/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #366

Are you beach body ready?

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Robomi (Rerun and Sequel)
7/8 - 7/15 - Dark Giant of the Blue Sea (Rerun)
7/15 - 7/22 - Balmy Breeze and Foamy Deep (Rerun)
7/23 - 7/30 - Guild War
7/31 - 8/8 - Story Event
Sometime in July - Summer Skins

>DEFEND ORDER schedule and star halo times

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.
pastebin.com/yCGKvVAH (embed)

>Guild Info (Updated)
pastebin.com/EgJBF9xi (embed)

>Japanese Wiki

Previous thread


Xth for JK

I love Jeanne. Summer version when?

gulp gulp


Fuck, I didn't even notice. Sorry guys.

>tfw sachiko is actually the best tank for light



That ass though. I don't even play light or fire, nor do I even have Zeta, but god damn would I be lying if I said I didn't want to roll her summer version.

will jk get a swimsuit ver?

summer zeta is great

>No summer cag


Use tia gun in place of cosmos until you farm enough?

Siete/Song crossfate when?

Praise her more.

Why aren't you playing wind yet?

Seriously surprise ticket when, I need that flat vampire slut for my dark team.

Can I start a dark pool with this ghetto pool? I have Bahamut but the tales katana isn't mlbed


I am though.

It's either this month of September. There's no way they'll give out in August as they will release new SS.

If you don't have a cosmos gun yet, having 6 guns is enough. You will want to have a 7th gun whenever you get the cosmos gun but meanwhile, your pool should be 6 guns/1 or 2 baha/1 or 2 gacha weapons.

It's your choice if you want to put the 7th gun already though.

But I am.

So I already have a few magna weapons (3 + 1 soon from renown), should I use them all as it is or should I just use them to uncap 1 weapon?

I already have a full SSR pool from events and gacha.

how do you even have that many guns

>hit rank50
>gold certs dropping like candy at baha raids

Why would anyone waste their ep on event raids when you can just get certs from baha

I just don't know

>all those gun elements
I'm jelly.

ssr fodders

Then im gonna hope its this month

Who does events for gold certs?

In that case aren't you better off doing omega raids and use the sr you get from there while at the same time build up your pools?

is celeste's spear any good?

What did you expect from a rank50?

>only 140

sr gives jack shit for mats user


Hell yeah it's good!

...good filler until you can get axe/claw, that is.

What's the water memepool? 6 levi dags + 1 baha dagger(gun?) + 3 unknowns?

>that Amira drawing
pretty nice desu

Not enough semen to satisfy this demon.

>3 unknowns
what the fuck

pistol element is a bitch to hoard

Even bonus renowns from Rs/SRs are gone if I don't contribute enough?

I think it was something like 6 levis + 1 normal (gw harp/dagger) + 1 unk + baha + cosmos

Thanks. I have two Rosetta dagger but those will be phased out by the GW dagger so there's no point.

No problem. Rosetta dagger works too if you don't have the GW dagger yet or just don't have any other daggers.
Fuck you, give me a Rosetta.

new casino game when


She's not that good outside of AT because she takes awhile to start up. Also, should I just limit break her dagger or keep them separate? It's a pretty tough decision.

I've noticed a fuckload of darkfag nips running sparta and MVPing fucking everything. Is there some new meta I'm not aware of? Has the bunny been toppled already?



When they revamp the casino with casino skins and pokerbot detection.

Gotta protect that Six

gungnir meta was always a thing

Perhaps if you praise God more, you'd get summer Jeanne faster.

Sparta was designed to make Six even better. Making him immune to AoE for 1 turn is kickass.

Post more Granbutts

I just really want Rosetta because she's one of my favorite wind girls and I also have no wind SSRs aside from the bird. As for limit breaking, just LB it already for the stat increase.

I'm sure if you want to reduce the dagger some time in the future, the amount of mats it gives will increase due to it being 1*.

Oshiete, Teasel-sensei!

Just checked out a Rank 70 guy who friended me and he has all three Lucifer, Bahamut and Grand Order as supports.
How lucky can he be?

fire rare up is a lie, got yoda


>Needing a chart for skill up
I'm actually impressed

Star gacha or from rolling?

I'm surprised song's tits are still perky

But I am. Will main it full time when the next GW rolls around.

star gacha

better than a moon, I suppose

Shirou is pretty good. 10/10 on an R team in a Chev magna when it gets to 50% and you need somebody to tank every sword.

i like being the tutorial dude now that i know how the game fucking works

Im going to be do angry if summer silva gets capbreaker and she turns out to be light or wind

She's not going to be water, that's for sure.

I like him. You should stop by IRC, teasel-kun. I'll make you feel welcome.

She will be earth, so they can make a full team that can spam instant ougi.

How do I git gud at poker?

No one spams full ougis anymore user


Water does ;_;

>getting good at poker
>not just using the bot


git gud

get bot

Where's the coop bot

I'm going to make user an uncle!

Damn, I finally got a super bingo.
Is Christina worth getting ? Or should I never bother with the casino again ?

>Is Christina worth getting ?
Depends on how desperate you are for gun elements.

I'm a single child though

It'll just take a bit longer assuming your mother can still have children, I'll get it done in about 15 years.

Fucking Scam gacha, where is the surprise ticket.

>R team

She's worth it if you play wind/light

>fire rate up
>get a dark carbuncle (the only highlight) and other off element summon garbage instead

What is this face supposed to express

I guess I will take her then. Thanks.

better to save for casino skins :^)


surely you understand they're calling you retarded right


Are you guys below level 50 or something? She's definitely worth picking up if you need gun elements.

>tfw cat bois will never rap happy birthday to you after NTRing Katalina away from you

And by his dumb question I'm 100% sure he doens't actually want her for gun elements.