/poeg/ - Path of Exile General

Shitcrow Edition

>2.3.0 patch notes

>Prophecy league information

>Ascendancy Offline Skill Planner

>Helpful links
pastebin.com/2a5WBcBP (embed)

>"Hey guys what's the price on this piece of shit item"

>Read this before asking for build advice


Other urls found in this thread:


league is so dead the generals don't get a single reply lmao

but you replied

Can you cull youreself?

>poe is ded
>d3 is bad
>mh is meh
>warframe is for waifufags

ARROY for all shitcrows around here

Ok anons, we have 7 classes, being 4 guys and 3 cuties

Who get laid and who get rekt?


>more than 24 hours dead

duelist fucks witch and scion

ranger fucks witch and scion

marauder fucks shadow

templar is celibate

I've been here since Ambush, this is the deadest it has ever been since then.

i'm gonna make power siphon great again



looks like fucking garbage
just use KB you autistic special snowflake

Your Vaal Power Siphon doesn't even guarantee 1 shot packs 100% of the time in fucking Dried Lake.

Your regular Power Siphon takes 2-3 shots to take down packs in Dried Lake.

I guess this is okay if you're level 60 or something.

bullying isn't allowed here, this is a safe space community thanks :)


I could clear faster in white gear as a Ele glacial hammer

I wanna make an ES based Flickerstrike build, Should I go low life crit trickster shadow?

Don't fucking die

how do we save poeg if we can't even save ourselves


What is this flickerstrike spell? is it new?

completely finished with this game. lab, power creep and performance issues this patch killed it for me. the game is at an all time low and chris lying sure isn't helping.


do you guys think hierophant might end up being better than trickster for CoC? the endurance charge generation seems reliable but the mana cost sucks and getting elreon jewelry with resists and energy shield will be extremely costly. also shit procs because i just did a respec with whatever i had

>playing cast on cancer
glad its getting nerfed next patch

kill urself

Just use a diamond flask dumbass.

Why the hell are you using Haste aura instead of Blasphemy + Assassin's Mark and Warlord's Mark? Mana is literally useless to you since you just need Whirling Blade and Cyclone, and both are free.


because as I said I just respeced to test you dumbo

it's cute how you blog about your life as if it matters lmfao

You tested nothing because you didn't know how to build the character to begin with. You asked for advice and I gave it to you, then you got mad about me calling you out on your extreme ignorance of how the spec plays.

I wish the general's dead instead of having retards like you around.

i wanted to test the endurance charge generation and I did, you're dumb stop posting any time

>the endurance charge generation seems reliable
>25% chance to proc is reliable
you heard it here first, folks

>with CoC you ideally are getting one power charge every hit
>hits happening all the time especially with blade vortex and discharge aoe itself
>each hit/power charge you get is rolled for endurance
>not reliable
??? lol!!!

Good luck paying out of your ass for Elreon Jewelries that's well rolled and stop asking for advice if you're just gonna have your head stuck up your ass and not listen.

it's okay, your advice was shit since I mentioned the prices downside myself and you just repeated it

That's not how it works? Crit roll is made once per cast, not per hit. You don't get X crit rolls per second because you have X BV stacks. So you're not going to hit and crit "all the time," otherwise what would be the point of going crit BV in the first place?

How many times can you hit and crit per second vs single target? Now divide that by 4. 25% is not "reliable" in a world where 100% exists and can be maximized around as a Trickster.

That's literally nothing what I said.

Basically you just want sycophants sucking your dick, which you won't get here because you're a massive retard with dyslexia on top of that.

>but the mana cost sucks and getting elreon jewelry with resists and energy shield will be extremely costly
>Good luck paying out of your ass for Elreon Jewelries that's well rolled and stop asking for advice if you're just gonna have your head stuck up your ass and not listen.
>That's literally nothing what I said.


it really isn't as amazing as people make it out to be, i think it's just one of those things that is so heavily gated by currency that the have nots over glorify. clear speed and dps can be matched for a fraction of the cost. if you are bored and have a bunch of currency sitting around it's fun for a few hours to play around with

Damn I seem to lose interest as soon as I have the minimum gear for a complete build

yeah thats what you think

Yeah, thanks for totally missing the point about Assassin's Mark and using Haste to test charges generation.

