Dueling Network General #2226 - Tripfag Drama Never Changes Edition
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1st for honoring our fallen tripfriends
First for: what's the discord link?
3rd for RIP THE DOG
Swamp is in the lead!
Can anyone reach his height in popularity!
Holy shit that's an old meme. I miss Neodasus because whenever I was having a bad day I could always find him on /dng/ and feel better knowing I would never be as bad as him.
Reminder to low-key pick up things like GLAS Vortex Troopers, Magical Springs and Yang Zing cards. TCG's been sleeping on most (anti)Metalphosis techs thanks to Blue-Eyes taking the spotlight.
> Burgers being imported before we get all Elder Gods, or things like Kentaurus/Rocket Hand
Sounds odd.
How do you like my cocks by the way, /dng/?
>all that lowkey money you're sitting on
It isn't fair. Why did Cock have to get played in ABC when I got rid of all mine?
I like screencapping people who think they are right and get blown the fuck out later, but this is actually scary. A tripfag in one night managed to shit up the thread AND take someone's soul. Maybe this is a sign shadow dueling should be banned from the general. No good comes from it except entertainment, which I do enjoy, but everyone here has been hostile lately. I liked it better when we had tournaments for fun and the deck discussion was more lively.
Yami Kaiba is definitely worse. On top of being a shitposter, he's also a huge asshole.
>he's also a huge asshole.
Holy shit you're a whiny bitch
try >>>/tumblr/ or instead if you can't handle people being a little bit mean, you big baby
>a tripfag who is named after one of the biggest assholes of the franchise is an asshole
And he killed Taiga
I don't know which tripfag you were, but I know you lost your soul. The tournaments here were never fun, the only fun we had were character duel tournaments using decks from the Tag Force series, and even then few people joined up. /dng/ has never been fun.
Trip on, Yami Kaiba. Not one person here likes you.
>comes out in 5 days, closer to 4 as of right now
>STILL no full INOV spoilers
>You're not going to become relevant overnight
>or take part in the trip purge
>proceeds to do both the same night
Fuck man, everyone ignored me and my trip never caught on and I forgot what it was, it's not fair. How did he do it?
By becoming a pariah.
>How did he do it?
By being an insufferable cocky faggot and treating everyone like shit.
what is playing vortex trooper?
He was insufferable amd actually managed to win a duel. If he had lost none of this would be happening right now. So he is actually a legitimate threat. He and swampman need to be hit.
It's ok to be cocky as long as you can back it up.
I wouldn't call winning one duel because you used a meta deck when the opponent used a pet deck as "backing it up".
Also, there's being confident and being cocky. Cockiness implies you are an immature fuck without an ounce of humility.
Reminder that Yami Kaiba and Swamp Man are the same person. Swamp Man has no more victims so he had to create a new asshole to stir drama up.
Sphere mode ;)
That's disgusting.
that seems like a gimmicky tech. is it worth the plus 1?
I totally understand why Konami made this card
The Tzolkin and Treatoad degeneracy will be too much and you're supposed to flip this when they summon Bahamut or get the tuner on board.
>he hasnt ordered 20 Bahamut sharks yet
>I wouldn't call winning one duel because you used a meta deck when the opponent used a pet deck as "backing it up".
Doesn't matter, what matters is winning.
Everyone know already that losing shadow duel meant losing your trip, if they insist running a petdeck, they're retarded or they don't value their trip that much.
This thing is going to cost a god damn fortune, isn't it?
What the fuck are you even doing? This looks like absolute trash.
Where is your Ryukaku no Juryousha ?
I just realized that this could work since Blue-eyes won't impede Noids due to being a vanilla.
>No Chaos MAX
You're not meming hard enough
>No where arf thou
Oh Go, somebody please send help, I said I was done with this until INOV oh God please someone please
Why stop you? These are great resources for people building the deck.
You mean they're great resources for people to lazy to dig for them on ygodr.
Only shitters run Beelze. Replace it with Scarlight.
May as well assemble all the D/D and Blue-eyes tops to help people who still struggle with deck building in this day and age.
Konami puts you in charge of the banlist, and you have to ban 5 cards not part of the Kozmo, Monarch, and Burning Abyss archetypes.
In exchange, you can urban any 5 cards, and 1 of them had to have been meta at some point.
What do you choose /dng/?
Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck no, do you know how many D/D and Blue-Eyes decklists there are? I've got to have a high probable chance of having OCD, which means I'll probably fucking look for EVERY SINGLE topping decklists from those 2 decks and I won't be finished until an entire month. The only reason I started with ABCs is because they were relatively knew and I had no clue they would fucking punch the shit out of the meta as hard as they did 2 weeks into their lifespan
I thought it would be easy man. You're asking me to climb Mt. Everest here
Who am I fucking kidding I'll probably start on it tomorrow damn it
Painful choice future fusion pot of greed graceful charity monster reBorn
5 headed dragon
Atlantean dragoons
Dark law
Bahamut Shark
>do you know how many D/D
As someone who has only saved the D/D decks that ended in the top 2 or won the tournament in only thing month I can say there are like 37 at least.
Reminder we are getting one more Blue-Eyes White Dragon retrain and to rev up the Dragon Mirror's because 9 Blue-Eyes is definitely worth banishing 3.
