/pdg/ - Payday the heist, and Payday 2 general

Frenzy a balanced edition

Previous DW Heist: >Upcoming Payday 2 Tournaments:

>Extremely In-Depth Guide on the Mechanics of PAYDAY 2 (think Frank found a new maintainer)

>Skill/Weapon Stat Calculator:

>Skilltree Guide (out of date):

>Perk Deck Guide (out of date):

>Stat Ranking and Breakpoints (slightly out of date):

>Weapon/Armor/Damage/Pickup Spreadsheets (not up to date):

>(NEW) Weapon Skin Checklist (totally up to date):

>Big Oil Engine Calculators:


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>Weapon skin previews

>Daily Dose

1st for Jimmy being the best heister.


How do I avoid cheater tag with unlocker?

you dont, you idiot

bad goyim

Male Clover best Clover


Never forget

Someone said that there's a way to avoid it. Also I 've only seen one person with cheater tag so far and way too many people without it and with DLC weapons

All it does is change when the bad goy tag notice shows up. And it still does show up once the heist starts.

I didn't believe other /pdg/s when they said that instead of the heist ending, they just sat in black limbo until somebody came along.

Turns out it's a real thing.

Thanks OVK.

>mfw you're lagging so much that when the heist finish, you end up back in the heist with everyone frozen and not moving while the others are getting the xp and cards

if sokol is russian why is he so gay?

Must just be your mods, because the players seem to be loving it.

remember me ?

Zero mods. Not me.

Things made easier since beta went live on Update 100:
- You can rush Rats Day 2 by just bringing the 3 Shaped Charges you get by default and praying that the intel is not in a big safe. Skip the trade entirely.
- Or you can just bring no meth and "stealth" it with a sniper rifle or suppressed shotgun and then C4 your way out
- ECMs have Feedback by default now so even if there's no SWAT turret on Watchdogs Day 1, anybody can bring an ECM and just feedback the entire intersection for the car escape
- You can bring Shaped Charges for Firestarter Day 1, or a saw. Doesn't even matter what your build is anymore.
- You can bring a saw or 3 Shaped Charges for Firestarter Day 2 (saw is probably objectively better)
- You can bring a saw and Shaped Charges for Transports and H&Ts (more for FS Day 3's extra security door, really)
- You can bumrush UK Jobs without needing to spec into Shaped Charges
- You can max out ECMs, stealth, and Trip Mines and still have points leftover so stelf missions should be 100% easy now
- You don't need a saw build to farm Mallcrasher ATMs anymore
- You don't need a saw build to just skip the hacking for Art Gallery / Framing Frame Day 1
- You don't need C4 or ECM builds to skip objective doors in HB Day 2
- You don't need a saw build to bring a saw to Big Bank
- You don't need a Fugitive build to get double body bag cases for those civ-heavy heists. Maybe not even Cleaner and body bag assets.

I've bought some weapon packs I liked and all heist DLCs except the goat crap. Are any of the non-Ron character packs hidden gems or are they just as shit as they look like?

Most people get character packs for the perk decks. MAYBE for the guns too but you'd have to ask somebody else for opinions.

Sokol - Grinder
Dragan - Infiltrator
Sydney - Anarchist

Rest are either free or not worth mentioning right now.

>"we want the casual audience" Almir 2014-2016

It's only a matter of time until they make the AMCAR and the chicano 88 meta

Saw is in weird place because with the old system you had to put points in it. Then if you didn't plan to use berserker, you had to also get the skill that increases saw efficiency

Yeah, but they all look mediocre at best - characters, weapons and perks. But maybe there's something I don't know and the weapons/perks are actually OP as fuck. That's why I'm asking.

is solarpletex cute?

No hes gay lol

I listed the three because they're the top p2w perk decks in the game.

Grinder has insane health regen for suitfags despite the nerfs. Been nerfed multiple times since its inception because the devs accidentally made it OP and still don't know how to balance it.

Infiltrator seems to be touted as an awesome melee perk deck (I can't vouch for it, never played melee builds).

Anarchist right now is the FOTM perk deck for DW because it's basically Grinder for armour, and Frenzy Aced + ICTV + Anarchist makes you unkillable because of the damage reduction from Frenzy being applied to armour instead of just health (which is technically a bug but devs didn't fix it in update 104 so who knows). Also Sydney waifufags.

>Also Sydney waifufags.

Pretty cute! :3 But the original is still best heist grill!

Uh, every monthly?

>Not being bi_

>get Sokol
>do a couple of heists as him
>he literally goes "little Wolfie~"
You guys weren't kidding.
Why does he crave so many dicks?

