ League:


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Kinda ded lately because of storage issues.

>Next Cup:
implyingrigged.info/wiki/2016_Veeky Forums_Summer_Cup

Some virgin crying about offseason streams
Did you even watch the game?

Other urls found in this thread:


Did you even watch the game?

what anime is this from

Did you even watch the game?

Did you even watch the game?

Yes, yes, well done, Delta. Well done, Delta.


Did you even watch the game?

Did (You) even watch the game?

Did you even watch the anime?

its you? ROFL

its me?

is me


Is this you, John Wayne? Is this me?




>Page ten

don't even give enough of a shit to do a hat pick for this group because fuck this entire draw

That group F is giving me deja vu

yes because it happened before in a test draw and it was also terrible

legit looking at groups E-G knowing 6 of those teams would advance makes me want to die

Veeky Forums /vr/
/u/ /f/
/tv/ /a/
/m/ /gd/
[s4s] Veeky Forums
/out/ /wsg/
/d/ Veeky Forums
/mu/ /v/
Newevo Elites on suicide watch

If those teams were in other groups they'd just knock out all the teams you like anyway.

im gay

I like men.

You sayin' I like dudes?

This thread should die


socialspartan and magicblue still where they belong, and where they will probably continue to belong: the bottom

4CC Meetup was a complete success.
The entire MLS game was very PES16(Most dangerous league inverted, millions fouls with no calls, 3/5 goals off of defensive fuckups, strikers couldn't aim, MLS teams are basically setup as GGG-77s so they look like PES teams, etc.)
I met exactly 1 user at the stadium. He noticed me watching the end of Italy vs Germany and we chatted for a while, it was fun.
I feel like it would be more fun if there was actually a solid group of people though, so someday I'll have to try again in a city/location closer to more of /4ccg/, NYC or Boston or something.

PS: Thanks for not make me feel like an idiot for trying this, Montreal user. Meeting another person from /4ccg/ in real life makes me feel like less of a loser for spending all my time here.

Hat pick: /v/

Yes, yes, well done /v/, well done /v/.
But first

Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
/tv/ Veeky Forums
/asp/ /an/
/u/ /m/
/gd/ /vr/
[s4s] /e/
/v/ /vp/
/out/ /f/

im gay

>Group G

Veeky Forums needs Biscuits and Gravy as a new player. Proof:

Come down to Boston, Twinky, we can all hang out with socialspartan and he'll introduce us to all the hot ladies (implying)

>implying Veeky Forums will ever change their roster

Or Dukesilver. He's a much better person

you are loved

Biscuits and Gravy wasn't a meme a week ago and it's not a meme today.


>/4ccg/ meet up
How much did you talk about /mlp/?

None. He called me a meme loving fuck, said he was an /sp/ and /m/ fan, and then we watched Germany-Italy and talked about the European Championship before we went our separate ways to watch IMFC vs New England(he had gotten tickets to the fan area on the other opposite of the stadium from me)

You didn't get that kush /4ccg/ experience then, family.



What're you drinking tonight /4ccg/?

Water. My in-laws don't allow alcohol at family gatherings. That didn't stop BRENT from sneaking beer meant for brats out of the cooler and getting drunk. He dropped his baby an hour ago, so the mood is pretty sour as everyone tip toes around his problem. He's 18.

Tequila, the juice that boosts your fence hopping stats by 30%


Don't buy beer based on "Lol patriotism memes". This is terrible. I could be drinking something different and just wearing an American hat or something to celebrate.




tj "Henry" Joshi is really depressing and naïve

You could be drinking Yuengling the true American beer

Given that Duke's a Boston guy, I'm actually kind of disappointed he's not drinking the best cheap beer New England has to offer.

>not drinking Sam Adams, the BEST beer

Who knew good things could come out f Cleveland


what does t stand for, I always see it and have never known


>page 9

What happened?

I can't believe this but the current managers and 4ccg-core are more autistic and meme spouting than ever.

The cup is truly dying a slow death.


>more autistic and meme spouting than ever

True, the worst case scenario of managers being a personality bigger than their teams has come to pass.

That's actually minor.

This is why I sign my team up for a lot of memevitationals but don't say much.

>page 9

>page 9

I have seen many lewd images of her, but I can't even remember the name. Am I a bad person?

Yes you are, Anchovy a cute

Ah well. missed the /jojo/ game so no liv managing, could've pulled an asspull and switch it up otherwise. maybe could've prevented a loss.

it's just /ag/ league though. :^) good game /nba/

I wonder who could have posted this

>page 10 sage

you are loved


So far, this is definitely the worst /4ccg/ general I have ever seen.

thanks /hr/


what is this meme


>he does not understand

the best meme



For the VGL wiki autist, /gerg/ vs /bdog/ RO16 goals:

help my boipucci is all hairy
what is the best way to shave it?

gasoline and a lit cigarrette

With those goals, JackAttack should tie Napoopan for the Golden Boot.

b-but I don't smoke

you do now

>El Classico
>/v/ vs /vp/
>/u/ vs /e/
Nice one



thanks doc

thanks doc

thanks doc

grazie dottore

>thinking 'y' and 'j' make the same sound
Yuropeans truly are awful


no, we're not doing this, delete this

admittedly I like the parallels between this and RBL though

Darren Seltmann for /mu/ when?