>Speedroid Terrortop
>Vanity's Emptiness
>Masked HERO Dark Law
>Gem-Knight Seraphanite
>Dimension Fusion
>Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos
>Harpie's Feather Duster
>El Shaddoll Construct
>Apoqliphort Towers
>Masked HERO Dark Law
>Gem-Knight Seraphanite
Do you realize the spell card is the problem and not the monster itself?
>ended in the top 2 or won the tournament
Yeah well that's cool and all but I'm saving EVERY SINGLE DECKLIST that shows up on ygodr for their current banlist for these compilations. Also, it gets tedious after a while because all of the decklists look samey as fuck. Especially I know for a fact D/D/D because they haven't really changed anything about their main post-Cupidity. Maybe some run Thomas and Armageddon and some don't but Fuck
Speedroid Terrortop
Brilliant Fusion
Twin Twister
Card of Demise
Majesty's Fiend
Wind-up Carrier Zenmaity
Evilswarm Exciton Knight
Apoqliphort Towers
Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz
Chicken Game
welcome to a much better game.
No he's just a salty retard, ignore him
>>Vanity's Emptiness
>>Masked HERO Dark Law
>>Gem-Knight Seraphanite
Hahaha, scrub.
>spell card is the problem
Gem-Knights barely even use Seraphanite but like Brilliant Fusion so let them keep that to make their deck less shit while everybody who exploits that engine gets screwed.
Fuck Heroes man.
That archetype is bloated to fuck with 90% shit cards and they along with Dark decks shouldn't be allowed to fuck over everything else with a one sided Macro Cosmos.
>Twin Twister
>Majesty's Fiend
user pls.
>along with Dark decks
So just ban Mask Change 2 and it becomes a Heroes exclusive, problem solved.
>Dark Law
>not wanting to get rid of one of the most cancerous floodgates of this format
>not wanting the uber-MST to go and stay go
Fuck you faggot
Just because topping decklists use a certain engine doesnt mean you hit those generic cards retard, youre only hurting petdecks and tier 2 decks, youre supposed to go after the archetype itself
Fuck off tewart
Monkeyboard again just in case
Monkeyboard once more, third time's the charm
Monkeyboard so we REALLY make sure it doesn't come back
Stratos ;)
Blaster ;)
Construct ;)
Towers ;)
Chicken Game
The requirement was not hitting any of the archetypes, you fucktard.
I was only pretending to be retarded;)
Mask Change II
Change of Heart
It's hard to hit Kozmo without hitting a card of the archetype itself.
>youre only hurting petdecks and tier 2 decks, youre supposed to go after the archetype itself
And nothing of value was lost.
Konami has shown that they don't care about your petdecks by making Floodgates and allowing Tewart to limit Upstart Goblin and ban Chicken Game.
If a rogue deck has a card which gets abused in meta deck, why not just hit that along with the meta deck and kill 2 decks with 1 list and then push more product in its place?
It's something Konami has been doing for years and it's time to accept it
I'm already preparing myself for ABC and Blue-Eyes side deck, but thanks to remind me about the Metalphosis side deck.
As a Speedroid player, I'd much rather Taketomborg get banned over Terrortop.
So you want every deck to be able to OTK? Pretty stupid
Demise is still at 3, and THRiO is a thing in OCG stun decks.
>I liked it better when we had tournaments for fun and the deck discussion was more lively.
I liked that as well. But you know the people here don't want any of that. All they want is tripfag drama/criclejerking.
HFD their backrow, CoH their monster, Raigeki the rest, spam fields with own monsters.
Might as well survive like the OCG against HFD if you aren't playing stun, you should be able to chain something to CoH, and Raigeki is the same as always.
Silent Boots
Dark Destroyer
>its a Gagagigo lore card
Holy shit I didn't even notice
3x of each means every deck can OTK like no other.
What? I thought the unban was from unbanned to limited, not from unban to unlimited.
I assume if he meant limited he would have called it limited. Then again, he could be retarded.
>the cocky bastard banished a trip
I must practice more now
Is it the era of new trips? Most of the old ones are dead.
>tfw traded melody for almost everything I need for when ABC and metalfoe hit
It's really tempting to trade off 1 transmodify since I have a playset but I think I'll hold out a bit.
Would a OPT errata kill Brionac's usefulness?
All of the Dark Synchros have already been printed and the Dark Synchro concept was absolutely fucking retarded anyway, please fuck off with this nonsense already
Surely if you skip the whole Dark Tuner thing and twist it to maybe be 1 Non-Tuner - 1 or more Non-Tuners, it could be an interesting mechanic.
Dont hit Tzolkin, it was fine when he could only make it in a handful of decks
just hit some of the hyper generic shit that enables him
E tele
Melody of awakening dragon
Magical explosion
Ancient white stone
Royal magical library
Super rejuvenation
Future fusion
Shiruit strategist of the nekroz
No it fucking wouldn't, the idea of subtracting Levels is already stupid, but then you'd have to consider how it actually wouldn't be viable because you'd need to get higher level monsters on the field to even get higher Level Dark Synchros, and without Dark Tuners like you're suggesting there's no fucking way to know what you're actually subtracting from
Please just stop, Dark Synchros were a stupid fucking idea, and I'm glad Konami was smart enough to axe the whole concept when they actually decided to print the cards
>Royal Magical Library
>Not Life Equalizer
>ban E-Tele
h*ck off E tele is fucking fine just stop printing tier 1 psychic cards
>just stop printing good cards
Holy shit, if this doesn't rep neo/dng/ to a T.
stop printing good cards if they become too good with support
Dont hit existing support, design the cards around it