Workhorse edition
>where do i look up tanks
>how do i get platoons
get some friends
alternatively join NOFUN or GOYIM or ask in the Veeky Forums channel
Workhorse edition
>where do i look up tanks
>how do i get platoons
get some friends
alternatively join NOFUN or GOYIM or ask in the Veeky Forums channel
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What about ASIA?
what about asia?
what tank is best for Arty missions? (2nd set)
>OTM reload indicator mod
Why is this allowed?
if you were good you would know about the reload times so it just helps shitters
What do you have? I did it all with honours in the Lorraine 155 51 (t8).
M40/43 GW Panther and the rest only tier 6 and 5 s
Any of them will work senpai. Are you playing now? I can bring my t8 so we can be cancers together.
i still need to grind the creds to buy one of them back sadly
I've got a bunch of free time this month, thinking of playing this again. What do I buy from the store to get premium, just the straight time? Or is it cheaper another way.
>giving them money
Why not? I remember premium time making the grind so much faster. I've spent 10 bucks on worse things today already.
last i checked (a while ago, so do the numbers yourself) it was cheapest to buy gold, which you'd use to buy premium monthly (you're unlikely to play 6 mo without taking a longer break)
just keep in mind that you might end up with some worthless wg scrip when you quit
Whoever told me to use the Sau 40 aggresively...
How? It literally has 35mm of armour.
Why are you grinding that line?
by one-shotting things with that ridiculous howitzer
Why not?
What howitzer?
The big gun with the big damage
this one
literally least played tanks per tier on all tiers the gunhandling is cancer and the rest of the tanks just doesnt make it better at all
It was me, so I checked my replays, and 750 xp with 700 damage is worth an ace (~6 shots with the non-howitzer gun).
You literally just shoot and keep moving forward as long as there's an ally between you and the reds. It's t4, they probably won't notice you anyway.
>scoring multiple 1500 damage games a session in tier 3
>play cromwell
>tier 8 heavies and meds every time
Why would you ever go to mid tiers?
namefagging on Veeky Forums? i thought better of you dude
>The Independence Day Bundle contains:
> XM1 FSED Tier 7 Premium Main Battle Tank
>30 days of Premium Time
>4,000,000 Credits
>Price: 10,000 Gold
come join [insert letter]-Team
It's Steppes with mostly Tier 6 and a Tier 4 so we're running Cromwells and a Luchs probably
That's a big gun
Rejoice! Your french female crew has nothing to worry about.
All mods are legal since WG has no way to enforce any of it.
for you
The last thing I want is for this tournament to be a success. I'll pass.
Nah it was an accident
Really though why would you play anything but tier ten/seal clubbing tanks?
When did NOFUN start letting in those impure tomatoes?
Ethnical cleansing when?
Eh, I find tier 4,6,8 and generally the shit zones; at least on NA. Never top tier, scale poorly when bottom tier. There's a few tanks at those tiers that can compete of course, but if you're playing any of the mediocre ones good luck.
NOFUN started dying when we allowed brits to join and the final nail in the coffin was those weebs that came in for clam wars and then left with their faggot leader dolan.
>last battle played
>31st of may
feels good
reminder that only Americans and our greatest ally can shitpost today
>Posting in /wotg/
You aren't free yet.
Brits have been in the clan since the start
Just got the Hummel, I feel like the reload time on the top gun is not worth the damage increase in terms of ability to do total damage throughout the game. Am I wrong here? Lots of reports that the top gun fires outside the circle too.
what's wrong with brits tbqh?
i came here for anime tanks and to laugh at others misery
That's not what "Legal" means, red.
the inbreeding, mostly
an unenforced rule doesn't exist
Absolutely nothing
Scapegoat memes
weebs are/were the best players in NOFUN though
At least most of them tried to do damage
t. weeb
>Thought Arty was a meme
>Play Tier 2/3 Arty
4-5 is the sweet spot because you get better range and there are O-Is and churches and other slow meatbags rolling around
Make sure to get the Battle Assistant™ Mod.
Best Mod of the Year from 2014 to now
it's so fucking easy with this too holy shit
>no counterpoint
ok kid
>salty shitters
but hey at least you're not weeb losers :^)
I'm the dude you replied too, isn't shit like this bannable or whatever? Seems kind of bullshit.
nice twitch meme there :)
It literally won award for being the best mod on the year of its release.
also it's getting baked into the client with the arty rebalance. i don't like the camera angle WG picked for their version though, it's a little too shallow
nice non argument there :)
>T34-85's still on sale
I kind of want it, but at the same time I have spent all my money on STA-1 recently. I have at least 2 more tanks to buy. It's a difficult choice. What should I do?
Asia is too cool for wotg. Not 輝くing enough.
T-34-85 is a very nice tank and only the most degenerate faggots fail to enjoy it
You're that super weeb that plays with the japanese client aren't you
>Is a medium player
>Doesn't have a T-34-85 in his garage
this one is REALLY early in dev. i like the mountain battleship
t34-85 is one of my most favorite tanks, get it
its only 600k when on discount
Why is the VK2801 so ugly
Still better than the abortion that was a stock turret Awful Panther.
you take that back
that big body and a small head.
It not ugly, just unbalanced.
>Bootleg Panther most likely made in China
this is your average arty player, complete with meme images and cringy girl name
The turret should fly off when you shoot it
> Panther Ausfl. Zika
I literally just found a way to fix this shit dead game
offer free premium for two weeks for newcommers, and the option to unlock an additional line (up to tier 8) for free upon unlocking their first t8
That way, 95.37% of their playerbase wont quit the game before even reaching tier 5 because of how incredibly shit and unbalanced low tiers are
argument? i'm not arguing, i'm just saying you're using reddit twitch memes
>wanting more shitters in higher tiers
it does! or would. whatever.
how do you get a trailer stolen?
did they only have one physical/digital copy of it?
oh shit nvm i just realized they didnt mean a trailer for the game
they meant an actual trailer
Notlike already dont already have them here thanks to rentals at all...
lol epic simply epic
>9.15.1 is going to break tons of mods, many won't recover
I hope the improvements are worth it
>first 2 weeks I get to farm reds because permablues wont play without crutches
ayy lmao
I dropped this game two years ago, best tonk i had was a Tiger
should I come back?
I don't go on either, and I know you're not arguing, because you can't
Given that it was in SF, it was probably the LGBBQ.
The tiger is pretty competitive now after the buff on the top gun
so will I be able to take on 28 enemy tanks all by myself while being impervious to enemy fire like in my meme RTS videogames?
No, you just have a gun that people won't laugh at
which one is it? the L/71?
>I know you're not arguing, because you can't
what am i supposed to argue with you? that was the first message i replied to you. you seem a bit confused.