I hope you know you're just continuing to expose yourself. Here's a hint: you're being made fun of retard.

I literally had just used a respec like I've said, at no point I claimed it was optimal or that I was using all I needed you dumbass, you're the only one here over complicating things just to have an argument and feel like you won that argument, I had haste because AS I SAID I had shit procs already and same thing with your retarded blasphemy assassin's mark curse idea since AS I SAID I had mana problems, why is this general so infested with literal retards nowadays, just end yourself

>I had mana problems
Haste solves your mana problem really?

>shit procs
>retarded blasphemy assassin's mark curse idea
What did I say about continuing to expose your own stupidity?

Assassin's Mark and Diamond Flask are literally the solution to having shit gear. Like I previously mentioned, you are literally too fucking stupid (and yes I have to keep reminding yourself of your pathetic little brain since it literally doesn't get through to your head how fucking terrible you are as a living mouth-breather) to take any advice and get insanely fucking assblasted about the whole thing, then don't fucking come asking for advice.

Haste solves my proc issues and since I could gulp I didn't need to fuck up my mana pool even more with your retarded blasphemy idea

well that is my opinion, based on playing a lot of different builds. granted we all have our personal preference and mine just isn't coc discharge. it should be nerfed tho, not nerf into the ground(like they did with voltaxic), they should shift the meta so people can try out different things


>Haste solves my proc issues
I hope you know a single Onslaught flask does more than Haste, while Assassin's Mark's crit is literally additive with your crit.

And since you keep ignoring the part about Diamond Flask, here's the math. If you have a shitty 50% chance to crit, Diamond Flask literally gives you extra 25%.

stop arguing with catposter, he's too retarded to understand basic game mechanics

let him play his shit pleb of hands mom build and pretend he knows what the fuck he's doing

:^) retarded blasphemy idea (^:

You know what, at least previously I thought you wanted to understand the mechanics that's why I even bothered to argue with you, but if you're just going to do the "Hurr lmaooo" shit then yeah continue your Hierophant CoC.

I'm not him, and no I'm not ignoring the diamond flask, of course I would get one if I were really playing the build. You're the only one here over analyzing a 20 second clip of a recent respeced character and trying to trash it for e-penis sake in this general, while you're at it get a trip so I can filter your retardness

What fucking e-peen, anyone posting on an anonymous board don't give a shit about that. The fact you even fucking considered it in your thought process shows how much a fucking eccentric retard you really are since you clearly can't take criticism at all.

>I'm not him

Your criticism doesn't add anything it's basically just cherrypicking
>add a blasphemy
no shit, if I had the mana I would do it

>get a diamond
no shit, next time I go to town I'll get one

>haste won't solve your mana problems
no shit that's why I'm gulping, would your blasphemy solve it either? fucking no

>let's act completely out of hand to a basic question and webm
>do I fit in yet /poeg/??

>totally ignores the part about Silver Flask > than Haste
>totally thinks Blasphemy gives you mana issue when you can drop Haste
You do fucking realize at least Assassin's Mark gives mana on kill right? I also did suggest Warlord's Mark which also gives mana leech.

My criticisms answer all your problem, you, once again, are just too much of a embarrassment of a living person to understand it.

>on kill
alright I'm done with this guy

lol that was me, i was making fun of the retard calling it 'your retarded blasphemy idea'. like you said assmark and diamond solve so many issues. i'm going to assume the guy isn't even using a vegan dagger, so the whole thing is just a cluster fuck

having mama issues in 2016

Once again, you took one part of my response and try to pass it off as completely comprehension. This is why I correctly called you out on your dyslexia.

What about the part about massive addition to crit which you said you lacked? CoC one shot packs EVEN with shit gear, even against 5 mobs that's 100 mana return per hit.

And yet again, you continue to expose your retardation. Not even catposter is at your level of absurdity. I genuinely pity your parents giving birth to you. What's sad about this whole thing is you are actually retarded instead of people saying this word as a generic insult.

