/dg/-Destiny General


first for if you look real close


Xth for disappointing nascar experiences.

>Locked Raid Gdoc:
These are a fucking joke, I joined one just before TTK launched, I got added by ONE other guy on the list, and he never logged on afterwards, none of the other people on the list responded to my messages, ended up raiding with a group of people who were half random half from two other lists.

Fuck that.

can someone post that image with the max light levels for endgame activities?

That sounds like a you problem

>That sounds like a you problem

>People not doing what they're supposed to.
>A you problem.

user please, if you're gonna try and ride a dick, at least act like you know what you're talking about.

>implying I read your post
Still sounds like a you problem

>mfw I can dust everyone in this thread