/ssbg/ - Super Smash Bros. General

Best Girl Edition

- 1.1.6 Balance Patch Notes: smashboards.com/threads/436806/

- 1.1.5 Balance Patch Notes: smashboards.com/threads/433162/

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don't die

Delet this


Rest in peace.
It was fun. I love you.

Love you too
Wanna play before it's donezo?

Last /ssbg/ post for best girls

Is this the end of an era?

last post for best girls, damn it.

Last /ssbg/ post of best girls in an actually decent picture

Setz is great, piss off

Fuck you

Fuck you harder.

Fuck you hardest


Fuck you hardester


This artists has some hardcore autism

Even in the last desperate days of /ssbg/, this faggot above my post STILL can't get a discord invite

theres a discord?

a-are you sure
this is probably your last chance ever
don't you want to see how bad I can kick your ass now

Chronos has a Discord
Moxy has a Discord and invites peoe from Chronos's
Chazo has a Discord where he "ironically" posts CP from time to time

Do NOT insult my /ssbg/bando!
He's straighter than a rainbow!

You can't and you have no idea how happy never having to hear from you from this day onwards will make me.

>le evil stealing boogy man

c-can you reconsider one more time

get over it

It's not really stealing since you can be in multiple groups and easily swith between them.

can someone post invites

I don't like sissies anymore, I got hormone therapy to fix my gayness, I'm getting married to my new Catholic girlfriemd soon, please get off my dick.

"Wow I new thread so quick. The last thread was moving so slo-"

>archived at 594

Shut down these shitpost hubs. These is like the 5th time now is the last month a thread fell off the board.

but i don't care about that
i just want to play games


ya but are you sure

I wish you were in that Orlando night club.


I do too.


Mom and Dad are at it again

are they still active

chronos is most of the time dead
moxy is very active
no idea about chazo

Reminder that a few days ago chazo was literally caught making a /ssbg/ thread and samefagging the fuck out of it in order to shill his dubs tourney shit.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was chazo or one of his dicksuckers that keeps making a thread so they have a palce where they can keep advertising their dead as fuck shit tourney

It's inviting new people who join chronos' discord for the sole purpose of leeching activity
If you are to join moxy's place and use it for matchmaking instead of the ssbg discord then you are dumb since moxy wants to kill this place
and he's successful at it thanks to every single person who uses sbff

not this one

can i get a link for moxys then

There's no point in asking at this point, dude discord.gg/HcFAP Move on.

>not smash related
nice offtopic advertising

Do your job, mods

it's over, chronos

how about instead of whining you discuss or play some smash.

How about we close the thread

i suck balls all day just because i like it so much

shut down this shitpost hub

Chazos is just chazo and a handful of his petcucks circlejerking 24/7

I have no interest now that i know what kind of shitters are behind every post
Yall suck anyway

I usually just get ignored when asking I'll probably start playing with 3dsfags I guess

>playing with shitposters

Reminder that next Wednesday (7/6) theres gonna be a Wii U doubles tournament. Claim your partner ASAP!


calm down, dorf

fuck off

Also don't forget /ssbg/ has an official discord

Games anyone?


But I am calm though

see a counselor

reminder chazo and his circlejerk keep forcing these dead threads so they can keep shilling their tournies

Give me discord links


Reminder that Lucina is simply bad Marth

no :3

>join my discord it's free from shitposting!

>lets in shitposters anyways

sasuga moxy

>a /b/ /d/ /soc/ regular
>not a shitter himself

you are fucking retarded like anyone who followed him into his circlejerk discord

name and shame

Moxy doesn't even play smash
And if he does he's worse than FG players

Moxy justs uses the discord to keep on attention whoring like he used to do in the threads

t. chronos


it's the regulars fault who actually give him the attention, too

Don't you shitters have a dead discord and general to save?

He doesn't attention whore in the discords. Got proof?


>being this envious

Stay based, chronos

>everyone who calls out moxy must be chronos

yes chronos

did calling everyone who calls out moxy is hoody go out of style?

moxy is desperate, we already know this
at least the people who use this thread instead of his shitcord

Real talk, I'd beat the fuck out of freezus if I ever saw him in the street
Hate that guy

fuck off moxy

fuck off falkore

>EVO brackets are up
>Youtube all the players
>Bunch of nobodies

My pool looks pretty free.

Mr-R please

What are some ssbg names I should keep a look out for on evo

t. I never post here

I don't think many ssbg peeps are going to evo this year

Hello, is anyone playing on Wiiu? It seems kind of dead today

fuck off




hi hi

I want a dedede buff

DDD is fine get good

Reminder that next Wednesday (7/6) theres gonna be a Wii U doubles tournament. Claim your partner ASAP!