Why are rifles shit? What's supposed to be the best rifle?

Why did noone ever told me that raven is so fucking great? Was it always that good?

What rifles?

Sniper rifles? OVK trashcanned most of them during the Unbalance. Used to be that if you scoped while still, the sniper rifle would have perfect center of screen accuracy. Now every sniper rifle has obscene spread especially when scoped. Actually don't know which sniper rifles are supposed to be good anymore.

Assault rifles? Same story with the rework of the Accuracy and Stability stat system. They're still pretty decent. CAR-4 is still king of the 40 damage ARs, AK7.62 for lolnoammo high damage ARs, and M308 for single fire DMR kit fags.

>gif made into a webm
>70 KB
u wot

What weapons are decent without dumping skill points on them?

A lot of the meta weapons are in the base game and community group weapons like the CAR-4, AKs, Judge, Macaroni, etc. What really makes them strong are the DLC packs with mods like the shotgun pack and the courier mod pack. They're still decent by themselves but I don't really know how well they fare without any of it.

well i bought the cage mod courier dlc for 74cents so I am gonna be fine I think. I am thinking of using the unlocker when I get a few more infamy lvls (i am an f2p shitter) and get bored with the game. Because I am not sure if I want the bad goy tag yet. I am going to give the CAR-4 a try

Bad goy tag is applied for each heist/lobby so it's not permanent or affects you in any way other than rustling pub jimmies.

Which one is this
So if I remove the unlocker the tag goes away?

free shitters get out reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

It only procs when you equip something that you don't own on Steam, or host a contract from a DLC you don't own.

Because they're delicious and contain all the vitamin D you need.

the real reason sokol left russia was to not be executed for being a huge fag

I'm starting to warm up to the biker chain.

It's slow as balls without any melee speed boosts but being able to one shot non-Specials uncharged on DW with a Funzerker build is really entertaining. Also helps with ammo sustain when I just don't feel like using a shell on a single target.

Bronco doesn't need a single point in pistol tree to be good.


>join pubbie biker heist
>everyone is above infamy 4 and knows what theyre doing for the most part except this one guy who types xD alot in the chat
>finish helping the mechanic build the bike on the first day
>escape time
>everyone gets on a bike
>drive through the escape section
>the "xD" guy gets stuck sideways in a narrow tunnel with the bike
>all 3 of us in the escape waiting for him
>he tries to maneuver the bike so he can escape with it instead of ditching it and running to the escape like a normal person
>this goes on for 2 whole minutes
it was basically this for 2 whole minutes involving a pub shitter and a bike


Get the fuck out.

I'm gonna miss em :(
It's fun to just fuck around on OVK and have nubs go "ooooh!" just by you doing the objectives and not going down every 30 secs. Sometimes they're not even that bad and are happy to get some tips.

take the actual image fuckboy


>Yes. For the love of god.

Summer sale is almost over quick gimmie a good FPS under 5€

Painkiller Black Edition.

Which DLC packs are essential for new players?


DLC unlocker.

is there a way to unlock all the dlc without getting flagged as a cheater?

Buy all the DLC you're using.

I 've asked the same question last thread and they've told me that you only get flagged temporarily as a cheater when you equip dlc you don't own

Frenzy should work all the time at a lower % damage reduction. Taking reduced health damage isn't very useful when you're running with very little health all the time.

Give half of the health damage resistance to armor and it's good

Decent enough

It's temporary right up until you're kicked or leave the game.

Then it goes away.

Then it comes right back next time you enter a game.


>Was running Frenzerker ICTV Anarchist before the bug
>Now everyone is

Shit sucks

Back in 2014 it was a Reinfeld on steroid with superior stats everywhere and DW viable but with the crimefest II rebalance, the damage became absolute trash so that's why we had like a six-eight months period where everyone shat on it. Now it has been buffed, everything is again perfect now.

Is there better time/money ratio solo stealth mission than Murky?

So question about berserker. I see the damage applies to (almost) all weapons, but which ones does it benefit the most? I mean while it sounds hilarious to deal a gorrilion points of damage with a sniper rifle or shotgun is it more practical for those bigger angrier bullets to be coming out of an assault rifle or minigun?

Additional question, which perk deck/armor style fits it the best? Going full armor with muscle or armorer seems like a good idea but at the same time it may be a good idea to run with crook, grinder, or rogue for speed?

Bomb:Cockyard DW , especially on a toaster that makes everything piss easy.