I'm sorry I hurt your feeling ... is what your mother would've said, but I'm not because you're really that fucking stupid.

stop hurting my feelings, it's just a game gramps

i already said diamond flask would be good, why do you keep bringing this up?
also yeah man warlords and 100 mana on kill from assassin's would totally solve the 29 mana cost skill being used all the time since very high attack speed !!!!!!! you're right !!!

you gotta be trolling. maybe walk the aether is a good choice for you seeing as you don't know how to manage your mana.. something most people sort out around a4m

>it's a catposter being called out for his shitbuild but refuses to face reality and hides behind shitposting episode

>it's a samefag episode

>it's a shithead projecting his shit life episode

At least we have an episode ... r-right guys?

>tfw only 12 people in here and league's literally a month old only

What did you expect? this league is literal garbage + the retarded XP nerfs

yeah every league is the same thing 'ded league, ded game' this league it is the truth.

>it's a shitter whose highest level is 85 talks about exp penalty episode

but this league you don't play an arpg anymore, instead you play prince of frogger rng enchant simulator

>it's a random nobody talks shit episode

your (you) is painfully accurate. i have run at least 300 ubers in the last few weeks

>he fell for the lab meme

>save up 6ex to buy a shitty upgrade
>guy last log in was a week ago
I guess that's my fault for losing motivation to play for few days.

lab meme. the lab is one of the most profitable things you can do in the game right now. 5-8 minutes for an insane amount of loot

can I sell stuff directly on poe.trade or do I need to post it on the forums?

Are there any jewel mods other than life, es, and damage that are worth regaling?

what are the best places to use inspired learning

who are you going to sell those enchants to when there's none left playing the game?

Ay do warcrys effect totems?

Also i'm new and i've been using glacial smash with AOE support gem and it's destroying everything easily, is this only because i'm low level (25) or is it viable later on?

automatically indexed with premium tabs
without, you need a forum post

it's shit. just use poison bleed earthquake like everyone else.

>Ay do warcrys effect totems?
what the fuck does that even mean?
>Also i'm new and i've been using glacial smash with AOE support gem and it's destroying everything easily, is this only because i'm low level (25) or is it viable later on?
it's shit and useless against uniques

I meant does Rallying Cry effect friendly totems?

clips.twitch tv/raizqt/DistinctReindeerDOOMGuy
Let's discuss raiz. Where does he rank among the all time great hc players?

No, they don't.

But, if you use Rallying Cry, then cast the totem, the totem does get the damage increase because totem counts all your active buffs, which just means you can't slap a totem down then RC and expect the totem to increase its damage despite what the tooltip says. You would have to recast the totem again.

Thanks for the info, just have to get into the habit of rallying first.

fucking dumb as fuck for tanking the smashes at all, especially since he's using shield charge and you need to travel far to get damage but I can't help but feel bad for him from loosing all those expensive as fuck jewels, personally I would probably quit the league right there if I had no extra currency

This is NOT correct and I have no idea how this misconception still exists to this day. Totems use your skills, and if you increase your damage, e.g. with Rallying Cry, then your totems get the updated damage without the need of being recast. They are not, and cannot be snapshotted entities that ignore any changes to your stats the way they've always been programmed. This is easily testable with Rallying Cry, a sulphur flask, Atziri's Promise, frenzy charges, etc. etc. There is NO need to unload all your buffs at once THEN cast your totems, which would lead to an incredibly shitty playstyle.

Looks like we have the PoE master here today guys

Better than having misinformation spread around and summerfags eating it up without thinking twice about it

ty for the (You)

honestly i think i've only sold two or 3 enchants, so that was 3-4 ex total. most of my currency came from straight currency, maps and gems. a few big ticket items like the spectrum gems and some deaths doors. i never found the enchants to be very profitable , this league or last league but the sheer amount of shit you get from those chests makes it worth while, worst case you break even.

They're a rarity in a general with 20 posters


first time playing a ci build, if I've got about 8k es what level should I set my cwdt to?

i used to clarify shit about mechanics all the time but i just gave up

its no wonder why people feel they need to copy builds to progress