I am best
I am best
>Illumination (Passive) damage per level increased +10 from +8.
>Light Binding (Q) damage lowered to 50/100/150/200/250 from 60/110/160/210/260
Why the fuck are they doing this?
It's not a nerf.
It's not a buff.
xth for fuck Rayka
Veeky Forums results hard game bg 2v8
fuck off honestly ur repulsive
just go join her discord shes very friendly
Taliyah is the best league daughteru
please give me the picture of naked travis gafford look alike PLEASE
Moooooooooooooooosh going big
best male charecter
best chest
best adc
and also she is the best
>Rammuschan feeding
why am i not surprised
I want to make Trundle my wife as I rule over the Freljord!
>Repostan in new thread
Today, I played a game. I was top and 5/0, and by the time I was, my other lanes were down a total of 15 deaths. We lost, big surprise.
What champions can I play in Jungle and mid that I can probably carry with even if this sort of thing happens again? I'm tired of playing my favorite role if it means I have to sit by idly while the rest of my team collapses on themselves.
I was thinking about playing Jungle Yi and Shyvana or some other heavy-hitting junglers, but I realized that might be too farm oriented. As for mid, I'm not terribly interested in Assassins, will resident big guys Vlad, Swain and Morde do the job?
Your recommendations are appreciated.
Really? Doesn't he get fucking eviscerated like he did in season 3-4 when I last played him by every assassin ever? I also really hate the rework senpai
>Rayka and I get btfo bot lane
Everything went better than expected.
>Buukage vs Moosh and Japan
sad I didn't spectate
>already trash at the game before stopping playing
>left for overmeme
Dont you dare make me break my rule of not posting lewds or semi-lewds of best bird to disprove that chest thing.
Big Busted Beauty
do it i dare you
what champ was she playing?
I think you meant Jhin. That's what you meant, right?
Did you do some teleport ganks, user?
I dare you.
>get a triple dunk mid
>suddenly enemy groups and my champ cannot do anything versus Zilean, Kayle, and Anivia
Darius exists for suffering...
But I want to make a family with Taliyah instead.
I'm never posting this again.
I never like breaking my rules.
>player with "C9" in the username
>feeds his ass off
Every time. If I'm in Champ select and I see someone with "SKT" at the start of their name, I dodge, because I know if I don't I'll regret it.
what? moosh isnt rammuschan
No I'm sure i meant Draven, silly
Im tired, Gankplant is fine, i ran out of thread ideas anyway
indeed was hard and fun
shibb go to sleep, god dammit
Yeah, let the Adc main suport, and the main support adc. not very smart
Which husbando has the best butt?
lee sin
well when he did die it got me some kills but it didnt really help the team outside of early game
I'm not convinced, user. We need a few more examples.
Braum has the best everything.
Finally Master! Thinking about trying to reach Challenger now but I don't know if its worth the time.
And definitely not Trundle
i was trying to get 4/20 to honor my nigga c00lstoryjoe but someone killed me for a 21st time
overwatch is making me viral. it's a smart business move.
why is azir such a slut?
>tfw you'll never be part of his harem
why does that item even fucking exist now really
>Teleport Ganks
I tired. Recall that teleporting ganking was made more difficult this patch. Not that it matters, it's something like shitter TFs and botlanes being too agressive (That is, coming out from under tower) when they're behind. By the time I could hope to be there they'd already be dead. Do I need to develo psychic powers in order to predict when I think they're going to get their asses handed to them and intervene? Not that it'd be much help since the teleport cooldown nerf a while ago limits my opportunities to even try.
user, thats furry territory.
>B-but you post Azir!
Nigga I'm not that kinda guy. I love my champion but if I had to bang a league guy it'd probably be Zed or Taric first.
And even then I'm not into dudes.
Aside from jungling is there any point to playing lane J4?
He can't slug it out or burst tank champions top lane. Mid seems really gimmicky and you're basically a really shitty assassin
There has to be a pro J4 player who still spams J4 in challenger right?
S-Shut up, I'm still learning ADC, and I figure bashing my face against a Plat player is the best way to learn.
As well as an endeavor in masochism.
Seriously though Draven's AS and shitting out Jhin levels of damage from the getgo is fun. I actually play all the roles very badly.