Best on 80 damage rifles IMO. If you put it on a 40 damage weapon it only brings it up to 56, which isn't really a relevant breakpoint for anything. But the battle rifles that can hit 85 damage with mods get raised to 119, which is enough to one shot greys.

You could also use it with the M308 to bodyshot greys like a turboshitter

Aftershock DW is objectively the best on its own tier.

13 minute heist for a $24 million payout.

The Golden Grin Casino and the Bomb dockyard jobs are not designed by Overkill but by some croatian veteran devs that proposed to handle all the development but for some weird technical reasons, if playing on a really shitty computer, the guards have an harder time to spot you during stealth. Just compare that on your average framing frames job and you'll see a huge difference.

Oh you said solo stealth.

Never mind.

Does this game get good at a certain point? I've played for about 70 minutes and the community is toxic and the gunplay is horrible. Really considering a refund


Go get your refund you thin-skinned no-skilled faggot.

>Does this game get good
If you don't enjoy it now, you wont enjoy it later.
>community is toxic
Elaborate. If you mean people kicking you because you're sub infamy, that's not toxic; its sensible.

As soon as you find friends, everything gets ten times better.

For the gunplay, just judge the weapons after modding the shit out of them. Vanilla, they're not that impressive at first.

Sokol isn't cute

They bitch if I don't pick one of the easily stealthable heists, and when I do it's just a case of me standing around while they go through the route they learned on youtube.

One time a heist went bad and I got hyped to have to hold off the police like in a heist movie but they all bitched at me to restart, even though it was a Pro job

>actually playing with randoms
Get a refund if you don't have friends. I'm dead serious.

I think its time for you to make some friends

Just play pubs or host loud only if that's your issue. You can set a loud tag on your lobby. Anyway, sounds like you just ran into shitters, which doesn't make the community toxic because everyone everywhere hates shitters.

Do I need to complete every single heist in order to get the hard, very hard, overkill and death wish skull masks? I know that you need to include the pro job heists, but is it EVERY SINGLE heist, or heists released up until a certain date? Completing every single heist including all of the DLC seems ludicrous.

Female crew dlc when ?

>all I want are weapon mods
>all I drop are shitty colors, patterns, materials and masks

>Dallas is best man
>Dallas is best girl
How does he do it?

Get Goonmod

every single heists so you better complete it asap so you don't have to do any new ones in the process.

wew, that sounds like way too much work and I don't have enough dosh or people with all the DLC's. Damn shame.

Go in the steam chat, beg for help, get a crew, you know the drill.


To get the Hard mask, you have to do every single existing heist at Hard from beginning to end (e.g. no drop-ins).

To get the Very Hard mask, you have to do every single existing heist at Very Hard from beginning to end.

Repeat for OVK and DW masks.

And no, getting a DW mask will not automatically get you credit for the other three masks.
No, finishing a heist on DW won't get you credit for doing the heist on the lower difficulties.
No, it won't work for the lower masks either (e.g. doing it on OVK won't count for VH and H).

Yes, it sucks.

And yes, if a new heist comes out before you finish a mask, you have to finish that new heist for that difficulty too.

You don't need the DLC to play the respective DLC heist, only to host and get access to the cosmetics and weapons the DLC pack comes with. So you can be a f2p shitter joining other people's GGC and Biker Heist lobbies anytime you want.

And to elaborate on the beginning to end aspect, you have to be in the game *BEFORE* everybody in the lobby hits the READY [x] button at the loadout screen for Day 1. So you can join an in-game lobby and if it hasn't started yet, then you can get credit for it if you finish. Otherwise, even if you joined at 00:01, you will not get credit for completion. Also disconnecting from a heist and rejoining the exact same lobby will not get you credit (same for most "do X in a heist" achievements) if you're not host. Crashes, kicks, etc. If you're hosting a lobby for a 4-man achievement and a guy dc's and reconnects with the correct equipment, you the host can definitely still get the achievement (and I think anybody else who didn't dc in the lobby) whiel the disconnector is shit out of luck.

And sometimes (aka. every time) when a new heist comes out, the completion check is broken and sometimes you might not get the difficulty masks if you try to get them around the time a new heist is released so be wary of trying in the days after a new heist release.

It's easy to mix up siblings, but don't think too much of it.

>about to post about the bike having a cruise ship's turning radius
>see this

I just kept ramming the stuck bike until there's enough space to get through. Fortunately the one that's needed isn't the stuck bike.

How are any of these bad things you moron?

Saw builds were insanely unpopular which meant most pub lobbies absolutely did not have a saw, especially for shit like Big Bank or Firestarter

Oh no, you can get more money, money's fucking useless now anyway
You guys bitch to bitch