if there is someone who actually worked on wallstreet,tell us how u get there and if u enjoyed your stay
Is there actually anyone that worked on wall street?
Jackson Smith
Other urls found in this thread:
Joseph Allen
I worked there. You just can get one of these tours (thewallstreetexperience.com
Zachary Jenkins
Jayden Russell
I sell hot dogs on Wall Street and know all the insider hot dog tips, AMA
Matthew Phillips
Robert Powell
KOMPOT is better
Nicholas Nguyen
who need lot of money
I have my babhuska and Kompot
and i am happy
Nathan Hughes
Nope, no one works there. It's all computers.
Hudson Anderson
Kraut or Relish this quarter?
Jaxon Hall
i worked on wallstreet. I was a janitor and would listen to the banter of the fat cats. thats how i learned all the trade secrets