It's okay Rammuschan. You equalized the teams.
Fighting game tourneyfag here. I play adc/sup at a decent level (gold/low plat), but am looking to branch off into mid and top when I feel like impacting the overall game a bit more. As far as those lanes go, who are considered the "Ryu"s? By this I mean that they are relatively simple mechanically and have no great/awful matchups, but can excel when played well.
To the space dragon main who gave me advice last thread of shoving lane and giving bot/top the dick, thank you. Won 3 in a row with one of my games going 23-3
>not a single Sight Stone in the entire game
Jesus Christ
literally explain that to me. SS is THE
best item in the entire fucking game
Ahem. GP is best. We're missing Graves...
nice boobs
thanks no name, i try.
thanks bukkage. i'll never forget the time you scammed a bunch of retards out of RP and gave me $20 worth~
>it's a smart business move.
I mean, I guess.
There is like a million D.Va cosplayers already though.
And some of them are cuter than you.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +6 come play with local heros like boos girl and
haha np babes :3c
>all this husbando posting
>no Sol
Fuck is wrong with you
combo damage is the same, but QE alone won't do as much so your abusive range is slightly less of a pain
it changes basically nothing with those numbers but you should get the idea
I can only speak for midlane, then, since I don't jungle. I think Orianna, Swain, Anivia, and Ahri would definitely be worth your time. Talon, too, if you ever need a go to assassin.
This game needs more bara.
Do not sexualize the Graves.
Nah senpai. Trust me. I'm part of the niche crowd because I actually cut my hair to look like her.
Graves guy is always fashionably late.
Lissandra is one of the best teleport mid-laners out there besides Ryze and to some extent Kassadin.
I legit forgot Righteous Glory was even in the game.
But he makes it so easy.
idk i just spammed blue wards whenever one was free to make up for it
Full beard, or moustache into sideburns? Artists always draw him differently depending on how closely they want to stick to his real appearance.
Sure, sure.
Hey, at least you can say you are one of the cute ones.
I've seen that one webm, and I don't ever want to see it again.
some write scribbles dont prove anything~
Draven is the best!
for once i agree with you
orianna has literally been the balanced lady of clockwork forever and ever and often played mid, but she's been kind of underpowered for a while now.
I love either or. He's a stupidly good looking character, I have no idea why, either.
wait, you're the same person as utsanomiko? no wonder you're both awful.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +3
I used to be a hardcore Asumafag back when I was into Naruto, so the transition was easy.
I like gay threads!
Thanks. & What webm? 0_0
The fact that we dont have a Taricfag yet is questionable.
Unless Taric is so perfect he doesnt need one
no is not me
sounds like you're the taricfag
I like it. As I get older I find myself getting more and more into bara which is weird cause as a teenager I thought that shit was gross.
I love his new look, his personality, but his voice is just so meh.
Whoo!! Just so everyone knows, I'm NOT GP poster...I'm GP's WAIFU. GET IT FSKING RIGHT!
How many demacian nobels do you think want to marry Lady Buvelle?
kayle (careful with laning, you die to ganks)
what's with the screenshot then?
Jesus christ you sure are acting like total fags tonight /lolg/, you all need some Jesus.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums last slot +1 join local heros!!! balanced teams!!!
Every straight one who's not already married or female.
Were you here when Twitchfag still existed? Because it was gayer then.
Half of these people aren't even gay.
The one where the cosplayer is shaking her ass, and then she has a fucking butter face.
Killed me right there.
you forgot your trip
same, lets keep it
where did smochi go
why isn't she here anymore
Best girl.
Best lover.
Best wife.
>Play ranked
>Get camped into oblivion, team can't carry, lose
>Play normals
>Get camped into oblivion, team can't carry, lose
>Switch to ARAM to let off some steam
>Play ARAM as tank
>Carries won't follow up/DPS, lose
>Play ARAM as carry
>Tanks won't initiate/peel, lose
Why do I play this game
>Join Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
>Champ select begins
>Fucking client crashes
she's not real user
you deserve something real.
um is
But user, manly love is the purest love.
>leave to do an aram
>come back to this
it's like Twitchfag never left
Nasus got a tail, he definitely can't have best butts. Tails ruin butts. Trundle has the best everything and he smell like ice cream.